
Joe’s Thoughts on Leave the World Behind


Taken from JRE #2088 w/Yannis Pappas:

world , Joe’s Thoughts on Leave the World Behind , #Joes #Thoughts #Leave #World
, Joe Rogan Experience,JRE,Joe,Rogan,podcast,MMA,comedy,stand,up,funny,Freak,Party

49 pemikiran pada “Joe’s Thoughts on Leave the World Behind”

  1. There are reports of animals acting strange before disasters. There are stories of animals acting strange before earthquakes which they think might be because of the build up of energy.

  2. World War III and an impending global economic collapse, especially in the United States, is rapidly approaching. Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, Sudan, and Ethiopia are all forming an alliance militarily and or economically. Israel has threatened to attack Damascus on multiple occasions over the years and Syria has vowed to take the Golan Heights from Israel. Ezekiel (38-39) and Isaiah (17) both wrote about these events thousands of years before they started to develop. The Ezekiel 38-39 war takes place takes place on the Golan Heights and that is a huge area of contention right now. Countries all over the world are developing digital currencies and the technology to trace all of our transactions and behavior is improving at an alarming pace. The push towards globalism by the United Nations (the name says it all), World Economic Forum, and globalist leaders around the world is exponentially increasing. In the Gospel of John he writes, ”…but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.“ ‭‭*John‬ ‭20‬:‭31‬* Read the Gospel of John in an accurate translation like the King James Version or the New King James Version (very accurate and easier to understand) and pay attention to every time it says the word “believe.” God does not ask us to turn from all of our sin to be saved but that we would believe in Jesus Christ His Son for the forgiveness of our sins. ”Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life.“ John‬ ‭6‬:‭47*‬ ‭”Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life (present tense), and shall not come into judgment (future tense), but has passed from death into life (past tense).“ ‭‭*John‬ ‭5‬:‭24 The moment you put your faith in Him for the forgiveness of your sin you are sealed by the Holy Spirit and guaranteed a place in heaven. You cannot lose your salvation since all sins committed past, present, and future have been washed away by His shed blood on the cross.‬ If you believe that God created the universe, that Jesus died on a cross and rose again, and that He paid the penalty for our sins because of how much He loved us, then you are saved! The rapture of the church is upon us and you do not want to be left here to face what’s coming I can assure you. If you are left behind do not believe the lies that are told as to why millions of people disappeared. Jesus is coming back soon! Believe in Him and you will receive the free gift of eternal life. Avoid false religions like Catholicism, Mormonism, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses. ”For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.“ *Revelation‬ ‭22‬:‭18‬-‭19*‬ God has proven His Word to be true and it has been perverted within many false religions. Stay away from the prosperity gospel and the Word of Faith/New Apostolic Reformation preachers. Deception is everywhere so be vigilant and seek God with all of your heart, mind, and soul.

  3. The fact that a former president signed his name off on this movie is strange … knowing that line about white people is in it ….how the Obama’s automatically made the white people assholes in the movies and made the black people innocent. It was just bullshit. Goes to show u want the Obama’s truly think about white people in general … and Joe and his guest are idiots for agreeing with this crap …. Joes a moron sometimes and far from conservative and has said that Michele Obama should be president ….gimme a break.

  4. It's not just about what the girl said. It's about how the whole thing was presented. The Mom was portrayed as bigoted and in the wrong because she didn't trust a stranger showing up in the middle of the night to where she was staying with her children, a guy with a story that didn't make sense and had inconsistencies, in addition to him "forgetting" his wallet. The movie had her apologize for how she treated him, when all she did was be reasonably suspicious, as anyone would. With it implying that she did all of this because the stranger was black. The girl herself heavily implied that. That's why it's jarring when the movie hits us with "don't trust white people".

    The movie was being bigoted against white people while accusing them of being bigoted. That's why people are mad.

  5. This guy 100% thought Joe was going to hate the movie so jumped head first into “oooh it sucked”. 😂

  6. This doesn't apply so much to this video but to the Paul Harvey one. If you want to understand Christianity go to Buddhism. I felt the exact same way Joe did about Christianity until I started reading about Buddhism which is so much more complete and it's explanation of the world and things it doesn't really deny God it supports the higher self and one consciousness being at 1. And it helps you understand all the metaphor and allegory that's written to the Bible. The Bible shouldn't be taken literally it should be taken for what it means and the through Buddhism that you can find out what all those things mean and find peace.

  7. The whole movie was politically motivated. Humorous that joe doesnt acknowledge that. Then again, he voted for Obama(likely). And he doesnt even mention all of the hidden messages throughout which is a dead give away. I expect more from you joe(lowercase).

  8. Dear Mr. Joe
    Abhishek this side from India.
    I am a fan of urs if you can help me a bit financially (bec I am facing regular problems) I will be forever thankful to you sir🙏

  9. The Rockstar T shirt seems to be an unnecessary detail that nobody seems to talk about…
    This film is a beautiful and very clever "heads up" for the most wealthy and powerful people who have the eyes to perceive a hidden language..

  10. Make no mistake Joe Voted for Biden and he'll do it again because he's ultimately weak minded fool who finds safety in numbers. He'd die without the admiration of his friends.

  11. It sucked, made it fifteen minutes and gave up….the last time I did that was back in the late seventies at a theatre watching “Mr. Mikes Mondo Video”

  12. It's s good flick and they explained the animals guys. Watch it again and pay attention this time because it isn't difficult.

  13. You all do know that producing a project just means you fronted the money etc. Not writing a script, playing a character, or actually directing behind the camera. 😂😂😂

  14. wonder if the animal part was to show that there’s less human traffic happening and therefor more confidence in moving around suburban areas . my opinion don’t science me , i’m high asf on the graveyard shift xD


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