
Javier Milei dropped ‘truth bombs’ on ‘Davos Daleks’ in World Economic Forum speech


Sky News contributor Dr Rocco Loiacono has praised Argentina’s President Javier Milei for dropping “truth bombs” on the “Davos Daleks” in his World Economic Forum speech.

Milei warned of the decline of the West at the World Economic Forum at the hands of social justice and collectivism in a 23-minute speech.

“I’m not sure whether he really cares if he’s invited back again … he dropped some truth bombs for the Davos Daleks,” Dr Loiacono told Sky News host Liz Storer.

“It was a message to the world at large … and the message is ‘look, if we don’t do something, we’re going to wind up like Argentina, we’re going to suffer the same fate as Argentina’.

“[It’s] a bit like the alcoholic who has to hit rock bottom before he realises that there’s a problem and there’s only one solution.”

world , Javier Milei dropped ‘truth bombs’ on ‘Davos Daleks’ in World Economic Forum speech , #Javier #Milei #dropped #truth #bombs #Davos #Daleks #World #Economic #Forum #speech
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21 pemikiran pada “Javier Milei dropped ‘truth bombs’ on ‘Davos Daleks’ in World Economic Forum speech”

  1. Finally, we have a true freedom fighter with strong spine in Pres. Javier Milei of Argentina that brought the narcissistic know-it-all tyrannt Klaus Schwab and his cult followers in WEF from their illusionary royal pedestel back down to earth. Pres. Milei has clearly presented that Free Market Capitalism without government control is the way to prosperity in this 21st century and not the Social Justice & Collectivism (aka totalitarian communism) that is being proposed by the WEF cult.

  2. Sadly this Pope, also a collectivist Argentine, is the type of figure that led Argentina to the shambles it is in.

  3. My best friend is from Argentina lol. He had to leave there because of their horrible either rich or poor situation. There is no in-between there. He's been trying to sell his property for 10 years and yet because of the Argentinean leaders they keep getting, he will never get his inheritance. I don't think he has reason to talk about anyone else until he fixes his own country 😂😂😂 , not only that my best friend still has to help people survive in Argentina from here. That is sad.

  4. I don't understand all this hype – the Davos elites have been doing exactly what this Milei suggests for decades! They have "bought" or made subservient all national governments, their "oligarchs", trusts and banking cartels control almost all countries (including China and Russia, which themselves have long been capitalist-oriented!).
    The wealth of multi-billionaires has doubled (!) in the last year alone, despite all the crises, while the mass of the average population, even in industrialized countries, has become increasingly poorer due to the massive cost explosion!
    The WEF invited him because he is the ideological spearhead of the big capitalists and monopolists who meet regularly in Davos and support, implement and advance the WEF's globalist agenda!
    The remnants of state control and redistribution mechanisms should now be eliminated as completely as possible so that the financial and economic elites can do whatever they want?! Employment contracts, wage negotiations, trade unions, protection against dismissal, and much more are defamed as "state socialism" and hindrance to economic growth – as if big business and corporations had ever voluntarily initiated certain social security measures? THEY THEMSELVES provoked and made necessary the socialist/communist workers' movements in the first place; a halfway acceptable social justice had to be laboriously fought for, whether with or without revolutions!

  5. The guy is telling the truth and once Trump is back in office I believe both of them are going to link up together and fix the world because it's not right right now


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