
Japan earthquake: How was a larger disaster averted?


As Japan recovers from a violent earthquake that killed at least 57 people, the desperate search is now on for survivors trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings.

The 7.6-magnitude quake also took down houses, damaged infrastructure, and knocked out power to more than 40,000 homes.

Neetu Garcha speaks with earthquake experts about what Japan has done that helped prevent the situation from getting worse.

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33 pemikiran pada “Japan earthquake: How was a larger disaster averted?”

  1. Теперь пусть водят санкций против России и помогают Украине 🤡

  2. 5 Thomas asked him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going; and how can we know the way?” 6 Jesus assured them, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14

    "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" John 8:32

    repent my brothers and sisters, only Jesus Christ saves.

  3. I dont why canadians always need to put their nose in everything , they cant just help themselves, im sure japan has its own earthquake experts so no need for your opinion 🤔

  4. God in heaven , is Not happy. He is angry …
    Understand, and repent
    Jesus in the clouds very soon.
    Stay Strong …
    Stay Blessed ❤️🙏🏼🎺✈️

  5. This is the result of testing weapons under the ground and under the sea. Or building under the ground the labs or military tunnel or so many more other evil things who know. Only normal people are the victims. Please people come back to God and only Jesus Christ could rescue you. God bless you all ✝️✝️✝️

  6. Люди услыште !! Идёт завершение -этого мира и очень скоро- Бог выйдет и, вмиг– вся земля сгорит и, будет– духовный мир! Кайтесь ,срочно, в духе своём, там -ваша тайная комната и, просите- скорого возврата в Отчий Дом, чтобы– дойти до последнего мига перехода в духовный мир и, не познать мук смерти,а вмиг– -сбросить свои тела! Любите друг друга и помогайте друг другу выживать, чтобы- дойти до последнего мига завершения этого мира,не грешите,не злитесь,не воюйте,а любите– всё живое! Ищите лик Господа Второго Пришествия Иисаила Исусаила Христа и Его Слово "Огненную Евангелию конца седьмого бытия ",там– все ответы на вопросы,там–Истина от Бога!

  7. Japan is Essentially a large Volcanic Island , sitting on Massively shifting Fault Plates . It will continue to Experience huge Earthquakes and tsunamis.

  8. 皆さんありがとう。日本は大丈夫です。また立て直します。それよりもパレスチナやウクライナに早く平和が訪れますように。皆さんが良い一年を送れますように。


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