
Japan earthquake 2024 | Japan Still Reeling From 155 Earthquakes | World News | N18v | News18


Japan earthquake 2024 | Japan Still Reeling From 155 Earthquakes | World News | N18v | News18

Japan earthquake 2024 | Japan Still Reeling From 155 Earthquakes | World News | N18v | News18Why does Japan experience so many devastating earthquakes? How have the Japanese ensured that almost no-one dies in these natural disasters. Just compare the two 7.5 to 7.6 magnitude earthquakes of the past year. Turkey-syria region on 6the of Feburary 2023 and Japan on the 1st of January 2024.The 7.5-magnitude quake on January 1 that rattled Ishikawa prefecture on the main island of Honshu triggered tsunami waves more than a metre high, sparked a major fire and tore apart roads. But the deaths are limited to under 100 till now.

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37 pemikiran pada “Japan earthquake 2024 | Japan Still Reeling From 155 Earthquakes | World News | N18v | News18”

  1. I am dying like a beggar
    Hyper sensitive hyper self critical dead utopia extremely abused thrashed insulted demeaned
    I don’t know if I will ever speak in my life
    I need to be on youtube teach speak mother lead manage slaves speak organize

  2. Why no other countries came? Not only earthquake but also tsunami, landslids, fire. Disaster that needs the help of the world. There's USA military bases there. Forget China.

  3. Find safety places may be in this or other planet. Our northeast India also equake zone. Now zonable earth where can live!

  4. Уверен снимут санкции с России. Только Россия может помочь в такой ситуации. Сколько убитых машин продавали в Россию, а теперь куда их? Горе людям, потерявшие дома и жильё….

  5. 石川県ではありませんが、日本のためにお祈りしてくださり😅ありがとうございます。🙏過去何度も大地震が襲いました。必ず復興すると信じています。

  6. If this was in the US, you'd see woke, Liberals, illegals, BLM, gangs, the lower class looting everywhere.

  7. prayse jesus christ the son of god for he is wonderfull no man or fallen angel can defeat him praise jesus.

  8. Does anybody know the exact cities affected by the earthquake? My dad lives in Japan and I haven’t heard from him since before the new year. I’m worried about him.

    I’m commenting on as many videos as I can to make sure he’s okay.

  9. ❤ ❤ ❤ . Mams Go . สู้ฯ ได้ .
    is this . ให้ร happy tim day. Japan.

  10. The continuous earthquakes are KARMA.
    Japanese never feel guilty of 300,000 victims who were forced to work as Comfort Women for Japanese soldiers. The victims were kidnapped by Japanese military and most of them were innocent teen age girls.


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