
Jane Marie – “Selling the Dream” and The World of Multi-Level Marketing | The Daily Show


Journalist and author Jane Marie sits down with Michael Kosta and Desi Lydic to discuss her new book “Selling the Dream,” which dives into the world of Multi-Level Marketing. They go deep into the allures of MLMs, the top-down recruitment system, how they prey on the underpaid woman’s American dream, and the difficulty the FTC has in combatting them. #DailyShow #MLM #MichaelKosta #DesiLydic

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world , Jane Marie – “Selling the Dream” and The World of Multi-Level Marketing | The Daily Show , #Jane #Marie #Selling #Dream #World #MultiLevel #Marketing #Daily #Show
, the daily show,the daily show episodes,comedy central,comedians,comedian,funny video,comedy videos,funny clips,daily show,news,politics,mlm,marketing,scheme,pyramid,books,podcast,author

43 pemikiran pada “Jane Marie – “Selling the Dream” and The World of Multi-Level Marketing | The Daily Show”

  1. While it would be nice to have the government regulate things like this, we also can't expect the government to protect everyone from their own stupidity through legislation

  2. I just saw a mini documentary about Patrick Bet David and realized this is how he made his millions. Of course I'd only heard him talk about it as an insurance company, he conveniently leaves out the fact that it is an MLM

  3. I fell for that in my 20s when I had small kids and needed the income. I absolutely had fun, but it cost me about $6,000. My kids were upset when I quit, and I felt so guilty because I kept hearing that if I just worked harder it would pay off.

  4. My protection mode has always been if I cannot afford to lose whatever my investment in a product selling venture would be, then I can’t afford to start.

    The few times I’ve supported a friend and bought a pricey candle or blush and dealt with the company’s customer service taught me that.

  5. So, ultimately, this is Jane Marie selling her book that makes false claims about MLMs.
    She even goes so far as to say that it: "What can smart Americans do? Buy my book!"

    Her book is a bigger scam as most MLMs – she's selling an empty product we don't need for her profit and no real benefit to us.
    At least with the MLMs we get a bathroom full of makeup or a closet full of soap or a kitchen full of self-sealing containers that lock in freshness.
    With her book we get less than that.

    Ironic, isn't it?

  6. If you can sell you can be successful. 9 times out of 10 people have no sales skills therefore they fail. Everything in the world is sales. You were sold a bill of goods for the job you're at but you'll never be the CEO… One person at the top with a bunch of little people underneath them.. sound familiar??

  7. 2:55 "We all make less than men."
    No you don't.
    Not in the US anyway.
    That's illegal.

    If you do get the same education as a man, do the same job as a man at the same company, and don't take more time off than the men at that company, you will (almost always) make as much as the med doing the same job at that company.

    There are countless studies that show this all the time.
    But, they also show that a few companies do illegally pay the men more, maybe because that one boss at that one company is sexist and pays accordingly, but then they find nearly as many companies with a female boss who calls herself a feminist and pays her female employees more than men which is also illegal.

    So if all a man or woman gets is a high school education and they end up working at McDonalds or Wal-Mart or Home Depot or a store in the mall or whatever, they all make the same pay.
    If they have a college degree and work as nurses or teachers or business executives or Daily Show hosts, etc., then they all make the same pay.

    The "pay gap" exists because the only studies that show there is a pay gap are large studies across all kinds of jobs considered into a giant study.
    In those studies they show that men make more but it's because more men become doctors and lawyers and CEOs than women. More women become nurses and paralegals and middle managers than men.
    Many factors. Culture, family duties, peer pressure, competitive natures, and many other influences lead to these decisions.

    Once again, if you find ONE hospital and find the male doctors STARTING salary and the female doctors starting salary, it's the same. Raises per year are probably the same though there is sometimes room for negotiation and studies show men are often more tenacious negotiators for higher salary so over time, male doctors might end up making slightly more if they negotiate harder – but some women negotiate just as hard and some men don't so that all varies.
    But if you take the salaries of every employee in that hospital, the male employees make more because there are more men at the high end (doctors and top administrators) and more women at the lower end (nurses and office administration).

    That's the pay gap.

    If women want to fix the pay gap, they don't need congress to pass laws that we already have.
    They just need to go get those same jobs that men are getting, and don't take more unpaid time off.
    The pay gap instantly disappears.

    It's not that easy.
    Again, a bunch of factors go into why more men seek high-paying jobs than women.
    But it's not ability – that is not a factor.
    Currently more women enter college in the US than men.
    Clearly women are capable of getting these higher paying careers if they want them.
    They just don't seem to want them at the same rate as men want them.
    Fix that, which means fixing culture and society, and maybe then the pay gap goes away forever.

  8. 1:00 "But we can't call it a pyramid."
    Yes you can.
    You just can't call it a "Pyramid scheme" without having to worry about litigation.

    Everything that involves large groups of people is a pyramid.
    The US government has 1 president, several cabinet members, hundreds of congress, thousands of state congresspeople. That's a pyramid.
    The US army has 1 commander in chief, a few generals, more colonels, even more majors, etc. That's a pyramid.
    Every business has 1 CEO, a handful of chiefs, a bunch of managers, and a lot of employees. Those are all pyramids.
    Schools have 1 principal, a handful of office faculty, a bunch of teachers, and a lot of students. Those are all pyramids.

    It's not illegal to have a pyramid structure – everything does.

    It IS illegal to be a "pyramid scheme" which has its own definition in the law and which all my examples are not. Except maybe the US government might be a pyramid scheme much of the time, especially lately.

  9. In simple and succinct terms: If a rando randomly calling randoms needs your poor ahs to make a mutually beneficial proposal work – Then you're the product. Very nearly guaranteed.
    Companies with real jobs have better ways to place employees in formal jobs. Rich people get approached by people needing capital investment (note "rich people") – And they still need to rigorously vet.

  10. Two hosts is not great for this type if interview but I get your trying everything. For the start it works but it feels like a ambush on the guest.

  11. What if we REALLY REALLY LIKE A PRODUCT?!?!? Like WE HAVE been a SHAKLEE FAMILY my whole life. I use BASIC H ORGANIC SOAP for EVERYTHING from washing dishes while camping to using it as Bug Spray while backcountry camping in Canyonlands to gertting blood out of fabrics to window cleaner at super low concentration. Is this being sold somewhere else with almos same recipoe but not the MLM?!?!

  12. I was approached by a guy who said hey nice socks in wal mart… a minute later he was trying to push his MLM. Phoenix Arizona I’m always approached in grocery stores.. 4th time this has happened…

  13. This show should be recognized as a "public service announcement". I thought that MLMs would somehow bring in the MAGA movement – if everyone pitches in $5 for "someone's" legal defense and judgements and gets 5 of their friends to pitch in $5 ………… they can "guarantee" a better future for America!

  14. This show is unbelievably sexist. They won't let a woman host by herself. She needs to have man by her side. What total c*nts

  15. Interesting, but I'm tired of white women who don't acknowledge they make more than Black men and ALL women of color when discussing the pay gap. Convenient to forget this.

  16. I listen to her podcast but was still thrown by her conversational voice. I highly recommend the podcast and was entertained by this interview.

  17. Maybe vote for reps who will vote to increase the top tax levels, and fund the employment and computers etc for more guardians in the FTC – and more courts to process the villains.

  18. So my grandmother actually did really well with Mary Kay to the point she got a car from them and lived off it for a while. My Mom tried and wasn't really able to find the same success. As a kid learning from them I also picked up the torch and thought it was normal.
    So I tried selling knives and the infamous one, Vemma.

    Now remember this is normal for me. So when I started losing all my friends, contacts and reputation just so I didn't have to run the same rat race, I was shocked.

    Unfortunate, but I think honestly there's a reason why common perception is something worth taking notes on. Being socially ostracized and made fun of isn't the way most of us would want to be living.

  19. I still own things suggested by Jane Marie when she was writing a column for The Toast (RIP). So glad she is doing well!

  20. As a guy with a full-time job who also takes care of child, animals, housekeeping stuff and always goes to bed too late too tired I feel a bit abnormal after watching this. Is that stereotype still true?
    Edit: one typo…

  21. My aunt and uncle sold Avon and Nutragena or whatever. They didn't get rich, but they did make a few bucks more than what they spent.

  22. Well, if you marry the son of a MLM company, you can become the Secretary of Education of the United States!🤡🤡

  23. 6:14 But the gain sticks around longer than the feeling of a loss. You should be able to recall it a bit better. They just don’t hit as hard.


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