
James O’Brien explains why fears over World War III are ‘bonkers’ | LBC


James O’Brien admits he was initially baffled by fears of a potential World War III. #conscription #news #ukpolitics #lbc #jamesobrien

world , James O’Brien explains why fears over World War III are ‘bonkers’ | LBC , #James #OBrien #explains #fears #World #War #III #bonkers #LBC
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46 pemikiran pada “James O’Brien explains why fears over World War III are ‘bonkers’ | LBC”

  1. Cascade of conflicts is how both World Wars started, as super powers get distracted by larger conflicts then smaller ones start to arise in the absence of their supervision. Ukraine has unsettled the Middle East which is more unsettling Africa and if America gets spread too thin and NATO reserves are depleted then a China – Taiwan war is inevitable. Once China and America are pulled into direct conflict then there will be WWIII

  2. Russia can't find men to be soldiers etc.china or n Korea could not feed or sustain an army .chinese weapons equipment made in china says it all.iran brown water navy 1970 fighter jets .scare mongering by UK gov .the reason ???? Follow the money start buying shares in armament companies if you can beat the scummy mps

  3. @jamesobrien it’s because of the Swedish NATO General saying to stick up on battery operated radios & candles it was on the news as well

  4. All the escalations across the world and not all is on mainstream media, China, Taiwan, Korea, Russia, Ukraine. Middle east including bombing of US bases in Iraq and Syria.

  5. Only fools and ignoramuses could have believed a great country like Russia could have been defeated by Ukraine even with the support of NATO. Russia since June 2022, has been winning decisively. They will soon dictate the peace. As for World War III. That will be caused by America as with all of it.

  6. Just before Putin invaded Ukraine I recall comments on several videos proclaiming the beginning of a third world war. Presumably they have been doing the rounds for a year, and have become new urban mythology.

  7. This guy is the most smug arrogant condescending patronising know it all in politics when he actually knows nothing and has been wrong about everything.

  8. James hasn’t been briefed. Ukraine has lost the war. Watch former US Military experts like Col Macgregor and hear what he says. Not just him, practically every retired US army official. They are say out Governments have lied to us.

    Ukraine is finished.

  9. Because that retiring military guy said he expects there'll need to be major civilization conscription if one of the many, many potential flashpoints in the world happens to escalate. China-Taiwan, potential nuclear escalation with Ukraine-Russia. N Korea potentially invading the South. Endless coups in NW Africa. A potential war in Somali land, Israel-Hamas. Venezuela-Guyana. Terrorism. I mean the list just goes on and on James!

  10. I've been wondering this as well. Russia are still trying to take the town of Avdivka a few miles from their own border, so how are they going to manage to take on the rest of the world?

  11. This feeling of fear and despair these days has been almost entirely media driven and it got supercharged by COVID. I’m at the point where I’m actually somewhat wishing people would go back to not caring about the news.

  12. The russian war in Ukraine has proven that the west has gotten a little soft and dozy. If the west had more forcefully countered putin's earlier aggression then maybe the current war wouldn't even be happening. The west is no longer vigilant; maybe this is the wake up call saying "the world isn't nearly as safe as you pretend it to be"

  13. I agree i thought the same, i thought id missed the story that made them threaten this coming? It feels like covid and the toilet roll sager, fear to make weird decisions that makes no sense!

  14. Because all privatisation is failing as local councils are struggling people have never been more disinfranchised with the goverment pride in the country is at an all time low. We have the lowest living wage in europe lower than slavinia. The mids focus on ucrain as the general public signed up. So i think trying to instill something that no longer exists in this country

  15. It's because there's an election coming and the Tories they look stronger on defence, and they will talk about anything other than their failings

  16. This man sits behind a microphone spewing out life’s answers like he’s experienced. He knows nothing and has no experience of real life and I feel sorry for his listeners. If he ever spoke any truths he would be axed from lbc

  17. WWI was totally insane. WWII wasn't much more sensible. Who's to say WWIII should be any more sensible?
    It's not just Ukraine either. Iran amd Pakistan just bombed each other.

  18. Garabandal: The Pope will go to Moscow. As soon as he returns to the Vatican, hostilities will break out in different parts of Europe.

  19. Because this government has nothing left but a mandate to sow chaos amongst the populace. So that they can bleed the country dry before they are kicked out and replaced by the next lot of corporate sycophants. And the downward spiral into oblivion will continue. Thank you to everyone who voted for Boris Johnson and prevented the chaos Corbyn would have inflicted. 🎉

  20. So what is it about the UK that means Russia would bypass all the European countries and come and attack an island furthest away from the Russian mainland in Europe? The MOD has gone bonkers to think the UK is more at threat more than Poland or Germany! Surely the Europeans are better off fighting the Russians than the UK. Leave us out of this please!

  21. Because populism has become so important in politics over actual competence that countries are being run by morons.

  22. Fear is often used as a weapon. You only have to look at various YouTube channels full of comments spreading hate, misinformation and prejudice.

  23. Those in power seem to believe that the great unwashed MUST be in a permanent state of fear. Covid, climate doom, war.

  24. The only significant difference between then and now, is that Elections coming up in both the US and UK

  25. isn't it strange how there's suddenly a threat of world war 3 just before major elections in the US and UK, in both of which right wingers are almost certainly going to lose? I'm waiting for the electoral ads "strong men for harsh times" to roll out any minute now

  26. the narrative that Russia was going to annexe entire Ukraine in one week was over played just to dismiss the Special Military Operation's true goals – retreat of NATO n a stop to war mongering of the West. first assault by the Russians was a strategic move on the battle field – Ukraine is a big country with trained military. it can't be taken in one week.

    today the narrative has changed to insane Russophobia and to balkanise Russia to take her resources as the core intention of the West. Iran (Palestine) and Russia are Biden's wars. these conflicts are not created by Hamas or Putin.

    West understands very well – let's stir Ukraine to drag Putin in the dirt. n let's stir Palestine to drag Iran into it.

    no one wants to face this truth head on. n now we have world war 3 insanity. keep playing the fine politically correct line – soon all those lines will blur into complicity.

  27. The West is in decline ,US hegemony is coming to an end ,but the Stars and stripes are willing to send innocent people to their deaths to delay the inevitable


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