
James O’Brien dismisses World War III dread as ‘bonkers’ | LBC


James O’Brien discusses the growing fears of a potential World War III and the implications of a possible Donald Trump return.

General Sir Patrick Sanders warned the Government of the need to “mobilise” the public if the UK goes to war with Russia and wants British men and women to be prepared to fight if Nato goes to war with Russia, who have gained the upper hand in their invasion of Ukraine. This follows a warning by a senior Nato official that the West faces all-out war with Russia within 20 years.

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32 pemikiran pada “James O’Brien dismisses World War III dread as ‘bonkers’ | LBC”

  1. World war 1 was considered “bonkers” before hand. don’t underestimate a narcissist. Putin thinks he will win and that’s enough

  2. Well obrien biden has done a wonderful job with his foriegn policy …..a European army with those unelected leaders leading the way ….wise up obrien

  3. ..even a European trading block, that'd be nice wouldn't it?'

    Ohh James, these slights are why I keep coming back!

  4. Military Industrial Complex endless war for profit politicians and others owned and controlled by them.
    Thete is no Russian threat they spend about $75B a year US spends more than 10 times that.
    Why? Thats your answer

  5. Half of the population under 30 are overweight anyway so they wouldn't hack the training and physical fitness being in the armed forces demands

  6. 'James O'Brien dismisses World War III dread as 'bonkers' ' Well I didn't hear him suggesting it was 'bonkers' at all. it sounded more like he was coming round to the idea!

  7. We keep sending billions to overseas wars poking our nose in we should send food water and medical supplies not weapons every weapon hurts someone I feel sorry for victims of way on both sides but don’t want to bring way to England for them what about our kids? Russian soldiers in England a scary thought 😢

  8. I'm 25, for all of my childhood as long as I can remember I always wanted to join the a marines or at least some branch of the forces, I'd say this peaked at age 10 until around 13, however growing up through my teenage years under what is widely regarded as the worst government in modern UK history, even far worse than Thatcher's, having every possible means of living decently stripped from my mother who had to relocate homes due to the Tory bedroom tax, 0 hour contracts, appalling living wages, and that's not even covering the last 8 years since the genius idea that was Brexit came into conversation,

    we suffered greatly, I was in and out of counselling, my mam put on anti-depressants, and left with barely £80 left at the end of each month… I wouldn't dream of going to war for these posh, greasy charlatan freaks, and more fool them. We've suffered enough without me being pulled into fight a war. This country has reaped what it has sowed, and will continue to do so for the next half a decade at the least, while anyone but the Tories attempts to recover it. Petition to send every tory backbencher and all 5 prime ministers in the last 10 years to war with no guarantee home.

    This country is beyond embarrassing and the Tories are deluded if they think the young men who've suffered immensely, thanks to their greed, would dare give themselves up and be conscripted. What a massive joke. GE 24.

  9. It’s just a way of reminding the peasants that we need our masters. Public opinion regarding the political classes and their blatant corruption is at an all time high around the world. But in the end it’s they who need us, they need us to be blindly following their agenda. Lions led by donkeys has never been so apt.

  10. War is obsolete. The cure to war is relationships and commerce. WWI was just a Family Dispute between Kings and Queens that were all related. WWII was a response to WWI and world economics. All the other wars were simply Business Disputes and proxy wars fought in lands that nobody really cared about. As the world is now, with milt-national corporations and world wide shipping NOBODY wins by war because it disrupts business. Ukraine and Gaza are examples of how useless war is. The two problems could have been avoided had the “Old Guard” simply made the lives of the people living in those places better instead of bombing and killing each other. When you make peoples lives better they are less likely to want to fight. Conversely, when people’s economic future is weak and threatened they will fight like mad dogs to gain the slightest advantage.

  11. This I would suggest is the Military, reminding everyone of the horrendous cuts which have been made to it. Especially in the last decade. It's probable that the Military is just telling the post GE government, how important it is.

  12. As the rich increase in numbers the chance of ww111 decreases! This chat is all about keeping the plebs down and scared. End.

  13. It's happening now because of Trump and U.S. Republican Party and the strong possibility that he'll be successful with a 2d coup. Even if he isn't, the Republicans will such sore losers that they'll continue with their disruptive ways to destroy the Democrats by sacrificing country and present world order.

  14. This is hilarious. We aren’t going to war. We aren’t facing an aggressor storming across Europe and if you want some fighting age men who love nationalism and want a barney, go round up the gammon. Conscription will never work again nor should it. If you want to send a generation to their pointless death, send the tories, leave the rest of us out of it.

  15. You only have to look at our police forces to see that young people don’t have the backbone to do even the most basic training and fighting.Tragic.

  16. Utter nonsense, European technology would wipe the floor with Russia, Conscription?..Let's see the rule britiana mob rush to that!!…😂😂

  17. I dunno – my mate (who is completing his PHD in History and International Relations at Cambs) has been saying a World War will happen within a decade for about 3 years now. He’s Ukrainian so too emotionally impacted for clear judgment you might say but he sure knows his stuff

  18. Because, it is a deflection off of the fact, Russia has been successful in winning the proxy war…it is as bonkers as India and China thinking that any Angel would go live in Canada-LOL!!! In the event, that no one has observed this, all the Western countries economies have tanked, Russia's economy is swimming along nicely….I'm 1962 NY Toms very British/Brazilian future wife MD there France, Germany, Republicans in Australia and America, Rishi

  19. It is the aim of all governments to keep their populations in some state of fear at all times. It keeps us dependent and subservient.

  20. It is all a bit odd. I usually read too much into things, but now my colleagues are freaking out, to which I calmly inform them the Americans have wanted ww3 since ww2 & Russia has deprived America if its sick nuclear holocaust fantasy this far. But we do need to keep an open mind as America is $34 trillion in debt & about to go POP.

  21. Bcoz their commitment was to Ukraine 🇺🇦support as long as take to defeat Russia 🇷🇺 but in reality westerns are failing to defeat Russia 🇷🇺 that’s why now they directly will involve into war in between Russia & Ukraine and they know well it’s gonna be end game if breakthrough 👌🏻


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