
Islam Came To Unite The World


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31 pemikiran pada “Islam Came To Unite The World”

  1. It doesn't matter what your nationality, it only matters if you do not follow islam, or decided to leave Islam. Then islam completely disregards unity, even for family members.

  2. If the Quran is the word of Allah why dose it contradict itself like in Surah 19:62 it says man was created from nothing but in 15:26 it says Allah made man out of clay if clay is something than Allah made you out of something and not nothing Also in surah 41:9-12 and 2:29 it says first allah created the earth and than last the heavens but in surah 79:27 -30 it says first allah created the heavens and than the earth contradiction about about what happened to abrogated of verse surah 2:106 which states that all abrogated or forgotten verses are given a better more simple verse however the Hadith are filled with reports of guranic verses about qur-anic verses so it is abrogated or missing for which there was no replacement so givin look up the verse of stoning thus is false so the Quran is not perfect please don’t take my comment down I just want to have a civil conversations Also don’t get mad i just want you to explain how this is not a contradiction

  3. to bad that you dont know that islam is judaism 😂😂😂 and Muhammad took Islam from judaism 😂😂😂😂😂 and Christianity also😂😂😂 ❤❤❤💙🇮🇱✡️❤️

  4. Na the only way to fix this bullshit is coming together united and fixing the cause problem not threw Islam sure it mite help with mental but religion is divided us into many diffrent groups who is to blame arent we man sharing the same earth

  5. 💀Allah divides humans between kafir and Muslims
    Even if kafir is saving 1000 lives he'll go to hell 😂

    Lol yeah unite the world

  6. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: 'An Arab is not superior to Non Arab and Non Arab is superior to an Arab. White is not superior to Black and Black is not superior to a White.'

  7. Alhamdullillah i started a business by devolping a web then code a program i just have made one proggram and its product key luncher for windows or computers and im 11 years old

  8. Narrated by Zaid Ibn Haritha: In Islam, There are no different races. An arab is not superior to a foreigner, A white not superior to a black. All return equally to god.

  9. Nonsense.. Islam is the most racist ideology… your god prefers men to women, Muslims to kafirs, arabic language to other languages.. So stop lying!!

  10. Not only islam my brother, in sikhi too, dont differenciate us, we are all one humans and part of the true creator's creation


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