
Is World War 3 Coming?


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31 pemikiran pada “Is World War 3 Coming?”

  1. The number of red and green flags you flew up… geez. Where and how to start? I don't think like a human person, so take me with a grain of salt. You seem to speak for a lot of people you aren't. It isn't sick and twisted to use nuclear weapons – but it was twisted to invent them. No one said life is fair. Cry. You're very well educated and informed, but that doesn't make your philosophy ironclad or morally upright. There are no human "rights" we are simply to look out for each other, or not. Free will is a God-given bit*h. Sellout halfway through, no surprise. Statistics are irrelevant when you realize they never stabilize. Palestine isn't real, much like "time" and "the law." NATO sucks, but so does everyone now. Xi and Putin are both short, is what they are. Taiwan is an independent country and I am physically violent over that fact. It's hard to square up with a circle, yet we say round is a shape. Necessary murder is definitively not wrong – death is natural, after all. UN is no better than NATO. North Korea is a fart in the wind, bound to fade into a forgotten funk. World War 3 is not "imminent," but it's necessary . Stay safe.

  2. Just a note that's a minor quibble. The P5 is less about who industrialized first (in fact, China wasn't very industrialized for the first 20-30 years of the UN), but something much more obvious but lost to time; the P5 were the "Allies" of World War II (US, UK, France, USSR, and the Republic of China). That's changed some, most notably in the early 1970s when the US and UK agreed to transfer the seat on the P5 that had belonged to the Republic of China (at this point filled by the government in Taiwan) to the People's Republic as part of the "detente" with China that was forged by Henry Fucking Kissinger. The other notable change, the more obvious one, came in 1991 when the USSR dissolved and Russia had been given their seat at the P5 table. And one may ask why Russia and not one of the other republics? Well, prior to 1991 the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR (Belarus) had separate membership in the UN from the rest of the Soviet Union, and they were the two other likely candidates. Since the Russian SFSR was the largest and "most advanced" of the republics that were represented by the USSR's seat at the UN, it became the official successor-state. So, in the end, the P5 are the successor-states of the Five Allies of WWII, as recognized and agreed upon by the rest of the club, which the UN in turn rubber stamps.

  3. The war in the ME will not Spark WW3… IT IS WW3!!! It has already started. Look at 1&2… they didnt start over night.. they rolled out slow… we are currently IN THE SHIT.

  4. Tiktok is a Chinese propaganda app. It is already known that the ccp used tiktok to spread lies and all what you said you saw on tiktok to make themselves look better than the US has already been discredited. It was and is chinese propaganda.

  5. A study on where would be the safest place in the USA in a nuclear war. It said it would be Colorado.

    Don't remember who did the study.

  6. WW 3 ,as to how it would look and how we d end up. It would look bad ,and we d end up dead. That's it.

  7. Won't even try to mansplain something I don't know but I am more than willing to help you in the algorithm 👍🤣

  8. You're alway on your last stand in Earth silly. Did you know, people who creates or start any type of war go to eternal death? It's the opposite of the eternal life award. Hell isn't dark or hot at all idiots, it's an embarrassment stage. What's more scary to you?

  9. PDs debt is the only debt company that will survive the ww3 and make sure that you stay in debt after the dust settles and the power is gone.

  10. I have lived under the threat of Nuclear war since the 60's nothing new, get on with your life it's short enough.

  11. I used to think nuclear war is avoidable, but I'm not so sure anymore. If NATO send troops into Ukraine, and Russian soldiers died because of it, then Russians is gona lunch their nukes, and NATO will also lunch theirs. If one day Taiwan cross the line and China send in their troops to take it back, then US and Japan send in their navy to help, and China sink 2 or more US aircraft carriers and a few more destroyers. Will the US back off? Most likely the US will lunch their nukes at China and China will hit back at the US and Japan with their nukes. If NATO can stop their eastward expansion and if the US can help Taiwan to return to China in a fair and peaceful term, then no more wars, world peace. Sadly, politicians are not in their right mind, continue to provoke Russia and China will 100% lead to WW3 and ending the human race.

  12. To clarify, Iran launched missiles against Israel in response to isreal bombing their embassy. The US communicated with Iran and planned the time of the attack so that US , isreal and Saudi Arabia could deflect the incoming missiles. This happend because Iran had every right to retaliate and it needed to show strength without escalating the situation so the US and Saudi Arabia helped deflect the missile attack. Isreals iron dome was not prepared to handle the volume that Iran sent. That also sent isreal the message it cannot protect its people without US support and it needs to tone it down on the civilian casualties.

  13. Xi Jinping is 70 now. In 2049, Xi Jinping will be 105. Does he really intend to be ruling China then? Don’t answer that. It’s rhetorical. It seems world leaders in their 70’s all are very afraid of their impending deaths and also convinced they will live forever. Putin? 71. Netanyahu? 74. Modi? 73. I don’t even need to say anything about Trump and Biden.

    I’m so sick of old men being in charge. They’re ruining a planet they’re not even going to be on that much longer.

  14. “removing term limits is a classic authoritarian power move”
    america: well we can’t possibly be authoritarian if we’ve never removed our nonexistent term limits (talking only ab the judicial n legislative branches)

  15. I read a lot of science fiction, and one common theme is when civilizations develop certain technologies with immense power, there is a 50/50 chance they will use that power to destroy themselves. Those that don't self-annihilate will prosper with that new technology until the choice is presented again further down the road. Atomic energy and what we do with it is our first such big test as a civilization. Let's not muck it up.


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