
Is This Movie A Warning Of The End Of The World?


Is This Movie Warning Us About The End Of The World?

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world , Is This Movie A Warning Of The End Of The World? , #Movie #Warning #World
, the rabbit hole,conspiracy theories,mysteries,true crime,supernatural,Leave the world behind,Netflix,Movie,WiFi blackout

36 pemikiran pada “Is This Movie A Warning Of The End Of The World?”

  1. The Rabbit Hole, genuine question, do you believe most or even some of the conspiracies you talk about? (Because some seem to contradict each other) or do you just have a hobby with talking about conspiracy theories?

  2. If a solar storm hits it would cause an EMP (electro magnetic pulse) which would disable all electrical systems. The best way to protect your electronic devices is to build an EMP protection device. Looks it up on how to make.

  3. It's pre programming by Obama for the world they would like to take us into. We have the choice to not fall into line and choose our own destiny. One that does not include the N.W.O.

  4. I would normally brush stuff like this off but Mark Zuckerberg is building a massive doomsday bunker so yikes.

  5. It won’t be caused by natural events. It’ll be shut off with Barry’s kill switch and blamed on Russia or white conservatives

  6. The only thing I have to say is I was fooled on December 21st 2012 I really believef that the Mayans predicted the end of the world I even told my wife who died in 2019 from cancer that if we don't survive on the 22nd that I love her. I was really in a panic I listened to the fools and then I realized that no one knows when the world will end. What the Mayans predicted was December 22nd 2012 will be the start of a new age. Bay county six suns or ages. They did predict however that this will be the final one. Although the Aztecs counted five suns they agree with the Mayans that this sun the sun of fire will be the last one but ages can last from a thousand years to 100,000 or even more.

  7. I just watched that movie it was weird to think it is probably going to happen Sooner or later. The fact that the Obama made it is scary because Barack is the ex president.

  8. I'm predicting that Netflix will make Napoleon an African army general from Nigeria leading the great battle of Lagos and will declare himself a president 😅

  9. Or is this An internet Psy-op?
    Trying to make it sound like a natural disaster when it's obvious a planned disaster

  10. Ive already watches that movie and it's very interesting, somewhat some fucking elites wants to control the entire world to implement their shitty new world order..

  11. The pole shift that's already underway is projected to conclude in the'30s ,meby '40's and micro-novas from weakining magnet field will take us back to the stone before that occurs.

  12. Not if President Trumps gets in and removes the corrupted Deep State!!! Trump 2024🙏🏻

    Bye bye NASA and all your lies!!!


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