
Is New World Shutting Down? | Asmongold Reacts


by @BagginsTV
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34 pemikiran pada “Is New World Shutting Down? | Asmongold Reacts”

  1. i want to point out that guild wars 2 has always had their own launcher, and only since a few years back also through steam, im sure 95% of players still use the original launcher as steam just launches that anyway so why use steam when you can do it directly.

  2. back when the auction house was dumped into our inventory most my company quit playing. I swapped servers to look for one that wasn't dead but they were dead too. When I swapped servers recently to the one my friends were on I realized they switched to Purple after I arrived and since it was the #1 faction on their server I was stuck as green faction with no way to swap it.

  3. Same with D4. No real endgame & weirdly unbalanced/pointless. Sure they actually added some more bosses so you can now farm bosses to get the items to access another boss. Except the "legendary" rewards dont fit my current .. quite basic Also grinding all the way to lvl 100 when the story ends around lvl 50-55, feels so grinding for the sake of grinding. Like one of the early korean mmos, except those old ones was free to pay. You have 7000 devs & want us to pay premium for the game & pay for battlepass but then only push out sesaon content that feels like it was made by a couple of interns in a weekend with reused reskinned mechanics?

  4. I don't have a lot of faith in their new LotR MMO if it is the same clowns who made New World making that one as well.

  5. When the game came out i loved it. I remember leveling, gathering materials and crafting a lot. These aspects of the game were so much more enjoyable than in any other mmo that I had played.
    Additionally there are quite some beautifully made areas in the game, very visually pleasing. Sadly the end game content was not there and combat was cluncy.
    And man, porperty taxes suuucked.

  6. Want to lose a lot of players start balance(NERF) the game and ignore player's opinions. They wanted to do blizzard's way they got it. They deserve it 100%.

  7. NW is a Frankenstein'd game, which a completely legit way of making something but why the ESO combat? The point of coping a competitor is to take the best parts from each game. I think maybe they got confused. They should have gone with Black Desert combat and ESO housing instead of the other way around.

  8. There are many reasons why the game failed.

    1. Why limit accounts to specific servers ? Worst choice they've made
    2. Why are the taxes so damn high ? Companies literally made bank and turned into Goldsellers
    3. Bugs everywhere
    4. Duping
    5. What economy ?
    6. Where endgame ? Oh chest runs? How fun…
    7. Dungeons were repetitive and even the changes they made weren't really engaging for more than one run
    8. Overworld could have used more bosses/minibosses or activities (Jump & Run, Exploration) in general
    9. No enemy variety
    10. great world, boring character design
    11. Outpost Rush needed more maps and gamemodes
    12. Balancing
    13. Was there any reward for doing PvP? I don't remember, probably not
    14. ?
    15. Profit

  9. 80% of new worlds actual problem is the fact that dungeon and pvp queues are per server, so it can take hours or days to find a group for a dungeon.

  10. I personally can't get into games where the characters are all human. I see enough humans in the real world.

  11. I mean since the game doesn’t have a subscription system, wouldn’t the developer WANT the game to die to maximize their profit after its initial success so that they wouldn’t have to spend a lot of money to maintain the service (rent servers, hire customer’s services, etc.)

  12. AGS still have no idea what made the game fun and are still trying to figure it out. They think they can do a presentation on community built games at GDC 😂

  13. About three months after release I was one of those stuck in with a not very well know Azoth Staff bug. No matter what I did I couldn't get my staff to stay in my inventory. Tried everything. Researched hours. Redid the questline (although it often wasn't available), I sent in many requests, contacted them through social media…ect ect. I never heard a word from them one single time and I absolutely loved the game. Terrible customer service. It's a damn shame. I wish they worked on an Amazon VIP status type thing and then I would have got some service.

  14. This is why you do not pre-order or straight up buy the game on its first year. There's a huge chance it will become a huge waste of money

  15. the game needs a real "end game" too repetitive
    but as someone who truly loves new world the game has so much potential.
    they did a great job making everyone actually have to play together and be social too but the end game they just dropped the ball :/

  16. Last time I came back to try new world I learned I'd need an SSD in order to get more than 2 fps and stop stuttering in the towns and settlements. I have games I care about on my SSD, so that's the end of that. Not going to take up SSD space in order to do chest runs 24/7

  17. The game was miss managed from day 1, players warned Amazon, who deleted, banned and silenced them. Much like real life, and here we are.


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