
Is Disney World STALLING Out?


Disney World is HOLDING BACK. But how much are they REALLY keeping us in the dark— and can their upcoming projects guarantee they’ll hold on to theme park dominance? We’re taking a peek into Disney World’s future TODAY, here on DFB Guide.

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40 pemikiran pada “Is Disney World STALLING Out?”

  1. Everything that Disney says in 10 years down the road. And then it never happens. The last time I had my family down to Disney World was 14 years ago. There isn't anything new to get me to come back.

  2. Before I rant let me first say I’m a long time DVC member and I live 10 minutes from WDW. I think you need to change your name to universal food blog. Disney World as a whole is a shell of its self. Every promise they’ve made has fallen flat. This “what if” blue sky nonsense is bitting them you know where. Epcot is an absolute mess, they’re ruining MK, HS Star Wars land is meh, AK is held up by animals and avatar, the new hotel refurbs are making everything look like a Hilton, water parks need a desperate refresh, prices are gross, genie + and lightning lanes are a rip off, food quality has massively deteriorated, reservations are BS, the way Disney treated passholder locals was and still is totally unacceptable. The best Disney World has to offer right now is still Yehaw Bob at port orleans, and Homecoming at Disney Springs. My family use to spend thousands at Disney annually and now we go elsewhere, Universal, St Augustine, planning a trip to Dollywood. We spend our DVC points at Vero Beach.

  3. To many years of neglect of Disney World is coming back to haunt the Disney company
    It’s a shame what’s happened, it’s now so expensive for what you get, makes it not worth going any longer.
    Sad times.

  4. I’m not sure if this answers the question of Disney stalling out but if the counterpunch to the wizard world was galaxies edge then Disney has been knocked out on the canvas for the last five years.

    There is nothing in the US parks that even come close to what Universal did there

  5. I don't know if I've lost the magic for Disney, or if Disney has simply lost its magic for me. That's all Folks.

  6. Disney is losing money across all businesses lines but parks. The CEO and exec changes are non stop and not very smart so far. The prices for parks are outrages and many fans are no longer able to afford and enjoy. Let's hope they are able to maintain and improve the current parks. It seems the food is a major part of the parks revenues, which is a dubious strategy. They would be smart to make the parks more affordable or at least provide clear value to the customers, before talking expansion.

  7. I don’t think Disney has anything. They had to make a quick announcement after Universal made their big announcement, lol.

  8. Another issue is that they keep updating the wrong rides. Splash Mountain and Test Track are very popular rides. There was no reason to update Splash, and Test Track is scheduled for yet another re-theme. Meanwhile, rides like Nemo, Journey into Imagination, and Mission to Mars have been consistent walk ons for years now. Where are their updates? Why was money spent on a Moana walkthrough attraction that most people will probably only do once during their visit? Disney needs to revamp their less popular rides, not the ones that already draw a good crowd.

  9. It feels like the crowd levels at Disney World keep growing no matter what Universal does. At best the park experience would only get better if some folks opted out of a Disney vacay once in a while.

  10. 0:32: ⏳ Disney World's future projects remain shrouded in mystery, leaving fans questioning their competitiveness.
    4:02: 🏰 Disney teases new park expansions globally, with updates on projects and Blue Sky Concepts.
    7:29: 🎢 Universal Studios and Disney engage in fierce competition, leading to the development of new theme parks and attractions.
    11:32: 🏰 Disney World's continuous park expansions and transformations instead of a fifth gate announcement.
    15:16: 🏰 Disney's entertainment expansion beyond Disney World amid Universal's competition.
    18:25: 🎢 Disney World's Future Developments and Enhancements
    22:13: ⚠️ Factors to consider before planning a vacation to new theme park attractions.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  11. This channel needs a Universal spinoff. I would love to hear your takes on Minion snacks and all things Universal on it's own channel.

  12. Love Disney World since childhood. But Iger and leadership have ruined it. Now talking about new things and bringing spending too late. And Universal is gonna launch past them with Epic Universe. Check out the videos on that one coming. It will be special. Sad day.

  13. Blue Sky ideas are great but how about updating ancient rides like Spaceship Earth. They haven’t updated that since I was a child >40 years ago and it shows.

  14. I don’t think the board or Eiger really care about what happens at the parks. They want their agenda to go through no matter what, and they will say anything that keeps their stocks from plummeting anymore. Track record shows what they have built is cheap and brakes quickly.
    Moana, less than six months old, has many broken things to it already.
    The new area that opened up in Epcot, which let’s be honest, isn’t even close to what it should be, and is completely broken .
    The rides they have refurbished, and Down are breaking down just as much .
    The list could go on . they need new leadership with people who care.
    Considering Eiger has cashed out, I’m not holding my breath

  15. We went 2 days ago. 5 day, hopper and another 5 days spent in Miami and the space center. 15k a few fancy dinners at Narcoossee and Cali grill. We had a nice time. We did and saw it all. Enjoyed lots of treats at Epcot, did Genie + every day and bought the lightning lanes, when needed.
    Won't ever want to go back, again..saw all we wanted and don't need to return. They squeezed every buck out they're ever gonna get. It's ok, for what it is. Kids got to experience it all. Can spend time seeing other wonderful places in the world and probably with more authenticity and for less $$

  16. The Moana addition was very disappointing. I thought it was going to be a ride included not just a water walking pathway. They are being cheap and not imaginative at all. I haven’t gone since 2021. I won’t be returning anytime soon. I got my eyes set on universal studios.

  17. AK isn’t even an expansion though. It’s just more rethemeing , unless they add in another ride in that area too. But still not the same. So, if we get anything it’ll probably be that. And it’ll probably be done like 2030 lol

  18. Revamping of existing rides or attractions is risky. People could very well hate the revamp. Remember what happened with Enchanted Tiki room – Under new Management that no longer exists?😂

  19. Interesting; I wonder if the new Monster land in the new Universal theme park means that they'll be relocating The Mummy ride there since it would fit so perfectly and give them more freedom to come up with a new ride for The Mummy's current place (could be themed on anything; doesn't need to be Monster themed).

  20. Six months ago they announced $60 billion in investments into parks & recreation over the jext 10 years. Six months later, they announce $60 billion in investments over the next ten years.

    So what's been going on for six months? Or will they he telling us next year that they plan to invest $60 billion soon over the next 10 years?

  21. I think its sad to see the greatest creative and expansion choices coming from outside the company . Do we really need a multiple 6 figure to 7 figure earning executives to renovate hotel lobbies , restaurants and hash out potential ideas for 2030?

  22. The new experience at Disney has been a let down. The new walkway sectioning for the fireworks show at Magic Kingdom left us trying to navigate Main Street with staff members yelling throughout the show for people to keep moving. After the show ended we tried to get to Adventureland and it was a pain following the staff and their glow wands and not utilizing unused pathways.
    Also this last visit the cast members were very irritable. We were told sternly by one member that we could not sit in the front row of space mountain. The member then scattered off to get their supervisor to explain why the last 2 seats were better for me and my partner as we were taller than usual (6foot 3 inches). I just felt dejected in a place where I’ve always felt welcomed. This could be just one experience and I’m hoping next visit will be more magical

  23. I have no faith in the leadership currently at Disney. They are doing nothing and think that everyone is fine with it. Heck, it’s taken how long to renovate that bakery at the Boardwalk? Universal is building an entire park in the same amount of time. 6 months to renovate a couple bathrooms at Epcot? Really? Why? I honestly believe they don’t know what they are doing. Universal is expanding. Disney is choosing to do nothing. Sure, huge promises right now because they are fighting for their job. Past that, it will be the same ol empty promises

  24. I know three families that have sold their DVCs because they feel the value is no longer there. Yet, Disney only wants to put money into building more DVC properties, everything else is just a re-theme.

  25. We are big fans of this channel and love your vids aj, but it’s virtually impossible to even feel any kind of excitement for Disney, it’s a shame as we all fall in love with Disney originally, but after visiting all the parks in Florida, and going through that natural progression, hype of Disney etc gives a negative feeling straight away with an initial thought of it all just gives Disney a opportunity to continue to ad a buck or two to everything, Disney must have half a dozen hotels per park, a multitude of restaurants all eye watering prices, it’s sad and we get no joy from feeling negative to any Disney news, it’s just you see such prices and waiting lines it’s just hard not to feel negative about them. We would love to so Disney again with family members and friends but as soon as we price it all up it’s hard to justify or get family to consider the cost from the uk. We are all typically working class families and even base level kind of 2 week Disney vacation is around 10k dollars for a family of four. It’s very much catering to the deeper pockets in society. 🙏🏽🇺🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

  26. If Disney does a 5th park they should go after the preteen and teen crowd. It seems a to be a demographic that is ignored by Disney.

  27. 15:30 what?!? Are you serious? That is the dumbest excuse ive ever seen. They know that their parks are becoming dated and need new lands and expansions but they choose to put that all into Disney+ and movies that are flopping leaving their parks to pick up the dust. Disney could’ve made multiple land expansions and atleast one new park in Orlando by now

  28. disney raising prices, yet again, is making it harder and harder to justify a trip to visit them, and that is for a Florida resident! Epic Universe is looking really good right now

  29. it's been fun to say universal is picking up everything disney drops.

    now others are saying it too.

    Disney better be careful. Brand loyalty is wavering.

  30. Disney World is just not as good as it used to be. Everything is too expensive, and it feels like you're just staring at your phone planning your day more than anything.

  31. Disney is never going to add anything like another park, they only add things to international parks and cruise ships. They know people will come to WDW anyway, why improve raise prices, people will still come . Give the people crumbs it’s ok people will come. Stop going..maybe action will happen. Maybe not.

  32. Disney dropped the ball by making Star Wars just a land and not a 5th park. They could have rethemed Galaxy's Edge to something else (Frozen, Zootopia…)

    The park icon could have been the Jedi Temple, a crashed Star Destroyer or the framework for a 3rd Death Star. The lands are different planets. Endor with a speeder bike coaster through the forest, Tattooine a pod racing dual track racing coaster. Then an attack on the Death Star coastet including the trench run. Move Smugglers Run and Rise of the Resistance and you could open the park with 5 big ticket rides. Move Star Tours, keep the saber building, droid building, bring back Jedi Training Academy with a teen/grown up version. Add 3-5 smaller rides and you've got yourself a park.

  33. Thank you for making an honest video on the very sad state of Disney’s US parks.

    US Disney park fans need to stop accepting (and covering for) Disney’s abusive behavior.

    It is sad and pathetic.

  34. Allow me to summarize what you said from a WDW perspective: Disney will build more DVC resorts because they’re the most profitable.

  35. From what I do know is that the Asian parks will get high quality ultra themed environments while the American parks really need love and they need to step up their game and the Asian parks aren’t even 100% owed by Disney


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