
Iran vows revenge on Israel after Damascus embassy attack


Iran said on Tuesday it would take revenge on Israel for an airstrike that killed two of its generals and five military advisers at its embassy compound in Damascus, raising the risk of further escalation in conflict in the Middle East.

“May the Almighty God grant the fighters of God’s path [Iran’s military forces] the opportunity to punish the Zionist regime for this crime and many other crimes committed by the Zionist regime,” Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi said.

The unprecedented attack at the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus underlined the risk of further escalation in a conflict that has rippled across the Middle East since Oct. 7, 2023.

Other global authorities commented on the attack, with the U.S. denying involvement, and the United Nations and China condemning it.

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#Iran #Israel #Damascus

world , Iran vows revenge on Israel after Damascus embassy attack , #Iran #vows #revenge #Israel #Damascus #embassy #attack
, global news,iran,iran embassy,israel,israel attack,damascus,syria,israel iran,israel iran embassy attack,world news,conflict in the middle east,gaza,Iran vows revenge on Israel after Damascus embassy attack,ebrahim raisi,united nations,china,us pentagon,sabrina singh,Wang Wenbin,China foreign affairs ministry

47 pemikiran pada “Iran vows revenge on Israel after Damascus embassy attack”

  1. It is Israel right to defend itself from iran (supporting terrorism especially in Israel from decades onwards)

  2. There is global concern over the actions of the Israeli state towards Palestine, resulting in significant loss of life(40,000 and counting including children). It's disheartening to witness a western double standard where certain actions are condemned while others are overlooked. The world is watching and the moment Arab countries strike back they are to be labelled as terrorist. What a pathetic world we live in. Double standards

  3. When iran attacks Israel it will be the last mistake iran makes. Israel has been very patient with iran but patience is wearing thin

  4. Richard Medhurst-The Canal. Killing Gaza-The Grayzone. Empire Files Abby Martin-Roger Waters. RT International-CGTN-Telasur Aljazeera Middle East Eye journalists in Gaza 😢 Reporterfy Media-Scott Ritter-Cyrus Janssen
    Zionists created the Naughties

  5. What is your opinion on "it seems Iran knows that it will not survive even 24hrs in war, that's why Israel is able to strike whatever they want"

  6. Hey UN say something on putin and his gangs; if you would. The guy attacking Ukraine for years and you guys keep your mouth shut for too long. Porque ?

  7. Why is Egypt building a wall to keep Palestinians out, also why isn't Saudi Arabia taking Palestinians in, why is that Western Society always takes responsibility for the actions of terrorists?

  8. Why always those countries against israel initiated the war, then when israel retaliates they will blame israel. I can't see the logic here.

  9. Do you think Iran will ever learn? Israel is God's chosen people. Iran doesn't win. Already determined.

  10. Irans just vows, but do nothing. Many of its top leaders have been killed by America and Israel, yet it vows and vows and vows. Do and take action. Tit for tit.

  11. Why does this end up costing me money? How about we stop involving ourselves in wars between two groups of religious extremist and fix our nation?

  12. International law does not exist anymore probably never has we just see puppets put in front of the cameras and talking empty phrases all the time.

  13. Question is does international law and rule even exist any more.? In today world is who prints more money gets more influence.

  14. Im having some problems with this clear……..I'm positive theres the right amount of hardener, but this is the second time I have to remove everything because everything "crackled"….I am at the end of my rope on this……What am I doing wrong? ( the primer, base coat, and clear are all from the same manufacturer. It should be working, but its not……Help…..)….An actual problem facing a Canadian citizen……

  15. well, if israel has a right to defend itself, then i suppose iran does too. :50 america has been supplying them with the arms to do the attacks and giving them the green light to violate whatever international laws they want; america is directly responsible at this point. also, watching the americans dismantle international law over the last 25 years has been deeply disillusioning. tens of millions of people died to bring us rules and norms for a less miserable world and the warmongers in washington seem hellbent on eroding them.


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