
‘Into the belly of the beast’: Javier Milei pulls a ‘Ricky Gervais’ at World Economic Forum


Argentina’s President Javier Milei did a World Economic Forum version of “Ricky Gervais” at the Golden Globes, Sky News host Liz Storer says.

“Milei literally climbed into the belly of the beast just to implode,” Ms Storer said.

“There was a lot of people disappointed that Milei was going – at all.

“This is exactly why he did it.

“He did a Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes but a WEF version.”

world , ‘Into the belly of the beast’: Javier Milei pulls a ‘Ricky Gervais’ at World Economic Forum , #belly #beast #Javier #Milei #pulls #Ricky #Gervais #World #Economic #Forum
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33 pemikiran pada “‘Into the belly of the beast’: Javier Milei pulls a ‘Ricky Gervais’ at World Economic Forum”

  1. He is not right leaning, he is not trump, he even went against the right on his speech, he is the worlds first libertarian president. Media continue to create narratives.

  2. Any chance of electing Javier as PM of Australia? We don't currently have a PM or a government, just a bunch of useless socialist rejects who like spending tax payer money, talking lots whilst saying nothing and of course, blaming everyone else for everything they have caused, made worse or problems created. The world needs more Javier Milei.

  3. nobody gets it, they focus on the fact fuel's are double the price and forget policy can drastically affect that. milei is a verified cryptid, a politician that actually says the facts and advocates what to do about them. i wonder what his SCP number is.

  4. As someone living under an unelected Muslim First Minister here in Scotland and an unelected Hindu Prime Minister of the United Kingdom – both of whom (the Irish could add Varadker to that uncannily odd & corrupt situation) are so much the opposite of Javier Milei in terms of their loyalties to the country and the people they're representing, it makes me utterly desperate to try and change this horrid globalist, WEF-type culture we've been completely and utterly absorbed into!!!
    As it stands, and along with the tsunami of backward and freedom-hating Islamists that are overwhelming our borders and destroying our way of life, if we don't have someone like Milei who's willing to fight for our way of life in charge soon, the UK as we know it will be finished within the next 2 decades

  5. Isn’t all this a part of the manipulation of people ? There is no Right Wing or Left wing for the world economic forum, they like to play on both side, liberalism for the mighty 3 percent, but communism for the 97% of the population exactly like in China, and by the way Giorgia Meloni that you depicted here has a hero of authenticity is a member of the World Economic Forum as well and is now calling for having 500 000 migrants every year in Italy to sustain the current economic system, so who is who in this play?

  6. Smart individuals and new leaders are gradually reclaiming their place in society. The influence of the left is diminishing as it reaches its expiration. Without the drones on social media, the younger generation would overcome the current state of intellectual stagnation they're being ushered into.

  7. Love this guy – this is what a true leader looks like. The tide is turning, I think people are done with these spineless snivelling snake politicians. I think we’re going to see a lot of shock results around the world in upcoming elections and screaming “far right” won’t stop them.

  8. After Mr. Milei's address, the high-priced escorts for the depraved "elites" might have lost some of the pleasure for them.

  9. Like Trump, he is also a CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. The State is not turning Bolshevism but rather Dictatorship, and Free Market is not turning into Freedom (“Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness) but rather Rich Monopolistic Billionaires and Corporate—Fianancial power (Network, 1976 “Money Speech”). This is not State vs. Corporate—Finance problem of the Pyramid Scheme of all Civilization but rather between the Ruler and the Ruled (Osho). 🙏🏼😊

  10. You do understand why these actors at Davos are having a pop at the leaders in Davos don't you?

    They are being allowed to have a pop so that the leaders, Klaus and his acolytes, can turn around and start saying we understand, we have gone to far, we are rolling back on certain items ….. TRUST US AGAIN.

    DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!!!!!

    If you are going to commit a so called hate crime then make sure you HATE THEM…. ALL OF THEM.

  11. "well spoken people" then she mentions obama. 😂😂😂 This woman is talking nonsese woke same bs like every other channel.

  12. They knew who he was and what he was going to say when they handed him the mic. The question is, do we? Not buying it.

  13. But he is pro zelensky/ project Ukraine, mileo is adissapointment for that, I thought he was better than that

  14. I am a libertarian and I like the guy, but I am a little on the fence right now. What he said is of course true, but since he was even invited to WEF and even allowed to speak, there is a possibility that he is controlled opposition.

  15. Lets hope we have a conservative leader with the courage and conviction of Javier going into 2025 election or as he said we will all be living poverty. Under Albanese


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