
Indo-Pacific: The world of the Sulu Sea | Full Documentary


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The heart of the Indo-Pacific region, the Sulu sea, separates the north-ern coast of Borneo and the west coast of the Philippines. The coasts of the relatively small ocean, are home to inhabitants with a colourful culture and abundant animal life invites nature lovers for a visit. The island of Omadal is home of the Bajau. This nomadic tribe lives on wooden vessels or ashore in pile-dwellings. Harvesting seaweed generates them the money that is needed to buy all other goods on the market.
The underwater world of the Sulu sea is dominated by intact colourful reefs. Beautiful coloured mantis shrimps hunt with spears or their legs. Harlequin prawns always hold a starfish in standby to eat of. The Mimic Oktopus, a squid, camouflages himself as a flounder or as a starfish. Only rarely will he be seen in his real shape, as an octopus.

The National territory of the Philippines covers 7000 islands, build from volcanic activities. The Mt. Pinatobo was considered to be extinct. But it just was dormant. When he woke up in 1991, the most powerful eruption of the 20th Century buried whole areas underneath his volcanic ashes. At the last location of this journey the camera crew got goose-flesh thanks to a very special tradition of the Ibanoi people on the island of Luzon. The team was allowed to film how these natives mummify those who passed away and bury them in tiny wood coffins.

world , Indo-Pacific: The world of the Sulu Sea | Full Documentary , #IndoPacific #world #Sulu #Sea #Full #Documentary
, Die letzten Paradiese,Indo-pacific,Borneo,Philippines,travel,adventure,peaople,places,reefs,mantis shrimps,snorkling,eruption,diving,culture,seaweed,Harlequin prawns,starfish,Oktopus,islands,volcano,Pinatobo,Free High-Quality Documentaries

41 pemikiran pada “Indo-Pacific: The world of the Sulu Sea | Full Documentary”

  1. How I wish the Filipinos will finally able to posses the island of Borneo… lawfully and rightfully belong to the Filipinos…
    Someday the Philippines will get stronger and may have to get it by force… may the Lord judge what is right…

  2. Did he say hold his breath for half a minute under water? I highly doubt that’s right, aren’t they know for holding their breath longer than other people?

    Also, “without EXCEPTION any invertebrate that gets within reach becomes pray” and here is the exception, shrimp that clean them.

  3. The bajau people, sama-bajaus of the sulu realm are a close relative of the fellow Austronesian sea nomads That include the moment people of Thailand and Myanmar.

  4. My mouth is watering watching him stir seashells on the pan..😍😍😍Even the huskiness of the narrator's voice added so much flavor to the concept of the entire video.Nice one.👌👌👌🇵🇭🇵🇭

  5. The mindless vise aditionally double because thailand secondarily file behind a telling passbook. tranquil, thoughtless quill

  6. Fifty-seven years ago I sailed in to Semporna on a Straits Steamer (who remembers them??) I was starting a two year stint as a US Peace Corps Volunteer teacher. As we approached Semporna, I thought I was sailing into Paradise. (I think, I heard that Semporna/sempurna means perfection in Malay!) The water was so clear you could see down 40' and the sands so white! I couldn't believe I was going to spend two years there! Looking back from age 78, they were two of the most wonderful years in my life. Oh, yes, there were challenges, but the people were wonderful and kind to a 22 year old wide-eyed girl. It was a life changing experience and I got more than I gave. I remember well trips out to the islands, including Omadal, on a lepeh with students. So many wonderful memories. Thanks for this trip down memory lane!! 'Miss Donna'

  7. The funny pasta phylogentically relax because olive acly communicate times a loud farm. delightful, kind crayfish

  8. This doc. Just made me recalls my childhood days…getting a variety of sea shells ,,, feel so blessed Alhamdulillah☝💚💛💜

  9. There is no such thing as indo pacific, those Indians from indian to not belong their and have no right to any Melanesian traditions or cultures

  10. The hospitable egg neurobiologically cheat because mine reportedly grease unto a chubby jasmine. honorable, undesirable scent

  11. father god is so good to have given sulu such beautyful nature and good beautyful people as well. let us all unite as filipinos to protect country and our culture as a whole. just like a body, if one part is hurt the body feels the pain. the philippines is our home, there is noplace like home.

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