Improving your Aim – World of Warships

Sharing my technique for maximizing my aiming in World of Warships, previous video existed but was out of date. Hope this helps and hope you have a wonderful day!

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world , Improving your Aim – World of Warships , #Improving #Aim #World #Warships
, Notser,Gameplay,Gaming,WoWs,Wargaming,,World of Warships,World of Tanks,Video Game Industry,Aiming,How to,Improving

38 pemikiran pada “Improving your Aim – World of Warships”

  1. I have no clue how you can group that well shots of the salvos, mine always get all over the place whatever distance or speed I am…

    Also, if you're a DD and fight a battleship……… First, how did it happened, second : torps and run, he can one tap destroy you with half an overpen salvo and half your small shots won't pen anyway… Not even mentionning the thousand shot per second of his gatling secondaries that already melted you down 3 days ago before you could even get in range.

  2. Aiming in Warships is a vector magnitude problem that takes into consideration factors related to the cosine function and time. If the ship is at an angle of 45 degrees that is an indication that the seconds should be halved as the cosine of 45 decrees is 1/2. 1/2 times the seconds to target gives the correct seconds for where you want your shells to fall. Moreover, as Noster said speed is also a factor so: using all the variables Sd (.01 – 1)x( Cos (Theta))x(seconds) should give the correct number for placement of the reticle. I use Stiv 372 and the angle indicator from Mod Stations. Once you get a feel for it then it becomes second nature and calculations are not needed.

  3. i dont know how dynamic reticle works at large distances and from scout aircraft camera, mostly i cut what reticle says in two, for some reason cutting in two works best, even i dont have any precision whatsoever

  4. Great stuff, really helpful been playing 5/6 months now and not really understood most of this.

    Bit off topic, but what is Free XP used for? Been told not to use it for ships in the tech tree, but if you're short by few thousand why not? Thanks😀

  5. Exactly what @nutluck said, i struggle sometimes with aiming at ships moving away, coming towards me, or in a turn at long range, especially in my battleships. I can adapt with cruisers and DD's ofc as their rate of fire, but with a battleship, you have one chance to hit . Please post a video on that if possible, thanks!

  6. I always bad at playing with battleship….always miss…always not pen and do no damage…..for years i dont know how the aim work out….how the shell calculate the range….how the shell calculate the armor pen….this video give me a ray of hope to play as battleship back…all this time i just play as carriers….thanks for the guide….i hope to be a better player using battleship

  7. I'm on the PS4 and I can only get a crappy type of crosshair on my gun cam. I can't seem to get a dynamic crosshair that has actual numbers denoting the seconds along the x- axis like 5,10,15 etc.

  8. hey thanx for the video !!!! just one question !!! to to align the crossair horizontal line, as in should it be touching the target vsl's hull top section or at the waterline !!! ps i just started and play on PS4 🙂 !!!!


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