
Illidan Finally RETURNS?! The LIGHT Transformation! – World Soul Saga


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Illidan might have been a bit too rash when he decided to destroy Xe’ra and shun the Light and now it might all be coming back full circle. In legion it seemed like the day was saved, the titans came in imprisoned the bad guy Sargeras and Illidan remained to make sure he was imprisoned – the day was saved, the bad guys gone. However so much has changed, in the last titan, the pantheon is coming back to Azeroth as it was confirmed very likely as villains leaving only Illidan in charge of Sargeras.

There are hints Azeroth is a massive titan prison as you can see from the logos, Sargeras might not be who we think he is and he might have been fighting fire with fire just like Illidan which might be exactly what connects them. Furthermore as the Light will be the good guys in Midnight, it is possible that Xe’ra predicted that the defeat of Sargeras with fel magic is meaningless in the long term and that is why she wanted to convert Illidan to the Light and he might be coming back to this realization now as well. So what will be going on with Illidan?

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at [email protected]

world , Illidan Finally RETURNS?! The LIGHT Transformation! – World Soul Saga , #Illidan #Finally #RETURNS #LIGHT #Transformation #World #Soul #Saga
, wow lore,warcraft lore,lore,warcraft,world of warcraft,wow,doronsmovies,illidan returns,illidan sargeras,sargeras world soul saga,sword of sargeras,illidan xe’ra,illidan cinematic,light illidan,lightforged illidan,naaru,the last titan,azeroth is a prison,titan pantheon,aman’thul

40 pemikiran pada “Illidan Finally RETURNS?! The LIGHT Transformation! – World Soul Saga”

  1. so basically, Illidan is like Magneto. one expansion, he's bad. next expansion, he's good. next, he's bad, next he's good.

  2. I highly doubt the plot will be "Xe'ra was right when she tried to violate Illidan's bodily autonomy, and he was wrong to resist"

  3. if the prison of the elemental dragons looks the ssme as the logo for the worldsoul expansion does this mean that the soul imprisoned in azaroth is the first dragon? maybe even some sort of titan dragon? and if ilidan now has light powers does this mean we might get lightforged demonhunters?

  4. I'm not buying any ridiculous statement about Sargeras being a good guy, ever. But the entire purpose of him in the Metzen lore originally was for him to be evil…..but evil with a real threat he was fighting. It's just that the real threat he was fighting in that original lore was the void. Prior to any replacement writer Danuser jailer feces. If Metzen wanted to come back and keep him as evil with a real threat and if he wants to make it slightly more complicated than only void….. fine, I could see some consistent options. One such option is that maybe we learn cosmic team Life is evil and they were trying to destroy many thousands of planets all over the great dark beyond; and the only reason evil cosmic team Life had not succeeded in stealing Azeroth was because of void interference, and later Titan interference with the void and life both. Therefore, the same evil developing in Sargeras would remain…….but he could equally well pursue his evil by theorizing that cosmic team Life infesting so many thousands of worlds inevitably gave fuel for Void to go consume and grow……given that we learned in wrath of the lich king that void are "Necrophotic symbiotes" which is a euphemism for "death energy parasites". As such, Sargeras' evil plan would have included going around with his burning legion to burn and wipe out life all over the great dark beyond, and selecting a few of such lifeforms to bind as new demons in his burning legion, which would not give necrophotic fuel to void when they die. It is still evil, but leaves open room for new villains and new understandings of the conspiracy Metzen mentioned at blizzcon.

    One further development which is possible……. is literally that perhaps Elune was from evil cosmic team Life and she had already done deals to add Light magic to her Nature magic, and then later to add Arcane magic to her Nature and Light magic repertoire. And while Elune was in opposition to Sargeras when he used Fel magic against her life planets…….that doesn't necessarily mean that she is always in opposition to Fel magic itself, so long as Sargeras is not using it against her. As such, if Elune had already increased her magic repertoire from Nature to Nature/Light/Arcane/Shadow …….. she could be making deals with the "true" Disorder cosmic team (not Sargeras, as he didn't start from there) to add Fel magic to her own expertise. It may very well be that Elune was imprisoned in those golden rings beneath the surface of Azeroth and that Eonar "bound" her in such a prison, thus explaining the Life-Binder title.

  5. 5:20 Total and complete lie…… we do "NOT" know that Primus ever had any contact with nor any deals with Aman'thul at all. What we have many many many hints and insinuations about is that Primus had contact with and a deal with Odyn. Odyn is not Aman'thul. Odyn does not talk to Aman'thul. Aman'thul does not talk to Odyn. Odyn did not help to save Aman'thul. Odyn did not ask about Aman'thul when we saved him and came back. Odyn did not help to defend Azeroth from N'Zoth. Odyn did not help defend Azeroth from primal incarnate old god dragons. Odyn did not help or make any contact with any titan keepers when the scourge and Lich King were doing their thing in Northrend during wrath, nothing. It is very clear to us now that Odyn is not in charge and is not favored or even considered relevant by any Titan anymore.

  6. it will be horrible, if illidan is turned to the light form his whole "my destiny is my own thing" when he lashed out at the naaru would be retcon'd to hell

  7. So first they butchered Sylvannas story line all the way from BFA to SL, then they did Garrosh dirty with a shitty cut scene. Now they want to ruin Illidan too? Ffs leave the man alone, his story was perfect the way it was left.

  8. ANYONE freaking out in this section should sit back and breathe a moment. This is all just speculation and we’re still recovering from PTSD after BfA and SL. Metzen is back. Microsoft is letting Blizz do what they want. Bobby is gone (in 3 days from now). Things are turning around, but don’t let go of your defensive walls. Let things cook.

  9. I hope they dont make a redemption arc for sargeras. Dude killed trillions of people. Its like forgiving sylvannas times a billion.


  11. Please please PLEASE… Don't give Blizzard any rtarded ideas about "Sargeras was actually the good guy the whole time, just like the Jailor.".

  12. the concept of "Good" and "Evil" is a point of view, the light isn't good and fel isn't evil. same with Void and life and death and all the other things.

  13. I wonder if long term if there is a plan for there to be a new pantheon with a representative of each of the magical forces, I.e. Illidan-Disorder, Sylvanas-Death, Alleria-Void, etc

  14. Blizzard needs to know when to kill off characters. We have had the same characters in rotation since wotlk. Always coming back, always revolving around them. Why can't some background characters move to the foreground and have the foreground now killed/move on.

    Garrosh was a perfect example of this, introduced in tbc, general in wotlk, warchief in cata, killed in mop. Perfect arch.

  15. Hell to the no on that one. I'd rather him never accept the light. Illidan's too narcisistic tp think any other way but his own could be right.

    Imo Paladillidan should never exist. Everything that makes Illidan Illidan would be completely over. That would mean destroying another of their most iconic characters at a level never done before.

    After reading all the lore from WotA to Illidan to doing the quests in Legion, Xe'ra seemed like some sort of gaslighting crazy-person who was desperate to use Illidan for their own gain, and after getting some of his own medicine by being forced to do something HE does not want to do, Illidan realizes it's bullshit.


    Also that image of the light-forged Illidan is fan made and I hope the artist was credited for their work.

  16. I cant say i agree with this. But i still believe that Illidain will Merge with Sargeras. As his body is the ONLY thing that can house his power. So you can only imagin how powerfull Illidain has become and how powerfull Sargeras is. So Illidain and Sargeras will return on Azeroth in the third expansion. Much more powerfull. Maybe new model of Illidain with feet.. not hooves like he has right now. Considering that Sargeras is supposed to be the same way as his Avatar. Not with hooves. OR.. maybe he will have hoves. and will use the same model as Smolderon has in the Amirdrassil raid. Which is a rather new skeleton model. But wht they would do in the expansion.. Who knows. Maybe we find out the truth about what the Titans ACTUAL plan was all along. And it could end up that it was to harvest Azeroth.. Not to let it be born as a Titan. Because as we have seen. Everyone wants to take the POWER of Azeroth. To devour it and make it their own. Same must be with the titans. To devour it and maybe recover their true strenght that was lost when Sargeras destroyed their bodies int he past. Or it could be because of something else. Like Amanthuls powers over time are limited. From doing something that basicly altered the time we know as it is right now. Like possibly them being from a much distant future. But who knows… There must have been a reason why Sargeras was so infatuated by Azeroth. Whille the Titans wanted to controll it. To shape it and form it in their way. We dont even know what Azeroth is. As it has had the Titans visit it.. The Old God corruption during the black empire. Titan coming back and building facilities and titan keepers to shape it. The Fel Corruption in some zones. Even the Blasted land that was destroyed because of the dark portal. That we still dont know the origin of.

  17. Do you remember the orc Allied race introduction? And the timeline where there was nothing to contest against the will of the light, the light became a totalitarian dictator and Evil

  18. Also, this advertisement you keep showing everything on here. I already paid a hell of a lot of money for these games I play, why the hell would I want to pay more for something that just slightly has some alteration to my game?

  19. Dude, that conversion scene in Legion were Illidan fought back was essentially him fighting off a rapist

  20. I fear war within going have bad ending like nzoth and the prepaid expansion easily buy for me it going be that 1 bad expansion
    Like taking sword out of azeroth bad thing do for that planet


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