
IDF enters West Bank | World News


Despite pressure for a ceasefire, Prime Minister Netanyahu declares that Israel will fight to the end; Russia launches an overnight drone attack on Odesa in another stage of Moscow’s campaign against civilian infrastructure; and European leaders announce concrete steps to combat illegal migration, as more than 60 people drown off the Libyan coast.

And after the news: Viktoria Pogrebnak, who helped organize the demonstration in support of Ukraine in Warsaw calling for the release of all Ukrainian prisoners of war being held captive by Russia, was TVP World’s guest

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28 pemikiran pada “IDF enters West Bank | World News”

  1. Why when b Russia prisoners are mentioned are just Ukraine adult military prisoners? What about the thousands of children Russia kidnapps and takes back to Rusdia?
    Israel just blows children apart.

  2. Israel intends to annex Palestine by force and has been condemned by UN.

    The world does not support Israel, only the US government does it.

    Hamas is an obstacle for Netanyahu plans of annexation.

  3. 2014 you are attacking the people in the East Ukraine who are the Ethnic Ukrainian Russian. you bombarding them 8 years and call them seperatist whicvh you use as a weapon agai st East Ukraine.

  4. The reason people are getting tired of the war in Ukraine is because Ukraine I believe is milking the supporting countries!

  5. @12:43 Tell me you're not the most pathetic country without telling me you are. Lmao just look at the propaganda they have to call their parties. Your president looks even more Beta than Biden and I didn't know that was even possible.

  6. I’m sure if the US, UK and Russia could do WWII all over again they would have stopped a few months short to let the Nazis rest and retool. We should have sent the Germans food, water and blankets. And Roosevelt likely regretted not having Hitler over to the White House for a drink and a hot bowl of soup. And maybe a good massage.

  7. We Americans have not lost interest or grown tired of the war…
    Unfortunately, every thing becomes politicized by our govt..
    And to be a loyal Republican or Democrat , Americans follow the narrative of their party…
    As the world has seen , the Republican party has demanded that our border issues with Mexico be addressed.
    And they absolutely do need addressed …
    But , this is American politics..
    The fact that we , America , havent sent Ukraine F-16's or tanks makes one question this president …
    Why is it that Russia is able to bomb Ukrainian cities at will , when there are systems throughout europe & the U.S. that can stop the bombing of infrastructure?
    Can the west decide its just too expensive to save Ukraine ?
    What happens if Ukraine loses ?
    The Balkan coutry's will be next …
    Then , as Russia becomes the power of many combined country's , will we send our young men to die Again on european soil ??
    Send Ukraine what they need to defeat Russia & bring those crimminals to justice…
    No one thought Osama Bin Laden would ever pay for his crimes..
    But more than a decade later , as he hid behind one of his wives, he was shot dead by navy seals…
    So , why then can we not see this through to Russia's defeat ??

  8. 6:18, why not mention why the ''package'' is being held up? It's Because Biden will not close our borders, that's the hold up. NOT the Republicans.

  9. I think that people are not fatigued but don't see how or why nobody's no country is
    Sending arms right now,even my country Canada???😢

  10. IDF enters west bank they have always been there. I wouldn't believe a word from IDF they will make crap up just to justify their bombing

  11. These people people still haven't learned you can't negotiate with terrorists….hamas are terrorists and a ceasefire is negotiating….

  12. Really simple, if they know they will be sent home they won’t come ! Amazing a politician with conmen science !

  13. Don't let any Hamas minions tell u this tunnel is built by Israel, Hamas posted video of them constructing this tunnel and Yayah was there with them. He was released around 2010-2012 ( i cannot remember) but Israelis left Gaza in 2005. European countries can fund Ukraine directly, u don't have to go through EU.


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