
I Was Wrong about Warhammer: The Old World? All Your Questions Answered!


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In this video, I discuss all the new releases for Warhammer the Old World, comparing them to my predictions, as well as answering tons of questions and comments from my previous Old World video!

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Smash Bros. “Challenger Approaching” graphic taken from @Mradamluigi ‘s video here: (THANKS!)
Battle for Skull Pass Images taken from: (ALSO THANKS!!!)

Anonymous420 – “My dollar heart is collapsing”

Stevia Sphere – “Elevator 6”

Stevia Sphere – “Elevator 7”

Stevia Sphere – “First Taste of Success”

glaciære – “Summer memories viewed through a slide projector”

glaciære – “Polar bears”

glaciære – “Dolphin”

glaciære – “Sinking your toes into warm sand”

All music used under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License

world , I Was Wrong about Warhammer: The Old World? All Your Questions Answered! , #Wrong #Warhammer #World #Questions #Answered
, The Old World,Warhammer The Old World,Games Workshop,Orks,Warhammer Fantasy,Orcs and Goblins,Dana Howl,Warhammer News,Warhammer Predictions,Warhammer Theory,Bretonnia,Tomb Kings

31 pemikiran pada “I Was Wrong about Warhammer: The Old World? All Your Questions Answered!”

  1. Somebody wants some free stuff from GW?

    It’s absurd to think that crude plastic miniatures that were produced in 1997-2003 should be sold at a premium because they are “nostalgia” especially considering they are often INFERIOR models replaced with SUPERIOR SCULPTS. They have weaker, poorer detailing than their supplanters and lack the design complexity and have far more mould lines etc. That’s like saying an exact replica of a generic common car sold in the 90s should cost the same in the 2020s. Absurd. You can get vastly better plastic Brets and Tomb King core troops, in plastic, from better companies.

    At least the “classic” video games are superior games to most of their modern counterparts.

    Warhammer Fantasy largely died because of the absurdly high pricing and they’ve just done the same thing again.

  2. Lame old crap if you ask me and totally overpriced.
    Btw, those old trolls are easy to get as metal recast. I like them very much and they sit on my painting table right at the moment. 🙂

  3. I have a suspicion Dark Elves at least are being held back, because GW intend to do something with them as a reimagined Age of Sigmar army. An army that follows Malekith Malarion, and probably really changes up the art style. GW don't want to prep the old Dark Elf moulds – or spend the money tooling them again – if they've already got a Dark Elf revamp in the works. (Not unless The Old World sells well enough to justify it, anyway. More of GW hedging their bets on a niche project.)

  4. I disagree with doubling back on the price haha. I don't think we should be paying a premium here, and I hope the upcoming boxes are priced reasonably and not gouging people banking on nostalgia.

  5. I suppose enjoying the old look to the models is a wonderful reason to buy into the game that I didnt think about. The reason I was interested in it mostly is because I have some friends who really like it as well as the faction I love the most isnt really supported in AOS that well I love its replacement a ton but it feels like an unfinished range that being the Dark elves. I love the daughters of khaine they are awesome but I want to see more of the look of the old dark elves make it to AOS. (I know that the umberneth could be right around the corner but I would be sad if its release made the DOK be neglected even more)

  6. I’m interested to see exactly which models they bring back for the dwarfs. First gen monopose plastics (crossbows on the shoulder quarreler/warrior box) or second generation, less monopose plastics (quarreler/thunderer and warrior/longbeard boxes) .

  7. A rerelease of Skull Pass would be awesome. Im waiting on dwarfs. Slayers, Warriors, and Miners coming back will be big.
    Im glad that the modeling and painting aspect is bringing your around.
    I dont think the knock on prices is misplaced. These molds are old and paid for, storage aside, theres only so much cost associated with modern production and the cost of plastic. You get a lot in the box but they do feel a little over priced.

  8. I estimate 6 months until Dana does a video just of her doing a long, drawn out Squaaaaarespaaaaace for 15 minutes.

    I'd still watch it.

  9. They should have seriously rereleased those old army boxes like you have pictured in the video, just for the sheer Pavlovian response. That upcoming Orc & Goblin box is the work of a C student. I remember walking into a GW store around 2015, and there was just one staff person there, a woman in her late 60s. She asked me what I was looking for, and I told her I was just browsing around thinking about getting back into Warhammer. And I went on to explain about a month prior I had seen the Island of Blood starter set and bought, which confused her. She said, "I thought you said you were just thinking about getting back into Warhammer," which made me chuckle a little because this is something you'd understand intuitively if you actually Warhammered. I bought the 7th edition starter set in 2010 from a modeling shop, didn't even put the minis together, I just had the good sense to buy it and stick it on a shelf. I wasn't passing up value like that, even if I never played the game again, it's Warhammer. They got a lot of MBAs and professional sales people at GW, and they think they know something, but at the end of the day, not many of them Warhammer. The product sells itself so well a Medellín cartel could be running things there in Nottingham and be doing just fine, but they miss so much potential because they don't Warhammer.

  10. I have decided that I am gonna just take the gaming "W" and be excited to buy both new and old stuff, we don't get wins for the hobby like this as much these days

  11. Hey old fantasy player , (like 25 years ) I do disagree with some stuff. It's 2024 they absolutely could of made new models across the board. I feel like they are half ass-ing this. Rules look good(some stuff is take from some other games systems to make it better (my opinion). I feel like they opened a shipping container in the backyard and was like wow we got all this fantasy stuff we got to ditch it.
    They could of just made AGS movement trays for rank and file and did it that way . With armies who didn't make it reborn.

  12. I'm 100% locked into the Old World because I couldn't afford most of it when I started playing in the 90's. Those troll models are very cool but I am looking forward to the release of the Marauder Giant as it stands out in my mind from way back when.

  13. Have you thought about making a second channel on youtube, I think a lot of people would watch you

  14. That is a cool take on the pricing, I think you have a point I still think that they could have used the opportunity for a value product that got more sales and therefore more people into the hobby. Overall I am also enjoying the nostalgia, I doubt I will ever play a game of TOW but if I keep going at this rate I will have fully painted all my old Beastmen in the next couple of months.

    It is nice the have someone positive on TOW though and I appreciate your channel. I have had to unsub a couple of creators lately as it felt like they were playing the TOW hate algorithm and honestly I come to you guys for inspiration not multi-part videos on why GW's pricing sucks.

  15. The goblins are 100% missing from the Old World because they are active models in AoS. Internally at GW these are different cost centers, and they will not allow cross-sales. This is why Skaven are not "official" in this edition of Old World, since all of their classic minis are currently listed under AoS. Over the years, as AoS units get refreshed, those old sculpts will become "official" Old World releases.

  16. I'm pretty happy with the release for the most part, although some more Tomb Guard boxes would be super nice for the Khemri enjoyers out there. Orcs and Gobbos are a weird release to hype up since they didn't really need many new kits in plastic. Some other armies have some massive room for upgrades, like Dwarf Slayers and Empire Knights. If they don't update the Empire Knights I might finally break down and buy some STLs for a friend to print me some cav. They're the only kit in that stands out as being significantly below the standard of the rest. Anyway, fingers crossed for the next batch of releases and maybe even some regular restocks until then (if we're lucky)!

  17. Night Goblins not featuring is because those models are AoS now. Same with Savage Orcs.

    All armies get lovely photos in the rulebook apart from Beastmen, because those models are AoS.

  18. i might have tried kings of war but now old worlds back i would never think of going over there, i love the lore of warhammer and the minis, the races etc

  19. the boxset has zero interest for me as an old O&G player. those plastic goblins are some of the worst GW models ever, and I have a bits box worth of those orcs unbuilt as they were so bad. I'll stick to my old metals and modern(ish) plastics.

  20. GW has set the price at exactly the level where people would still be (barely) able and (barely) willing to buy them. It has nothing to do with affordability, costs of the hobby. It's about the bottom line. Always.

  21. In fairness, regarding that 90s nostalgia, I feel like Oathmark hits that vibe really well. And you get to make your own lil duchy 😀

  22. I have always wondered why GW as a company has never set up another production line in North America.

    You avoid the import taxes and shipping from UK to North America to the point that leased warehouse space and even leased plastic injections machines (if you did not want to purchase those machines) would be less expensive even including the overhead of personal cost.

    BTW personal cost can be contracted out either directly or use an partnership program within North America to produce these models.

    Actual personal is 1 person per every 3-4 plastic injection machine.
    Plastic pellets used in the production is also manufactured and produced in North America cutting out one more expense that GW has vs having to import most of their plastic pellets into the UK.

    Considering GW does have the numbers on how many box sets are sold in North America (Mexico, Canada and US) they could scale down or scale up production in North America based on expected sales and previous sale volumes.

    You also could sale to certain South American countries from North America without the added expense of shipping from the UK. (Unfortunately some South American countries have such restrictive and/or complicated import laws, it makes it a royal pain in the butt to get anything into that country).


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