24 pemikiran pada “I mean…. #christian #truth #world #god #skit #comedy”

  1. It would be more better if it was just the “ Christians: clears throat
    THE WORLD: Ew get away from me! That’s offensive!!!!!! That’s fake!!!!!!! “

    But it’s ok 👍 Your idea is still a good representation of THE WORLD.

    God loves y’all ❤


  2. Really people believe in some random guy and a random ninja that died thousands of years ago instead of "sky daddy" the one who healed a blind man healed a guys leg and hung on the cross for us man "sky daddy" should be the only belief

  3. If anyone says “[insert holy figure] is the way”, it’s not really that good unless they’re saying it to a group of people with that same religion. Also, have you ever turned off your damn phone to think that maybe it’s because Christians have effectively controlled the western world for centuries and hearing about other religions is actually a breath of fresh air?


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