
“I Know How To End World Hunger”


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world , “I Know How To End World Hunger” , #World #Hunger
, drumsy,animated,emi,peach,emiok,peachjars,moxi,moxification,she cancelled earth

28 pemikiran pada ““I Know How To End World Hunger””

  1. "If they have no bread, let them eat cake"
    Yeah, this would just be wholesale readoption of slavery, but less so because of kidnapping the people of another continent, and more just, the poor.
    Yeah, it's a joke.
    You what ends world hunger? The death penalty upon everyone that can't afford food, then cannibalise those to first time offenders. Less people, AND utilizing newly available resources. Boom, starving rate goes way down.
    It's a "joke". not funny tho.
    You ever actually been starving? Had to just not know, over and over, when you will be able to eat again, what it will be, or how?
    Enjoy your… present position in society.
    Another not funny joke is the fact we have more than enough empty homes for every homeless person in the USA.

  2. I have never ever heard the most smartest yet the most dumbest sentence in the world😅😅😂

  3. I mean it would reduce starvation in the US.

    Your starving? Go to jail. You'll be fed in jail.

    Boom, no more starvation. 😎

  4. How to end world hunger step 1 raise more chicken make the population of chickens 10x more and make eggs cheaper and also you can cook it on stores so and also just make it boiled but that only be when we can finally make gas or oil for fire and make more trees for oxygen and make the seawater drinkable and done only in one step but all the presidents should unite to do this but this would not ever happen because they just fight

  5. Who, that old shade? Why, he's Pelagius the Mad! He was Emperor of Tamriel a scant 400 years ago, and he's only gotten crazier since then!

    Now surely even you know about Pelagius' decree? On his deathbed – oh, and this was inspired – he forbade… death! That's right! Death! Outlawed!

    See, on his deathbed, he passed a decree forbidding all death. Sure, everyone else breaks the law all the time, but not him! An example to us all!

    – Sheogorath

  6. We can end poverty by enforcing people to get money.
    Wdym there's not enough working places, what does it have to do with broke people?
    Im the president, i make money without doing a damn thing. Broke people is broke cuz they want to.

  7. 9:50 I think that guy is named mr. anime or something like that. From what i remember he killed his family so they wouldnt have to know what he was going to do which was shooting up a school or something along the lines of that. Thankfully he arrested before he could go through with it, and was sentenced to life in prison.


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