
How Yemen is Wrecking the Entire Global Economy


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Special thanks to MapTiler, OpenStreetMap Contributors, and GEOlayers

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, real life lore,real life lore maps,real life lore geography,real life maps,world map,world map is wrong,world map with countries,world map real size,map of the world,world geography,geography,geography (field of study),facts you didn’t know

45 pemikiran pada “How Yemen is Wrecking the Entire Global Economy”

  1. I created this video before the US and UK began initiating their airstrikes on the Houthis in Yemen. The problem with trying to make complicated videos about current events I suppose. If you want to learn more about what's happening and stay up to date to the hour, check out Ground News, they're really great:

  2. I aint Muslims but Respect to the houties. The only muslims who are actually doing something to support their brothers. Its easy to solve this just stop supporting the genocide israel is commiting.

  3. Grt power bring grt responsibility .
    U can let poor people who are suffering to suffer more with prices going sky high on every things this reble who attack everyone who had nothings to do with .people are just work hard earning for the family .something much be done

  4. It's not accurate to call it "the Israeli/ Hamas war". Israel is using Hamas as an excuse to wipe Palestinian off the map.

  5. Aren't the rebels in Yemen in control of that country so therefore if they have control then it is the whole nation as guilty of this act of War

  6. Yemen is the problem of the world ? Right, not the western countries literally hell bent on destroying the whole world and their own people are homeless, basic life is gone and inflation is beyond control, but yea just pin it on some other country

  7. I found it odd that while China gets a glancing mention of their military base. Their influence on this area is WAY more influential than is said. They are very much a sleeping giant, it is an interesting dynamic USA and China.

  8. It says In the Bible that near the end times, their will be Waring, Chaos, and Conflict.

    This shouldn’t be surprising.

    Also, A curse upon the Jews? That’s anti-semitism.

  9. I don't care if my everyday goods is getting 15% expensive since I mostly buy them locally. Yes, complicated products like electronic might largely affected but it's not like I bought them everyday.
    I want to see Israel choked by International pressure.

    From this video I learned that Houthi/Yemen are actually Shia, but I still appreciate your support for Palestine. Despite our differing beliefs, we fly the same flag as Islam.

  10. Their people are starving ,yet they spend all their money on arms and expect the world aid agencies to feed them .

  11. Lol, bro. There's been a euro, ethnic, religious genocidal, apartheid state impregnated into the Middle East by zionazis for 75+ yrs, but you are worried about "globalized trade" b/c ur child slave labor Nikes are gonna cost 17 cents more. You are the real victim, hahahaha

  12. Real life lore more like subtle propaganda lore. "Jordan instable because of the west bank" sure buddy, not at all because of Israel's ideological war and the US ideologically backing it massacring innocent Palestinians.

    "The only connection between Israel and the ship was the owner is a billionaire Israeli business magnate" lol – acting like that isn't the most important type of connection

    "Djibouti the only stable speck in the entire region" because obviously anything with a US army base is stable and democratic and anything that goes against it is not (/s)

  13. As I have been saying emphatically for half a century since the OPEC embargos, the only solution to consumerism is to consume less, of everything. That the entire species has chosen to stampede all-out in the opposite direction isn't the fault of some opportunistic terrorists who can read a map and comprehend what a chokepoint is. You've all done this to yourselves, and it has been inevitable all along.

  14. Considering the Houthi rebellion literally has the slogans “Death to Israel” and “A curse upon the Jews” written on their flag, why should Israel even consider taking the Houthis at their word that they’ll stop the attacks if they leave Gaza?

  15. Hi! I really appreciate the video. Could you please share your sources? It all sounds like it makes sense, but with out knowing where you are getting the information from how do I know what is true and what isn't? I could do my own research on each of the claims you make, but that defeats the point of watching a summarizing video. Please, your videos are so good – I want to be able to use them as a resource.

  16. I think they already have an alternate route which they are not being able to use because of some diplomatic reason. Watch how they will attack another country using this situation as a reason

  17. Why does USA have to lead this effort? They should be least affected by this trade route. While countries most affected do little and remain anonymous.

  18. This is happening because it is being allowed to happen. Time to either shed our Iranaphobia and clean things up down there, or get the hell out.

  19. It is easier much better and more moral to stop the Israeli war against the gazan civilians than going to war against the h o t h i e s. especially if we know that the territory, that they control are almost impossible to invade. Historically this part of Yemen was never invaded by any european power

  20. Count on the O'Biden administration to mishandle this too, as incompetency and weakness is the only thing that is being projected.
    "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up." – Barack Obama

  21. Biden funded Iran with BILLIONS in September…then the Iranian-funded Houthis attack two months later…how expected. The military industrial complex is cashing in. How good of you to cover this.

  22. I mean, I can't blame the Houthis. It's good to have allies, especially when a colonial power is massacring your kin.

  23. @10:29 That Somali civil war map is four years old version and out of date, please consider new sources as the Somali government has gained more ground fighting al-qaeda's spawn alshabab while the secessionist state of Somaliland lost ground to tribal militias loyal to Somalia


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