
How to Save the World in Six Seconds


How do you solve the world’s biggest problems? Take one little action and multiply it by 2 billion.

Footage courtesy of Alec Maxwell at Kloss Films for

world , How to Save the World in Six Seconds , #Save #World #Seconds
, United Nations,sustainability,poverty,hunger,health,education,gender equality,clean water,sanitation,renewable energy,economic growth,economy,peace,justice,little by little,UN,fight inequality,inequality,climate change,Sustainable Development Goals,SDGs,Global Giving,Climate Action,LittleByLittle,LxL,LittleXLittle

47 pemikiran pada “How to Save the World in Six Seconds”

  1. the biggest thing that nackerd this planet was money… soon as we are rid of it the better, best alternative is bartering or trading.

  2. Why are you pretending glaciers are melting? You can check them online, Ice volume in the North Pole is about average (but still growing) and penguins struggling to successfully breed in Antarctic because there's near record ice.

    It's snow in half of America in Mid-April and in the Austrilian moutains at the same damn time… are you blind or stupid?

  3. girls and boys stop saying "oh hey girls are missing out" because both genders are so please don't advertise separatism in genders cause both boys and girls are missing out not just girls

  4. The United Nations wants a global communist system in which they are the undisputed kings of the world and we are slaves!! As they approach their goal the also approach their demise.. So enjoy it while it last because it won’t last long and you will pay for your genocides. Satan indeed comes disguised as an angel of light but he knows his time is short and he knows what awaits him and all of his minions throughout history. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is in control and the blood of the lamb is savior of the world and you’re lies and deception can’t change that!!

  5. Every small action helps. That's why I started my YouTube channel to fight for justice. You can check out my videos – watching them could reverse climate change and make more oil magically appear in the ground and bring back the 40% farmland we've lost… it's about as effective as this. :p

  6. to all the people who are negative towards this video: change is a process. if fixes could occur like the flick of a switch I would agree with your concept. But things need to be influenced #littlebylittle to the masses, so that ignorant people (who argue to justify not doing shit such as yourself?) don't feel the change is "radical" and will threaten their lazy "way of life" what would call rebellion to form (just like all the dislikes on all UN videos and other negative bullshit that prevents social change). Yes, there are many urgent factors that need to be taken into account but its how we execute it. smart. its just the VIDEO and let me emphasise VIDEO (which isn't going to magically create a fully socially aware and enthusiastic society right before your eyes) just explains that our generation has A LOT OF potentials TO DO A LOT. ENCORAGEMENT ISNT GOING TO KILL US.

  7. What's up Everyone please SUBCRIBE to my chanel and please share my new Music video and follow me on Instagram yoneiry_el_maestro

  8. Guys I am so happy to be part! I got an idea by just watching this to do something about my community. Thanks. Little by little

  9. But hasn't the earth been experiencing climate change for.. well, 4 billion years? If the climate stopped changing, then that would be extremely abnormal.

  10. Sorry but installing a low flow shower head isn't going to save the world. Neither will picking up trash along the highway. How about doing something real like adopting an impoverished orphan from a 3rd world country? Or being a big brother for a child that doesn't have a father in the home?

  11. Watch "The True Cost" on Netflix!

    Mission Blue, Chasing Ice, Chasing Coral, and Cowspiracy (despite it's cringy name) are MUST SEE movies.

    Watch in any order.

  12. I just saw the advert of a female person of colour with a posh british upper class accent instructing young people to change the world little by little. The hypocrisy has no limits given the symbology of this ludicrous advert and it shows the level of inversion doctrination and the inconsistency of it to show that an upper class toff can tell the poor it is their responsibility to change it. How about she accepts the fact that her world placement is privileged because old societal norms gave her that for gods sake and just be thankful….

  13. Step 1: Safe spaces. The best way to deal with the world's problems is to give people a place in which they can avoid dealing with the world's problems.Step 2: Censorship. Not letting people say things that you don't agree with means one less problem in your world.Step 3: Abortions for everyone! The final solution would be to kill your offspring to ensure that your shitty ideas don't live on to poison the next generation of hopefully productive workers.

  14. I'm late to this but I'll throw my two cents in anyway. The people that need to see this are the ones that it will not get to. The vast majority of the 2 billion generation are outside of the West that this message is not targeting in the first place. This would only appeal to a tiny demographic of a minority of the population of almost a third of the world.

    As for the social justice and equality changes; I can hear the thought police drilling into my skull already. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    Message is positive but either it will be innefective, annoying on the account of asking young westerners to prosletise how wünderbar they are for "helping" or damaging because of the ignorance that most people hold.

  15. Fuck your new world. There’s already gender equality. If anything women are far more privileged than men and we know you ain’t fighting for men’s rights. It’s people like you who are ruining this world. I agree that there’s still racism but now it’s against whites.

  16. Why the fuck does she need to give her close ups in this inspirational video. Plus there is no need to make use of social media for every possible matter.

  17. Your generation is not THE ONLY ONE who can solve these problems! What a lie. We ALL can. This video promotes EVEN MORE separation of people. There are nearly 8 billion people who can make a difference.

  18. Saw this ad on another video. But most of the trash in our coastal waters come from Japan and other countries. Everyone resume using their straws😁

  19. 980 people disliked this – I mean how negative do you have to be to not even stay neutral on this, let alone like it. Faith in humanity is there, albeit withering by the day.


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