
How To Prepare For The Upcoming Buffs and Nerfs? | World of Tanks


World of Tanks, WoT, 1.24.0 patch

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40 pemikiran pada “How To Prepare For The Upcoming Buffs and Nerfs? | World of Tanks”

  1. Instead of s conq they should freaking nerv bz176 its so dumb and broken . or at least put it on t10 im sure bz176 still is even to stronk for t10 ..

  2. How about also buffing the tier 9 german tank in the line, VK 45.02B? The tier 8 just got rebalanced and now happen to be quite good, but sucks to grind for something that gets alot worse tier by tier

  3. Idk, never face any issues with SQ as enemy and never play on it by myself, as it very boring kind of gameplay. But when tank comfortable for players and not toxic for enemies, possible its proper balance? Useless nerf.

  4. Merchandise is great, looks the goods, but, no delivery cost, to the land down under, in Australia????????????????????????? how can, I, purchase, without knowing the delivery cost, aint gunna happen. Enlighten me, please, big banana.

  5. Great video but I am convinced that those are just numbers. The WG algorithm can dynamically up or nerf your vehicle during the battle depending on does it want you to win or lose. It is a casino.

  6. Bufs and nerfs ok ok.
    But what about WG FPS drop , image frezze , lag …?
    When WG will fix this …
    I am super happy for S.Conq nerf but he need more turet armour nerf.

  7. Im salty because ive been grinding the mino thinking it wasnt the "next tank" to get nerfed, and here we are like a year later lol and they nerfing it. Smh (im not THAT bad i just hate grinding tanks fr)

  8. New name for this game = World of Nerfs 🙏.
    Everything what was good is very bad now :-)…i mean a lot of tanks…like 705a, e3, t30, 268v4, mino, s.conq, type 5, and more and more…🎉

  9. THEY NEED TO LEAVE THE DAM TANK ALONE !!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP NERFING THE TANKS WE CHOSE !!!!!!!!!!!! such bullshit

  10. sell all tanks – play lts full he so gold abusers think they pro – hope they nerf my bufed RINCHY also – dont f2p perform map tank – wot fix. dont buy blue gear 8 perks modification dear f2p- wot steal and sels to rich ..than ur tank is beter stock with red crew – rip my grenadier class – slava gold abusers

  11. the analogy with the Type 71 and S.Conq is flawed just bc there is sucky dicky tank it does not mean the good one need nerf S.Conq. is powerfull ima fine with the nerf but it dosnt balance anything at all…. similar to the poregetto the tank was decent but here come the Lion our milking project that sucked so in the name of other tank we nerf the tech tree F2P tank so nobody will play with it and our milker wonnt suck as much! they do it wrongly and with greediness…. not a good combination for game in that regard tbh.

  12. S. Conq, was the tank for people who did not play clanwars and could not get chieften they could have a similar tank jyst not as good as chiften, so meny players used full bonds equipment on S Conq, with 50% gold if not full gold, thas why it stood out, becouse S. conc. with regular equpment without gold it was never OP. now people will move their bonds qeupment to another tank, and the nerf will end up being so big for this tank, they destroyed this tank, and those who cant get chieften.
    This is big mistake to nerf S. conq. let the players who cant get chieften have a tank with similar gameplay and still not close as OP as chiften!
    And why not create the tanks based on reality stats, sometimes i regret starting to play WOT insted of war thunder. its full fantasy stats from igor who has no knowlage of tanks and armor he dicides how mutch armor tanks should have and change the stats as he wishes and rng gamemode, without any goodmatchmaking.
    WOT should fokus on fixing matchamking, bringing teir 11 into the game and building the tanks that existed or where projekts who where build not paper tank that never existed.

  13. Mino is going to be trash now, cupolas are huge and now all tanks it sees can pen those easy to hit cupolas. WG once again has no idea how to balance game.

  14. S. Conqueror should nerf in gun handling as well. Anyway, nice to hear you agree for the changings overall. Good battles baboon commander 😎

  15. Not just Foch B but also the tier 9 FOCH and tier 8 amx ac 48 is getting similar buffs as well!! The French will have a 2nd revolution with these buffs!! 🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🥖🥖

  16. SQonq nerfe is sick. Why? Why nerf the line tanks?

    Makes the OP tanks like 279e better .
    Even the kravnwagn was nerfed. Its now a badbad tank

  17. Thanks for the concise summary. I don't play the game everyday, so it's nice to see bite sized chunks of relevant info.

  18. There was absolutely no reason to nerf conqueror or Minotaur
    Wg just did it because the tanks were popular in that 7v7 game mode.


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