
How to Play Warhammer: The Old World


Lawrence and Joe are here to celebrate the release of Warhammer: The Old World with a how to play video. This video acts as jumping off point for beginners and covers the principles of the game and the core rules covering each phase and sub-phase of the game to get YOU ready to take to the battlefields of the Old World!

0:00 Intro
0:39 Overview of the game
3:23 Dice & templates
4:07 Characteristics profiles
5:36 Other model information
6:21 Troop types
7:28 Unit special rules
8:00 Forming units
9:56 Model and unit facings
10:47 Line of sight
13:40 Strategy sub-phases
14:56 Strategy Phase summary
16:37 The 1″ rule
18:02 Who can charge
18:58 Charge reactions
20:32 Charge moves
22:03: Moves and manoeuvres
24:14: Targets & line of sight
25:42: Roll to hit
26:39 Template Weapons
27:29 Wounding and armour saves
29:27 Casualties & Panic Tests
30:09 Fall back or flee
31:03 Shooting phase summary
32:47 Choose combat
36:14 Hits, wounds, saves & casualties
38:02 Combat Resolution
40:36 Break tests
44:27 Combat Phase summary
45:23 Psychology of War

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📝 Be sure to watch the video for the player’s Army Listse

world , How to Play Warhammer: The Old World , #Play #Warhammer #World
, warhammer,warhammer 40k,games workshop,warhammer tv,wh40k,batrep,battle report,warhammer 40000,40k,list analysis,tactics,age of sigmar,AoS

49 pemikiran pada “How to Play Warhammer: The Old World”

  1. Thanks gents – a great intro to the basic rules. I noticed that most of your basic infantry models are still on 20mm bases, are you keeping them like that or will you accommodate the change to 25mm by adjusting the spacing in the movement trays?

  2. Since TOW release this is the first video I see talking to the new players rather than the old ones. Great job!!!

  3. This video is beyond awesome – I really, really hope you’ll keep the Old World content coming. Thank you so much!

  4. Wonderful content!! This is a great resource for what appears to be a particularly complex game. Well done and thank you!

  5. I can't wait to get back into TOW properly, need to paint most of my 40K stuff before I can justify getting another whole army, but gives me motivation to keep going!

  6. Ur a saint!
    Im making an empire army
    Managed to get a steam tank and Karl Franz I mean
    General on griffon xD
    Is he in the rule book btw? <-<

  7. Ah, movement trays. I missed you. It is a long time since i played with my bretonians wood elves, but this beginners overview of thr basic game fundementals seems to suggest the rules have been tightened up a bit. However, My last rule book i have was at least an inch thick, but thats how i liked it. I like the magic phase and i dont like the psychic (basically the magic phase in 40k) being changed. Thanks for the vid.

  8. Unless there is more text in the book and/ or samples than the text u displayed, the pursuing into the chariot looks sketchy to me (unless the camera is super deceiving). Normally it used to be a situation while pursuing the fleeing unit (in a straight line) would cause the pursuing unit to touch bases with a different enemy unit, and then it would count as a charge). Whereas on your example it looks like the unit just decided to charge something else instead of pursuing, and even got a flank charge to make it worse (again camera makes it look like the majority of the unit is in the front arc of the chariot), which would also mean pursuing is way more advantageous than overrunning, since it seems the overrunning unit doesn’t have the same choice to abandon its straight line movement…

  9. I really really hate you for using Undead models as a visual example of fleeing units. Great video anyway!

  10. This feels very.. incomplete? An overview of what a close order formation actually DOES (+1 CR for example) would be useful. You also basically didn't explain how magic works at all and told us to go read it ourselves. You didn't explain how this game works if core rules like casting, being outclassed in the arts, fated dispels and miscasts aren't even mentioned, let alone explained. There are also more charge reactions than you mentioned, Countercharge for example is not mentioned at all.

    Also explaining fleeing with Tomb Kings models who.. cannot ever flee is an interesting choice at best.

    Also, i think there are some mistakes in here? You only get to overrun right if you killed an enemy unit completely on the charge, not always if you wipe someone as you pose.

    I think this qualifies as a beginner's introduction to The Old World, but it simply does not qualify as a How to Play as there are tons of rules you will encounter in literally every game that are not even mentioned let alone explained.

  11. Great video, i thought you covered a wide spread without getting into the weeds (hitting on a 7+, why are you still here?), as they could be a bit off putting to new players. Bit odd you used Tomb Kings to illustrate fleeing but that's ok.

  12. you are as beatiful, as the day I´ve lost you…
    It´s so beatiful to have my childhood back, while having an adult money.

  13. This is fantastic, thanks for making this. Would you mind going into detail as to where you got all of that terrain from that's used in this video? It's brilliant and I've love to buy it.

  14. Great video! I am wait for my Old World stuff with bated breath. I already started dusting off my old Wood Elves.

  15. Wow, that was a lot. But now I feel like I can watch the battle reports and know what's going on. Cheers for the video.

  16. So excited to see my first GW love 30 odd years ago tightened up and re released. I just need to see if I can persuade my gaming mates to play.

  17. "I give my body, heart and soul to the lady. No plea for help shall find me wanting. No obstacle shall stand before me. No evil shall taint the land bequithed to me. When the clarion calls I will ride out and fight in the name of Liege and Lady. That which is sacrement I shall preserve. That which is sublime I shall protect. That whoch threatens I shall destroy, for my holy wrath shall know no bounds. Honour is all, chivalry is all. Rejoice for we the Knights of Bretonnia will be your shields." The Knights Vow

  18. Omg thank you TTT!! I would like to play TOW but its kindda complex indeed. If they ever release a Kislev faction, im in!!! Keep up the good work !!!


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