41 pemikiran pada “how to be a PRO DISTRACTOR | Dandy’s World”

  1. my friend actually unironicaly enjoys distracting as Brightney, he makes all the Goob players take their Hair Off, and for the first time, being a Secondary Distractor 😅

  2. Another tip is trinkets. I've seen people use pink bow for distracting, which is a bad idea.
    Pink bow only boosts your RUNNING speed, which is not useful when you'll be walking in circles most of the time.

    The best trinket combo for distractors is dog plush and running shoes. Running shoes give 5% run and walk speed, while dog plush gives 10% walk speed. This combination will give you a 15% boost in walk speed and 5% in run speed.

    Running shoes can easily be bought in the shop. For dog plush, you will need 100% research on Toodles.

    Pebbles might be an except to this due to their 5 star run speed, where all it needs is dog plush, but I recommond being safe and using running shoes anyways. It makes a huge difference!
    For any other distractor, the dog plush and running shoes trinket combo is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Stamina will often not carry you through distracting, which will lead to early death. WALK!!

  3. Tisha is also pretty good if you’re on a budget or saving for either goob or pebble, I’ve distracted with her a couple of times and ti actually isn’t pretty bad! Her skill is already great for when you need a quick getaway to the elevator after the last machine is done.

  4. Am actually a good distractor player toons I use for distracting goob or pebble I never use Tisha or flutter I use pebble mostly am good working with his 2 hearts and distracting

  5. Here is meh story that happened cuz I’m a distractor: a pebble who started trying to distract Astro gets hit first thing then me going to distract for the 100th time:

  6. Some great advice in this video! One more thing I see a lot of distractots lack in is their patience. Once the elevator is open, they will immediately sprint towards it which is not something I'd advise doing if you don't want to seem selfish to your teammates and/or get them killed. Stall the elevator untill about 15 seconds left on the timer to let your teammates get in safely, or untill they give you a cue. If you're a distractor, you will have enough speed to get to the elevator within 15 seconds on most maps (with the exception of that one gardenview one that's a bunch of tight narrow hallways), so while the elevator is still open, you as a distractor should stall the twisteds as long as you can so that your teammates can get into the elevator safely. This is especially important with slow toons on the team like Vee or Rodger. And if you absolutely HAVE to book it to the elevator as soon as it's open, PLEASE at least have the courtesy to help out fellow toons if you see them in danger right in front of the elevator by pulling aggro from them for a few seconds or helping out with your ability


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