How The World Reacted To Biden Dropping Out

The World was just as surprised as you were when Joe Biden dropped out, and here’s what they thought: France thanked Biden for “the exemplary way in which he led the Atlantic Alliance when it was faced with one of the most serious crises in its history”. Canada’s PM said that Biden was a true friend, a great man, and a partner to Canadians. Australia praised Biden for his leadership and acting in the best interests of the US. China said “no comment”. Germany’s Scholz wrote “My friend Joe Biden has achieved a lot: for his country, for Europe, and for the world” The UK’s PM said that he believed Biden made his decision based on what was best for Americans. Poland’s PM wrote “You’ve taken many difficult decisions, thanks to which Poland, America and the world are safer, and democracy stronger.” Followed by the Czech PM who said “it was a responsible and personally difficult step, but it is all the more valuable.” Ireland said Biden was “a voice for reason, effective multilateralism and shared solutions.” The Philippines thanked Biden for his unwavering support. Zelensky said “We will always be thankful for President Biden’s leadership. He supported our country during the most dramatic moment in history” and Russia said that there are still four months until the election.

#usa #america #uk

world , How The World Reacted To Biden Dropping Out , #World #Reacted #Biden #Dropping
, USA,Joe Biden,President Biden,Biden dropping out,America,US Military,US alliances,UK,France,Ireland,Poland,Russia,Ukraine,NATO,Biden NATO,President Joe Biden,Biden Ireland,China,United States

22 pemikiran pada “How The World Reacted To Biden Dropping Out”

  1. trump, old man trump, insane old man trump. He could never be as brave as Biden and drop out. trump has proven himself to be unqualified, he left the rioters enraged and kept silent. His repatriation of US nationals frim China without quarantine introduced Covid-19 to the west coast. His tariffs helped destroy our economy. His permanent tax breaks for the rich increased our debt exponentially. Theres only one reality and gish galloping trump isn't in it.

  2. I'd like to thank Joe Biden for taking the title of "worst president ever". I appreciate all of the beautiful inflation, and of course all of the illegal immigrants stealing our stuff.

  3. Praising the president for what he has done for the Americans? I thought the US was stupid but now I am learning that those countries that think that Biden done great things for the Americans are delusional and a joke.


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