
How the world destabilized Haiti, the world’s first free Black republic | Mapped Out


Haiti has called for an international security force led by Kenya to fight extreme gang violence. But foreign influence goes back centuries in Haiti often for the worse. In “Mapped Out” we take a look at three international players – France, the US and the United Nations – that contributed to Haiti’s current state of affairs.

00:00 Intro
01:16 Colonial France and its lasting debt
05:12 Haiti’s poor governance
06:59 The Legacy of US Occupation
08:37 Haiti’s vacuum of power
10:22 A devastating UN intervention
11:39 Haiti’s call for help


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world , How the world destabilized Haiti, the world’s first free Black republic | Mapped Out , #world #destabilized #Haiti #worlds #free #Black #republic #Mapped
, DW News,Haiti,Kenya,United Nations,gang violence,Port-au-Prince,haiti news,haiti history,haiti explained

46 pemikiran pada “How the world destabilized Haiti, the world’s first free Black republic | Mapped Out”

  1. After more than 200 years of independence you can’t blame colonialism, racism, France, us, un anymore for your own failing and corruption. Countries like Poland Vietnam and the Baltic states all had a harder history than Haiti and they recovered

  2. 1804 they declare an emperor not a republic . And tht was the main problem not rasism thing 😂😂😂😂

  3. Bad rullers never emerge spontanously, they are never the expression of national culture. They are always the most convinient solution, the instrument, for land and capital holders and Western governments.

  4. “The first successful slave revolt” 😂😂 what a joke like no one ever heard of Spartacus 😂

  5. It is sad whats happening to Haiti, but I feel like DW is pushing an agenda on us! The reason why the gangs have taken the country over, it is because Haitian's bad and corrupted politicians.

  6. I mean it did take haiti 100 years to fully pay of france 1947. They also owed the US who came and took was was owned using marines. This report was VERY biased it did not include the civil war either

  7. So the revolution made things worse since nobody wanted to do business with them. They had to pay France millions of dollars. Sounds like failed revolution.

  8. While this island was the richest of all the Caribbean, political violence, corruption, nepotism killed all economic development.

  9. People who lack social science literacy still have a hard time understanding how history shapes the present. Its like their brains turn off and seriously believe that the present is just the present and the past has nothing to do with it, even if the facts are clear and the evidence is overwhelming. Haiti's neighbors are successful because of a chain of events dating back in history. Haiti is unsuccessful because of a chain of events that led to the deep social issues they have now. And there's definitely a lot of historic social injustice as is the case in most parts of the global south. You really don't need a PhD in anthropology to figure this out, get a grip!

  10. A short while ago Canada gave Haiti $160 MILLION. It wasn't long after that a revolt broke out in Haiiti. So giving money to Haiti gives gangs motivation to overthrow the government.
    Then the gangs have lots of money with which to buy guns or whatever.
    I don't how or if Haiti will ever become normal.

  11. security comes from within – no outside help needed. A little bit of trust of themselves goes a long way.

  12. Damn they did Haiti 🇭🇹 real bad all because they wanted there own freedom Europe and west is so evil

  13. 1:25 Colonialism
    2:05 Gone?? You mean murdered by colonisers wtf DW 🙄🙄😒😒😒😒
    2:40 Slaves
    3:30 land exploitation
    4:00 Revolution and isolation
    4:55 Reparations for liberation
    5:30 Bad governance
    6:50 presidents killed
    7:15 USA imperialism and theft and occupation
    8:10 USA backing dictators
    8:35 NGOs
    10:05 UN international player
    10:38 UN peacekeeping from Nepal and India = Cholera
    11:44 Kenyan police
    12:30 Not different
    13:20 Gangs public sentiment
    14:04 Forefathers history

  14. 4:35 looks like someone forgot that Florida used to be Spanish not English, this is the most uneducated and misinformed videos you've made so far DW

  15. The first free Banana Republic, threw off French oppression and then started oppressing themselves even better, unable to rise above Haiti's hatreds and chaos. Sigh….

  16. You talk over the genocide of the Taino people as if it is not fundamental to what occurred on their land . Columbus invaded Ayiti the home and country of the Taino people .

  17. The Europeans in this comment section that don’t want to acknowledge their wrongdoing in history it’s crazy. It’s pathetic. Europe and the United States Haiti we all know it. Take accountability.

  18. Why the Georgia (Sakartvelo) has Ruzzian occupied territories split with borders? DW are you supporting Ruzzia?

  19. I didn't understand how serious the problem in Haiti was, until China began to criticise Haitian government, together with US. (Feb 2021).

  20. The debt was to prevent France from recapturing the colony. The debt didn't turn Haiti into what it is today, as you touch on briefly, it was poor governance. If Haiti had more money, those in charge simply would have stolen more, and Haiti would be in the same situation it is now.


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