
How Syndicate FAKED His Black Ops Zombies World Record


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In 2011 Syndicate cheated in order to achieve a world record in Black Ops Zombies. He still won’t admit it.

Thanks to @Cruppz for helping me research:
@whoneedsjug5269 original expose video:
@Flurh follow up video:

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47 pemikiran pada “How Syndicate FAKED His Black Ops Zombies World Record”

  1. I made one comment about preserving ammo that was very dubious. This comment had nothing to do with whether or not he cheated it was just an observation. I shouldn't have commented on the gameplay at all, I'm not an expert on it. Apologies.

    Get an even higher XMAS deal using my link or my discount code KARL: 1-2 are 22%; 3+ are 33% OFF available until December 24th, 2023 (excl. Limited Editions and Lumino). Discount applies automatically at checkout.

  2. Your commentary has noticeably changed. You have definitely been influenced by your lawyers. I think it has improved the video, truthfully, just an interesting observation.

  3. 13:05 That is not true at all… the starting pistol is enough for the first 3 rounds and the extra 500 cash can get you to a better weapon easily. With multi leg shot knife kills i remember having 3-4k in multiplayer sometimes, getting my team to power in round 4.

  4. I got banned from his minecraft server for accidentally breaking a cocoa bean so seeing this is a LITTLE funny to me. gg karl

  5. These comments man… people wishing his career failed over a lie about a video game 12 years ago is so wild to me. I watch Tom's vlogs everyday and he is a genuine person who does a lot of good

  6. I remember doing round 45 with randoms in multiplayer, which took like 4-5 hours i believe. The game would lag so bad, you had to run with claymores in your hand. On ps3.
    Sooooooo, i dont know if singleplayer is different, but i remember seing high rounds with what i said before as lag compensation and syndicates video looks smooth. So i would say it definitely wasnt running for 6+ hours.

  7. I'm sorry…. I can't believe it took ten years for anybody to notice a world record run with the character change…. seems like that was the first domino to fall that led to other abnormalities that heavily imply cheating or moding.

    But it took 10 years for someone to notice the difference between Nikolai and Taki's hands????

  8. Nothing new to say in this comment, just gonna keep leaving comments to keep the engagement up so YT's algorithm gets this to as many as possible because fuck Tom.

  9. Lol thank God I don't give AF about these walmart celebrities. The cult of Hollywood is bad enough. Add in these mouth breathing youtubers who get a "career" from faking gameplay and it's no wonder our society is so retarded.

  10. Karl make another one about his CSGO lotto scandal, based on the comment section it is actually scary how few seem to know about it.
    And again to people in the comments asking why bother bringing this up all these years later…. Syndicate mostly likely will never have to work an actual job the rest of his life, he built an entire career out of cheating and lying, then used his new found clout to scam his own audience and get kids addicted to gambling. It is honestly sickening that people still support him despite his lack of accountability in every scandal he's been apart of. It should only take one giant scandal and not owning up to it to reveal someone's true character and yet after several scandals, Tom refuses to take accountability for anything….

  11. The amount of people here trying to talk about specifics in zombies when they have literally no idea what they are talking about is staggering. Yappers, the lot of you.

  12. not defending him, he definitely cheated the run, but the claim that he wastes shots on 1 or 2 zombies then cutting to a clip of him finishing a dog round with it is kinda silly. dog rounds spawn every like 5-6 rounds and they guaranteed drop a max ammo at the end, so its no big deal wasting your ammo during or right before those rounds

  13. We were all chasing that high, I got to round 50 something, and I got disconnected. Up until that point 4 hours had past, I never attempted high rounds again. Now that I have a PC, I know about console commands.

  14. Not defending this guy at all, but there is a possibility that no one has really brought up: He didn't necessarily have to have recorded those first few videos on the same day. Could've been recorded well before the upload dates, which would make it possible for the two runs to be legit. The second run is still most likely modded, there's plenty of evidence proving so. Just not the time stuff.

  15. Questions though this was 2011, most people played cod on consoles back in that day, even if they had money. So you cant have yused scripts

  16. Am I the only one that got low-key nostalgic watching this video and got that little voice in the head that tells you hey let's go play that game again like the old days and you know that it's not like the old days anymore.

    I guess we're going to have to wait until we get old and our sons and daughters put us in gaming nursing homes maybe then we're going to have moments like the good ole days

  17. I saw someone who actually does cod zombies world records consistently talk about this. His name is Cruppz and he’s freakin talented

  18. He lied about his high score for 10 years?! This is almost as bad as the guy who got away with charity fraud for 10 years.

  19. Was going to say "Why the hell should i care about a cheated world record over a decade ago???" but to see he's still trying to milk off of it and still lie about it a decade later is crazy lol

  20. The problem i have with this video which doesnt matter but my problem is we all knoe this in the zombies community we dont care the only people who will care about this are probably new syndicate fans or the casual zombies player. If you hardcore into zombies this isnt new

  21. Despite this "debate" being 13 years old, I still find this more interesting than whatever cod is doing now with zombies

  22. I’m like, 99% sure 116 was never the record, I THINK at the time of his 116 king Jaq had a 130 something. I could be wrong maybe I’m getting my dates mixed up I haven’t been involved with the high round community for years now, not since black ops 3 came out.

  23. Glad I quit watching when he got involved with gambling. I still remember his og minecraft series, good times. I agree with Brdobbinsftw's take on syndicate's, hutch, etc vanity vlogs were and still are not only a waste of everyone's time but a waste of influence. Instead od changing the world with the 10m hes amassed hes continued to dick around for years on end between the US and Britain. Yeah hes thrown cash at charity but that only really ramped up POST exposure for csgo lotto if i will recall correctly.


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