
How Much World of Tanks COSTS!


Free to Play games like World of Tanks have hidden price tags that aren’t immediately obvious, here’s how much it cost to get all the tanks in 2023!

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World of Tanks is a Free 2 Play online game published by Wargaming start playing World of Tanks here: (affiliate link)
0:00 How much WOT costs
0:33 For Free
1:33 Economy Players
6:38 Tank Collectors
13:17 How much gold do you need?
14:16 Best way to get gold and save money

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48 pemikiran pada “How Much World of Tanks COSTS!”

  1. You mention that you (of course) get gold from the boxes, but you don't mention that they also drop premium time which also reduces the amount you need to buy.

  2. The difference is in the period the player plays. After a few years it is much easier and cheaper, when you accumulate everything. Be sure to buy at discounts and play every day, you can get premium days and other bonus equipment.

  3. From 2011 to 2017 i played for free. From 2017 to 2020 i payed roundabout 80 € per year for Premium, now i am back as Free2play-Player. 2018 to 2020 i bought xmasboxes for 20 €, i collected 11k gold over the years. I have over 120 Million Credits and 60k Bonds. Free Experience i collected something over 1 Million 😉

  4. Someone gotta pay for servers 🤷🏻‍♂️ Spent 250 euros last Christmas and that was enough for a whole year. Will do the same this year

  5. QB do not lie pls. I started playing the game in 2013 . I remember the event that gave me 1 day premium time for ( I don't remember exactly but let's say 5000 exp gained) this event was going on for months and actually this hooked me in the game. I developed my first account based on this. Second factor the game back then was better balanced or let's say much slower. You can still find some guides from back then ''How to farm with StuG III'' or ''Nashorn''. SO you did not need so many premium tanks at all, I got for some mission SU 100U in 2014 and this was my only prem tank for very long time.. So NO today the game is money grab.

  6. nice break dow … but remember, when you are "collector" and started not long time ago with this, you easily can spend even more on the boxes to get the new tanks. you need far more boxes as you might need even more boxes as you have to have all other, recurring tanks to be sure to aquire the new ones… so never sell an unused old premium tank tier 8 or higher

  7. I bought 14 boxes, got 4000 gold, 8 days premium, about 1.5 million, 2 or 3 3d styles, object 752, and tiger mouse😅

  8. Free to play is not entirely free, you need a broadband account and the cost of running a gaming PC, albeit these are shared costs- but not inconsequential if you have fibre and a beast of a machine.

  9. Apparently they are a $2 billion in revenue annually, this puts into context their dubious business model …. something along the lines of tobacco and gambling companies, the core issue is addiction and taking advantage of this.

  10. I'll never understand people berating others for spending money on a game. Sure $1000 a year is a bit extreme but for one it isn't their money and for two It's no different than spending money on any other luxury. It may just be "pixels" to some but to the people buying it it's their main source of entertainment

  11. I stat to buy only loot box, on Christmas. With the gold i get i spend on the 2nd battle pass, cand convert some gold on free EXP to skip the pain on some bad guns . from there i get alot of premium days on the battle pass . I of you manage good , you cant get even better value from the boxes

  12. i dont have loads of cash to spend of games i can bring myself to spend on this game
    i find that the game just isnt worth my money

  13. Been playing since Beta in 2010, have all tech trees fully researched. Currently have 905 days of premium time from Christmas loot boxes, Normally don't put any money into the game unless I need to (spent $20 recently on the new German medium because I got tired of the grind for it) and spend $100 yearly on the Christmas loot boxes each year-this year I got all the new tanks and most of the cooler skins. Not a bad trade off or investment for a game I play an hour or two nearly every day.

  14. Thanks QB, I Spent $200 bucks for the winter game, but your videos helped me manage that this is the GOLD to buy Battle Pass as well as JUST in CASE buys.
    I'm an ECO player

  15. Did they nerf the soviet
    IS-7??? I can't do anything!!!! It doesn't matter if im shooting a UBR-482, UBR-482P, or a UOF-482.

  16. One small thing I think is worth pointing out for the Econo and Whale player: 250 Loot boxes should get at least 169 days of premium, and three full battle passes should provide an extra 207 days of premium. plus any premium from the two special passes. so those players can reduce their costs slightly by not actually needing to purchase a premium day.

  17. So you can actually request a report through WG/ie submit a ticket that will give you a spread sheet with every chat message you've sent and all purchases you've ever made. I was shocked at how much I've spent over the last decade +. Let's just say it's enough for a down payment on a decent mid size family saloon.

  18. You forgot the community contributor commanders. I spent like $180 on them and right before the Christmas loot boxes.

  19. 1:00 disagree with the statement but agree in some way :

    For the bad part
    -Free to play have to deal with a lot of issues while playing , the first being a matchemaking overpopulated with OP prenium tank that have all the benefit they don't whitch lead to more issues .

    -Free to play have to play stock tank that aren't even full strong enougth to compete with prenium tank resulting into frustrating games getting longer when you go up within the rank

    -Crew are the nerve of you performe badly or good in a game and free to play barely stand a chance against any player with more trained crew (of course prenium tank have accelerated crew traning and 100% of crew training right from the begining )

    -Credit economie start to become a real probleme starting from tier 7 to 10 with losing credit realy often in average and limiting in the same time your choice of ressource (prenium consummables , bounty equipement , gold ammo …. etc)

    For the good part
    you have better access to prenium tank , prenium day and some mandatory feature like six sens … (etc) But it doesn't realy balance the bad part .

  20. I miss the days when I could buy $30 phone credit with pay as you go, on a plan that gives unlimited texts and calls.

    I would then spend that $30 again on WoT with mobile payments xD

  21. I know that the game has a lot of problems, but I put a little money into it, it remains a service game, if no one spends a little, the game will be less followed and less content.

  22. Sadly, I've spent $1,000's on this game since the 11 YEARS I've been playing it, including WOWS… Both Games, I'm likely at $5,000-$6,000 now, as a guess, maybe more.
    That's $545 a Year…. though I've had a lot of "inactive" periods and years too, so the yearly spend is even GREATER when I'm actually playing regularly. Even more funny, I hardly play WOWS, yet I've spent a bunch of money on likely good and useful stuff, with the HOPE I'll one day play more. Funny thing is, the primary reason I don't play the game is because their "Ship Carousel" is TERRIBLE… It's "unreadable" with the "No Commander" Text, so I end up buying Commanders so as not to see that text, thus I shaft myself, so I've just given up on the game because of it, cause I DON'T want to shaft myself in both money and losing on building my Commanders.

  23. Well I just made new account for fun and my brother referred me so we both will get free premium tank. I was not going to spend money on wot anymore but I got deal of 4 boxes for 1€ for some reason and I somehow got the tier 9 obj from it and then later on I got offer for 2k gold for 0.8€ so now I'm sitting on tier 9 premium tank, referral bonuses, 3k+ gold, all less for 2€. I would say that was worth it 🙂

  24. Hey QB, is there any way to transfer my account from us to EU? Wargaming is unwilling to help me, maybe you can help me. I’m willing to pay some to transfer my progress.

  25. 0:53 I play since 2014 and I disagree. Due to credit inflation (partly due to everyone getting free premium days) gold spamming became far more common, to the point of you being disadvantaged if not doing the same, even down at tier 5. And back when I started premium vehicles were mostly known for earning more credits, not dwarfing the tech tree tanks by being simply overpowered compared to them. It's not just the unstock grind and worse crews which causes first non-arty tank at tier 8 when sorting by WR to be at almost 100th position.* This is also same reason why MM contains less and less tech tree vehicles, especially at tier 8 – why bother playing a statistically worse vehicle being less able to afford spamming gold?
    I recall having problems with credits in 2014-2017 due to grinding many lines in parallel, but I also remember not having to load any gold ammo and staying competitive in a tech tree tank both against same tank and premium tanks of same tier. I would probably not stay with the game if it looked in 2014 like it looks today – now I can survive because I already have tier 8 premiums and I simply know the game well enough to play above average, but newbie me would be utterly crushed by gold spam and no-food distadvantage.

  26. In my country, min wage is around 400 £, the median wage around 665 £ per month. Probably not too many tank collectors here 😀

  27. @QuickyBaby
    There are couple of flaws in the calculations of your Collector spendings. I have been in that boat for several years now, but I can tell, that if you are getting all the new tanks during the year and if you are always having the improved battle pass, then there is absolutely no need to buy any premium time. I have not bought a single day of Premium time for several years now, but they keep stacking up much faster then running out. Standing at almost 800 days now. Second thing, which is not needed – any "standalone" gold purchase. This year the gold income is higher then ever, so again – zero spendings for just the gold packages. And with the amount of lootbox events we have now through out the year, I guess gold will be the next thing which will start to stack up faster then one can spend it. (wisely of course 😉


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