
How Ecuador Became One of the World’s Most Violent Countries | WSJ


Ecuador’s president Daniel Noboa said his country is “at war” with drug gangs after gunmen took over a TV studio and launched attacks. A root of this wave of violence is an increase in drug trade, with drugs mainly flowing in from Colombia.

WSJ’s Ryan Dubé explains how the gangs turned Ecuador into one of the world’s most violence-plagued nations.

0:00 Drug gangs in Ecuador
0:32 What’s happening in Ecuador?
1:39 Behind the wave of violence
2:42 What’s next?

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#Ecuador #DrugTrade #WSJ

world , How Ecuador Became One of the World’s Most Violent Countries | WSJ , #Ecuador #Worlds #Violent #Countries #WSJ
, ecuador,ecuador news,daniel noboa,drug gangs,war on drugs,latin america,gang violence,gang violence ecuador,prison break ecuador,colombia,colombia news,drug gangs in ecuador,internal armed conflict,tv studio takeover,ecuador tv takeover,ecuador tv takeover full,surge in violence,cocaine trade,state of emergency,ecuador presidente noboa,guayaquil,security ecuador,military targets,drug routes,ecuador infrastructure,cocaine production,wsj,wonews

38 pemikiran pada “How Ecuador Became One of the World’s Most Violent Countries | WSJ”

  1. I am sure that MI6, CIA and the DEA along with Seals and Delta will be there assisting with the take down of the drug gangs. I look forward to reading the book about it to get the background and cause of it all. Pretty simple though, drug cartels filtering through is what has caused it.

  2. Noticing a pattern here. If They're okay, we're okay. However, if they start messing with the production and trafficking of drugs. The mainstream media is not okay with them.

  3. Legally, a Conspiracy exists when 2 or more persons join together and form an agreement to violate the law, and then act on that agreement. The crime of Conspiracy was created to address the inherent dangers posed to society when people come together and join forces to commit criminal acts.

  4. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress

  5. Kids aren't supposed to know how to play they're dumb that's you know kind of the whole point of being a kid so it's ok if they make mistakes but they're kids they're dumb they're still learning and will continue to learn even as an adult but why they can't be playing at such a young age is because it's playing it's not supposed to be taken that serious so if someone like a police officer asked them to stop they'd be ok with that and it's playing so if they find something serious and let's say they're too busy playing then they find something serious and they take it seriously they're going to be too busy playing so they wouldn't be that serious and that's where the idea of depression starts rolling because they can't do what they want to be doing because they're too busy playing to be taken anything serious.

  6. I’m glad the guy said something about the Albanian cartels they have been moving weight into Europe and has changed the game

  7. Ecuador, colombia, and Venezuela are owned by Mexico that's why there's a influx of guns down there nowadays

  8. Ecuador went from being one of the safest countries in the world to one of the world's most violent in the world, in just the span of a few years, that is startling.

  9. That's what happens when people elect the wrong politicians. The far right is creating all this chaos while the president makes huge multinational billionaire agreements 💰💰🐁🐁💰💰🐁🐁

  10. Thanks for the coverage. I hope you cover “How Israel found itself in front of the International Criminal Justice Court” next.

  11. Reinstate capital punishment with public x-[cute]-ions, conduct federal internet surveillance to identify illegal transactions and do routine inspections on the roads to confiscate illegal weapons

  12. Two Words Monroe Doctrine, just as Euro powers destroyed Africa over past 200 years, the usa has destroyed North , central and South American countries, making the world safe for corporate america comes with a price of millions of lives ….

    Somehow blaming drug dealers is absurd, the demand for drugs comes from the usa.


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