
How dirty is the world’s largest cruise ship? | Transforming Business


The cruise industry is the fastest growing tourism sector, expected to generate over 30 billion dollars in revenue this year. With close to 36 million passengers taking a cruise holiday in 2024, we showcase the world’s largest cruise ship and speak to the world’s leading cruise company. And we question what, literally, powers all this razzmatazz.


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#Transforming Business #CruiseShip #Pollution

world , How dirty is the world’s largest cruise ship? | Transforming Business , #dirty #worlds #largest #cruise #ship #Transforming #Business
, DW News

27 pemikiran pada “How dirty is the world’s largest cruise ship? | Transforming Business”

  1. The ships are getting huge and out of control! 10k people on one! A couple of these big ships in a port just causes long lines and too many people trying to see the same things! I would never go on one!

  2. What an incredible monster they have created. It is both a marvelous incredible creation and terrifying. The people steering this Titan of a ship must be sweating everytime they are on the move.

  3. Ships are one of the most environmentally-friendly ways to move around, so hearing how polluting those ships are, personally tells me more about how polluting rich-lifestyle is in general, now try to move that lifestyle around the only way you could (water transport is the cheapest-environmentally friendly) and you get a measurable eco-bomb.

  4. I don’t know why people would willingly pay to be trapped on a boat with questionable hygiene practices with thousands of other people in the middle of some ocean on the other side of the world.

  5. * VERY IMPORTANT stands the Navy industry to Sustainable Environment.
    * in adding to by generating jobs has contributing to Local and National Budget indeed.

  6. Measure for measure, US and Allied military and naval exercises pollute more than cruise ships. And are more deadly

  7. But how do they defend against torpedos and missiles. Such dangerous ships must be getting attacked by any nation on sight right.

  8. Please ask your visual editilor to stop making the picture glitch, it's totally unnecessary and very annoying

  9. You have to look at the emissions per passenger. Also compare with the emissions that the passengers would emit if they were at home.


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