
How Damage ACTUALLY Works! ALL New World Weapon Scalings!


Diving deeper into the new world of weapon damage scaling that New World’s weapon scaling! Since my previous test, I had quite a few new findings and learned new interesting bits of information about how exactly attributes scale and how weapon base damage contributes to scalings. While this doesn’t change the outcome of the last video, it means that beyond diminishing returns, we need to take a closer look at the interaction between weapon base stats and the resulting damage before any multipliers are applied.
#NewWorld #Damage #Scaling

0:00 Timestamped for your convenience 🙂
0:25 Scaling numbers – how do they (not) work?
2:10 Scaling formula
3:21 About weapon base damage
4:57 1.0, 0.9 and 0.65 scaling explained (ExpsGaming)
6:35 Weapon damage % scaling for one attribute
8:45 Weapon damage % scaling with 2 attributes
9:38 Maxing damage on weapons with 2 attributes
10:21 Why weapons with 2 attributes may have an advantage
11:07 Total extra damage per 10 points (details in next video)
12:00 Discord & Infographics
12:42 Please consider subscribing and clicking the bell! 🙂

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DISCORD (New World):
DISCORD (Smite):

Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

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world , How Damage ACTUALLY Works! ALL New World Weapon Scalings! , #Damage #Works #World #Weapon #Scalings
, new world,weapon scaling,attributes,weapon,scaling,damage,weapon damage,new world weapon,new world weapon scaling,new world damage scaling,attribute,attribute scaling,new world weapon damage,highest damage,damage scaling,new world game,new world mmo,amazon games,diminishing returns,DR,base damage,base damage scaling

39 pemikiran pada “How Damage ACTUALLY Works! ALL New World Weapon Scalings!”

  1. Why can the top damage value on the weapon be diffrent on weapons even tho its The same weapon type and u change nothing in gear/stats?

  2. Are you saying weapons do more damage if they are in primary weapon slot rather than secondary weapon slot? Plz answer my brain is busted.

  3. So how can 2 ilvl 600 void gauntlets(any weapon really) have different top damage values if it's the same player, attributes, bottom weapon damage?

  4. @DukeSloth Why, how come while mousing over tooltips on weapons, in this case GreatAxe, some of same GS, attributes, slash damage, quality show higher caluculated damage? Then weapons with lower stats GS quality show higher calculated damage?

  5. Practical question: if you go from 300 int/100 con to 250 int/150 con in order to be a bit tankier in pvp, how much weapon damage are you sacrificing? I'm debating this now, running void gauntlet and ice gauntlet. I currently have over 300 int and am considering bumping my constitution to 160. With buff food, it will put me at 200 con… but how much weapon damage would I be giving up?

  6. Great video! Only thing I may have misunderstood was 300+ scaling. I realize this video is older but i am still seeing dmg increase post 300+ though I'm sure it's reduced. I thought u stated 300+ doesnt provide additional scaling? If you can clarify this point, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

  7. This was very helpful, but im looking at 2 different bows with the same thrust damage and different total damage. Do different weapons scale differently?

  8. Gem Scaling intresting me most. I'm playing 100str/150foc hybrid and from my experience, tier 2 nature gems net best damage – even if enemy is "weak" to nature. Only if enemy has resist to main weapon damage type (like thrust) and same time he is weak to nature, is worth to use tier 3-5 gems. Wondering why this elemental conversion works this way.

  9. So what IS 'base' damage? Like 167 Nature damage or 167 Thrust damage? Is the damage type the 'base' damage?

  10. Been following your smite content for years and haven’t been subscribed! That’s on me. You’re putting in good work out here man this is awesome and incredibly in-depth. So many numbers! 2:44

    Thank you very much for your work. 💯

  11. This video is outdated and incorrect. There is also no proof of anything just a guy saying "someone you don't know said they data mined this so here is numbers." You can very easily test this on your own with a level 60 character and money to spare for a stat respec. for all hybrid weapons, diminishing returns kicks in on the main stat at 150, then gives the same as the secondary stat til 200. its not until 200 of the main stat that it gets outweighed by the secondary stat due to diminishing returns. Its much safer to say that if you are running a hybrid weapon it is best to get to the 150 mark, then decide from there if the passive boxes at 200, 250 and 300 outweigh the passive boxes and extra damage you'd get from starting on stacking your secondary stat. i.e with sword it would (in the case of damage) be smarter to stop at 150 store and push for the 100 dex passive of 5% thrust damage to synergize with the damage boost of using your heavy attack which is a thrust. Or for spear, to get 150 dex then push for 100 stre for the increased heavy attack damage which is very highly integrated into some spear playstyles. Please don't spread false info in an attempt to sound smart. Please show your testing if you are gonna speak in definitive statements. And please everyone else test for yourself and figure out what is best for YOUR build. Dont just say "oh this guy showed me some numbers on youtube so im gonna mindlessly put my points here" know what you are doing and why you are doing it. Your build doesn't have to be what youtube says it should be. Find a build that is comfortable to you and make it work with the knowledge you obtain about stats.

  12. There's literally no video out there who's figured out how armor rating works… Any video either talks about weapon, gear score etc… What I want to know is what does Armor rating mean in relation to damage. Like if i have 100 physical armor rating so what then??? It's not as easy to understand as say, 25% physical damage reduction or something…


  13. Can you make a video of how amber gem is converting weapon dmg. Like how much focus affects it versus the the weapons original says 50% for pristine but honestly Confusing. Is it based off base dmg?… and also for strength 50 threshold 5% melee dmg increase, what is this 5% based off of? Base weapon dmg or total dmg?..

  14. Do you know if there has been any changes in the weapon scaling since this video was posted a while ago? Does the percentage bonus still taper the more points you put into a specific attribute?

  15. Sounds like having a lot of points in constitution and then 100 in two of the other attributes might actually very be viable. E.g using a spear with 250 constitution, 150 dex and 100 strength. But only certain weapons will pair up well…Seems like you only really want to pair the 0.9x scaling weapons if splitting the attributes like this. Never using a 0.65 scaling weapon with correlating attribute or splitting attributes when using a weapon from the 1x scaling weapons. Man it's complex. Hatchet, Spear, Rapier, Musket and Sword could all be paired up efficiently when splitting the attributes like this.
    Edit: I'm assuming these percentages are on a sliding scale btw? Not fixed percentages but incremental based on points invested? Not a fixed % for 0-100, and a fixed % for 100-150 etc?


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