
How ANCIENT Egyptians Influenced The World TODAY!


Check out how ancient egyptians influenced the world today! From facts about ancient egyptian gods to crazy things done in the ancient egyptian civilization, this top 10 list about egyptian culture is surprising!

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9. Bowling
We’re not the only ones who like throwing a ball down a lane to hit pins!! Turns out, the Ancient Egyptians liked it too! And actually invented the game! How do we know? Archaeologists found a child’s grave with pin-like objects and marbles that appeared to be used to take down the pins, kind of like bowling. But, it was hardly conclusive.

8. Door Locks
When you leave your house for the day, the last thing you do, is lock your doors!! And if you want to thank someone for that door lock, you can start with the Egyptians. Actually, I take that back, you can start with the Assyrians, since they were the ones who actually invented it.

7. Toothpaste
Even back in the ancient world, dental hygiene was very important. The Egyptians weren’t the first to come up with solutions to fix their teeth, but it seems like they were the first to create a substance to use on teeth to improve their health. The first toothpaste!

6. Glass Making
While we don’t really know who the first humans were to make glass, the Egyptians were some of the first to use it in their art and culture. The Mesopotamians were making and selling glass beads as far back as 2500 BC out of silica-sand, lime, and soda. Then, Egypt started using the same methods and improving on them.

5. Wigs
If there’s one thing we can all agree, it’s that no matter the place or time period, we human beings can get very vain at times. We often pride ourselves on our looks, and when we’re not looking our best we do what we have to in order to “make ourselves look better”. So it may be a surprise that the concept of wigs actually came from Egypt.

4. Paper
Here’s another one that needs clarification. True paper was made by the Chinese in 100 B.C. However, the true ancestor to paper was papyrus, and that was made by the Egyptians in 3000 B.C. Funnily enough, this was the first true evolution of writing in terms of what material was actually written on. Earlier civilizations would carve things into stone which was very time consuming.

3. The Alphabet
It’s one of the first things that we learn! It’s the building block of language in many ways, and it’s instrumental in the learning process. But that begs the question, where did the concept of the Alphabet come from? Ta da!! Egypt!

2. Mathematics
It’s hard to think about the ancient world in terms of what we have now and what they didn’t have then. It may seem odd that “math” was a thing in the Ancient World, but the Egyptians were happy to use it in many aspects of their lives. They even had dedicated math specialists called “arpedonapti” who were incredibly adept at Geometry.

1. Medical Literature
While medicine was clearly not invented by the Egyptians, the Egyptians were the first, or at the very least one of the first, to actually document how they treated people. The first known medical manual is the Edwin Smith papyrus of Ancient Egypt.

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46 pemikiran pada “How ANCIENT Egyptians Influenced The World TODAY!”

  1. "It appears the egyptians were colonists sent out by the ethiopians many of them who dwell along the nile share the same dark skin and wooly hair" -Diodorus of Sicily scholar who studied in ancient Egypt himself and saw the ancients. Ethiopians = black and if ancients were identical to ethiopians than ancient egyptians = black. If this makes you mad oh well, the truth hurts

  2. Katrina, do you realize you are pronouncing HI-ROGLYPH, HAY-ROGLPH? This video is two years old and even now you still say HAY-ROGLYPH.
    It just seems odd to me because you seem to be a perfectionist. Just do me a favor and google how to pronounce it. Please!

  3. Although I love these videos for the cool content, I find myself tuning in just to hear her high pitched sign-offs.

  4. LMAO people today are all into Egyptians but don't remember or don't know how bad it went for them beside Egyptians were on had all this modern and incredible things because of the children of God and not the actual Egyptians and their era ended after Moses took his people, why do you think the Pharaoh didn't want them gone…

  5. Stop making them white not one white man was in ancient Egypt they are melanin deficient.. did they also put on suncreams? Talk about how Egypt got colonized by Greece and the Arabs 🤦🏾‍♂️

  6. This is Katherine's daughter. U are incorrect when you made the statement of, The Ancient Egyptians wearing wigs to increase head lice, and for sun burn. The ancient Egyptians were brown to , dark skin complexion who do not have lice or sun burn bc of their skin being melanted protects them from the sun , and they do not get sun burn. Europeans get lice, and sun burn. Not the brown skin people of Egypt.

  7. 1. Much sand 2. Sand makes Glass. 3. Glass makes Lens. 4. Lens concentrates sun. 5. Concentrated sun softens, melts or cuts rock. 6. Rocks that are cut, melted and softened are shaped to fit together perfectly. 7. Cataclysm destroys this knowledge. 8. Time turns glass back into sand or it is looted/repurposed. (Glass factory found in Egypt, was used around 1250 BC and maybe even made eyeglasses! search this!). So simple it eluded us?

  8. Most of these are based on shaky evidence or guesswork, and the rest are documented to come from earlier civilizations. How do you sleep at night declaring these ideas as unequivocal fact?

  9. No sources! No citations! Just more YT nonsense. Most amusing is the numerous examples of how other cultures were the actual origin of said innovation yet it somehow becomes Egyptian here despite this incongruity.

  10. Ancient Egypt fascinates me…the pyramids, the kings and queens, and just the sheer opulence of some of the tombs. i literally wrote Shawn Mendes in hieroglyph just for fun the other day.

  11. The Egyptians were Arabic/Mediterranean looking not black lol. They have pictures on wall chaining up Africans. It even showed a pharaoh on top of African slaves lol. There’s a tons of pictures how they hated Africans look it up lol.

  12. I think some stuff are not really correct and come from others maybe older civilisations (almost in Orient !) but it's astounding !
    But today , for example, 99% of female population have to suffer of genital mutilations.
    How such a civilisation which were very much ahead from its time (like others btw) has came to this !


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