
History of the World: Every Year


The entire history of the World from the rise of civilisation to the present day.

Drex’s channel:
00:09 – The Whale (Life of Pi)
02:06 – Audiomachine – Blood & Stone
05:22 – Globus – Preliator
09:00 – Antti Martikainen – Barbarossa
12:11 – Peter Crowley – The Treasure Quest
14:36 – Zack Hemsey – See what I’ve become
Outro: Kawai Kenji – Kishi Ou No Hokori

world , History of the World: Every Year , #History #World #Year
, Map,History Of The World,VideoMap,History,Countires,Empire,Civilisation,Every Year

47 pemikiran pada “History of the World: Every Year”

  1. LMAO calling it "Israel" Instead of Palestine in 1000BCE? Be historically inaccurate ALL YOU WANT but it won't change the truth.

  2. have any of yall taken into account that your family was alive during these times like from the start of the video to the end your family tree was and is alive

  3. This is inaccurate for those who loves the world history from Atlanta of West Africa to ancient pyramid of Indonesia in Far East Asia.

  4. تمدن جیرفت(که یک تمدن مربوط به ایران باستان بوده)از ۶۰۰۰ سال قبل از میلاد وجود داشته و کهن‌ترین تمدن تاریخ محسوب میشه .

  5. Dates are inaccurate, This’s I'm sure of, Saba kingdom-Yemen now-is way older than few hundred years BCE, at least 1200 BCE.
    Taking history is a responsibility that you must be very careful when dealing with.

  6. If the Turks never went in Anatolia, Byzantine Empire would be the longest lasting country from 395-2024?

  7. Interesting video. But I am guessing, it only gives rough idea from how it shows Nepal. It was always there but not as a united country. Many kingdoms and many rulers spread across mountains and valleys. Not so easy for outsiders to invade. They just fought between each other until King of Gorkha came up with big and ferocious plan to invade the Nepal Valley and continue battle east, west and south. There were 54 kingdoms and kings before Prithvi Narayan Shah must have been content to rule over one small kingdom.

  8. for those who think that half of iranian history is turks only seljuks were turk. dont steal iranian history.

  9. Por que pones batallas al principio en el desierto infertil de oriente proximo si esa fue la ultima zona en colonizarse 😂

  10. 와우. 우리의 조상인 조선인들이 사실 중국인이었다니. 역사 왜곡으로 한국인 99%는 그런 생각조차 해본 적 없을텐데 세계사에서는 한 때 우리를 중국인이었다고 보고 있었군. 하긴 매년 3000명의 미녀를 조공으로 바쳤는데 이게 나라라고 할 수는 없지.😂

  11. one thing that is recurrent in all of history : great empires' always destined to fall one moment or the other

  12. Mughal Empire which is not Persian but the ruling family is Turkic they adopted the language of the Persians. You can read this anywhere


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