
‘He’s a star’: Donald Trump the most ‘famous person in the world’


The turnout to vote for Donald Trump and even catch a glimpse of the former president in Iowa proves he is the “most famous person in the world”, according to Sky News contributor Megyn Kelly.

The former US president won the Iowa caucuses on January 16, solidifying himself as the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination in the upcoming election.

“Once he’s back on the national stage and he’s getting his swagger back because he got this big victory last night and … he’s definitely looking inevitable for the nomination, maybe beyond that,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray.

“People just want to catch a glimpse of him. They want to be there to see the magic and I’m sure the rallies are going to be repopulated in a way they haven’t been recently.

“It’s all starting to flow for him.”

world , ‘He’s a star’: Donald Trump the most ‘famous person in the world’ , #Hes #star #Donald #Trump #famous #person #world
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38 pemikiran pada “‘He’s a star’: Donald Trump the most ‘famous person in the world’”

  1. screw your disclaimer your a corrupt media oulet. false allegations and lies come from CNN. your just whining coz he won Iowa by far. TRUMP 2024

  2. Millions of acres of land and animal habitat are going to be developed to house the people Biden is letting in. And add to that the need for new schools buildings, public safety buildings, prisons, hospitals, wastewater treatment facilities, many more cars on the road, more fossil fuel use, more landfills etc…Millions and millions of acres and animal habitats are going to be destroyed. How could any environmentalist vote for a democrat? Environmentalists need to stand up and stop democrats.

  3. Trump is awesome but we all know only 3 outcomes:
    1) Biden wins with 80% of the vote, after having only 2% of the vote before the last 2 hours.
    2) Trump gets …. removed, either by law, FBI, plane crash, or a loan gunman.
    3) Trump gets removed in 2025 after a terror attack on the US.

    We are in Marvel's Endgame, where there is a 1 in a million chance good wins.
    Hoping for the 1 in a million, but this is not a Marvel film.

  4. She’s right. Being a narcissist works for Trump. It’s not a dirty word. He’s a master troll and he’s enjoying his successes finally. Democrats are still slinging arrows but Trump keeps side stepping while he moves forwards. God bless Donald Trump. God bless America.

  5. Some idiot here in my country in the media was claiming Trump only won because many people didn't vote because it was cold to go out and other crap like that haha. I find it hilarious that some people in my country actually think they know anything about american or any other country's politics.

  6. Hold on ! Hold on ! Niki's problems started when she was a teenager…..unusually , her voice broke , and she started sounding like lee marvin , when he's singing ''wandering star ''…She discovered that if she wore underpants , 10 sizes too small….voice sounded feminine again…only problem was and is , that it drastically limits the oxygen supply to her brain….hence , the reason now , why she wanders round washington , ranting and raving that she is the second coming of abe lincoln….

  7. What makes her qualified to diagnose Trump a narcissist. Who the hell does she think she is. She's nothing compared to Trump on the global stage. He choked up when he spoke about the passing of Melanie's mother. He joked about how her cooking was the reason why Baron was so tall. Does that sound like a f narcissist. A narcissist isolates his partner from her family. His two sons were standing next to him tall and proud of their father whilst Hunter Biden was snorting crack whilst his senile father was walking naked around in the corridors of the White House. Americans need to redeem themselves for what they've done to Trump and his family. They don't f deserve him.

  8. you can not turn on C.N.N without them showing trump or talking about trump 24 7 it don't matter what time you turn on your T.V you are going to see trump or hear something about trump. they feed off trump 24 7 without trump they are nothing trump keeps them employed without trump they do not have a job 24 7 trump trump trump yes he is the most famous person on earth a true star and butt kicker everyone wants to hear about trump or see trump we just can not live without him they have spent billions trying to take down trump but trump still stands tall trump is to smart for these clowns and now they know it just look at the polls everyone knows trump is on his way back to the White House everyone wants trump. trump kicks butt.

  9. Cant Believe Paul Murray After all he has been through…Losing his son he says "Hardened Him". imagine if that beautiful child lived and his father didnt have so much HATE in his Veins… F the world, my kid died so everyone elses should…so my saviour is TRUMP ….or is it Just money …and you dont care about your beautiful son ….Kids are not born evil …But Jesus probably took your son to Spare him Your HATE

  10. Megyn always nails it. Trump is made of iron nails and steel bars for certain. We Need a leader like this now more than ever.

  11. Paul Murray loves his Rapists.
    Any new visa applications will be refused or existing visa's cancelled if, a court in Australia or a foreign country has: convicted you of one or more sexually based offences involving a child or other." Australian LAW
    Thankfully Australian law comes down hard on Rapists and Pedophiles. they will refuse their Visas,
    Parents can give a sigh of relief.We do not want convicted Rapist ( even degenerates convicted in civil cases ) rape is rape even if sky news likes it..and says its OK

  12. Trump Putin and Xi Jiao Pin
    These are the most famous leaders of the world today if they are joined to thrive and foster humanity nobody can stop them

  13. Hope Trump gets back as US President and replaced the weak and confusing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their weak and confusing Administration. The terrorists madness in Gaza and the Middle East, the western logic, compromise and complicity with radical Islamist terrorism in America, London, Canada and Australia needs a sharp, direct and uncompromising leader in the calibre of Donald Trump.

  14. So tired of America being stuck in trump love. America used to be great and now looks the laughing stock of the world. Trump will bring you into the dark ages, he single handedly gave putin the green flag to attack ukraine and now wants to reduce your allies around the world to ZERO. I don't get it. He tells you you will be better off with him, but he ONLY cares about himself, open your god given eyes..

  15. Poor Ron DeSantis! He's from Florida and having to stomp around in all that snow and cold!
    He deserves extra credit for that.
    oh, and Nikki is a joke.

  16. The biggest problem with Haley is this: IF SHE LOOSES TO TRUMP, SHE MIGHT WALK OVER TO THE DEMS, AND SHE WOULD BE A VERY DANGEROUS DEM CANDIDATE. I think this is the reason democratic doners are backing her already. She is dangerous. Just my opinion

  17. Trump, Meglomaniac, Egomaniac, psychopathic, narsastic, Totalitarian, Authoritarian, delusional, self-obsessed, compulsive lying dictator.


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