
Help Obama Kickstart World War III!


President Obama needs your help starting World War III! Find out how you can help!


Written by John Loos
Staring Brianna Baker, Neal Dandade, Greg Ott and Niccole Thurman.
Directed and Produced by Jeph Porter | Sound Jason Culver | Production Coordinator Joel Labahn | Hair/Makeup Chloe Hector

(c)2013 The Second City Inc.


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world , Help Obama Kickstart World War III! , #Obama #Kickstart #World #War #III
, World War III (Film Subject),Kickstarter (Website),Best kickstarter videos,funniest kickstarter videos,Barack Obama (US President),Syria,funny politcal video,hilarious,funny,parody,Second City Network,The Second City,satire,fake kickstarter,commercial parody,barack obama video,Sketch,Humor,Spoof,Comedy,sassy gay friend,second city videos,political video,fox news,Fox Broadcasting Company (Organization),Obama Syria Speech,Russia

44 pemikiran pada “Help Obama Kickstart World War III!”

  1. Take my beer, be cause i don't drink beer, never drank and don't suppose to in the near future even if i'm drunk from even thinking about it.

  2. Yes, holocaust, brutality, terrorism, war, islamism, primitivitism, torturism, psychiatrism, hooliganism, racism and sadism works "nicely" on animals and humankind and for the sake of lust to, sadism, cruelty and terror of war and injustice all around earth and yes communism, combined with racism, nazism and terrorism, the northcorean style is worth being regarded as fortune and luck and future of sadism, education and propaganda in combination with worldwide primitivitism and hooliganism, torturism, it is a mere "heaven" with classwar and revival of deathcamps, torturecamps to both animals and humankind still existing, for all the children, which want to leave sadistic clans and criminels are "whores", which rather have to be beaten to death, than being left to flee lifelong terrorism, hooliganism, sadism and cruelty, as this is lust to criminels, sadists and terrorists, the "cookoos", who anyway use animals and humankind as punchingball, to be kicked around as "whores", who think, this world and planet would exist, to find peace and justice, not but hooligans, sadists, criminels and terrorists in repetition of their only tool and profession, which is terror, torture, extortion and hooliganism, beating and violence, organised damage of bodies and souls, to all those hating the violent, the sadistic, the cruel, evil, mean and coward in organisation of attacks and torture to animals and children alike, which may be called hooliganism, primitivitism and terrorism, torturism and psychiatrism, but has no science, justice or truth, nor normality inside, no kindness and no love, nothing but will to cruelty, extortion, sadism, hooliganism, terrorism, primitivitism, war and torture and nothing, which were worth being living in and living for and which any normal child will want to flee,fir their life get's hindered and stolen, by the cruel, evil, coward, sadistic and violent,the primitivs, who have no other education, than that of being hooligans and criminels, sadists, brutals liers and terrorists,torturers of animals and with their mobile deathcamps to animals and children, they won't save anybody, than the guarantee of injustice, violence, cruelty and terror to the next generations also, which will be surrounded by hooligans, terrorists, sadists, criminels and torturers of animals, who give nothing about their suffering and death by the terrorists, torturers, robberers, murderers, thiefs, brutals, primitivs, sadists, hooligans and criminels surrounding.
    IT is very bad luck to sadists in gangstalking those, who aren't interested in being hunted, chased around by sadists, criminels, prostitutes, pimps, terrorists, rapists, Islamists, fanatics and extremists,who lie porn, steal, rape, extort, beat and terrorise animals also and aren't worth bring called human, kind or normal in their pervertion and sadism, they are used to and against those fleeing this criminels, drugaddicts, perverts, torturers, hooligans, rapists, terrorists, Islamists, criminels, sadists, robberers and thiefs,


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