
Heading For World War 3? Cenk Uygur vs Dennis Prager On Israel


Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by Conservative commentator Dennis Prager and pro-Palestinian and Cenk Uygur as President Biden says the United States will respond as an Iran-backed militia kills three US soldiers in Jordan.

Donald Trump says we’re heading for World War 3 – is the war in Gaza spiralling out of control?

Piers Morgan leads another feisty debate in which Dennis accuses ‘left-wingers’ like Cenk of ‘smearing’ Israel and misusing the word genocide – plus to explains why he thinks America should leave the United Nations,.

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world , Heading For World War 3? Cenk Uygur vs Dennis Prager On Israel , #Heading #World #War #Cenk #Uygur #Dennis #Prager #Israel
, piers morgan,piers morgan uncensored,interview,debate,piers morgan debate,piers morgan interview,cenk uygur,dennis prager,piers morgan cenk u,piers morgan cenk uygur,palestine,israel,gaza,netanyahu,united nations,UN,iran,biden,trump,piers morgan palestine debate,word war three,piers morgan netanyahu,hamas,gaza latest,israel palestine debate,israel palestine debate piersnited nations,piers morgan debate gende,genocide debate,elections

40 pemikiran pada “Heading For World War 3? Cenk Uygur vs Dennis Prager On Israel”

  1. Cenk waiving islamo nazi propaganda and he wants to be president of the USA? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. Cenk is born with hatred of the jews cause hes Turkish… I been to turkey they're all islamic there except a minority that's christian but are hated. anyway cenks hatred of the jews will be his own demise

  3. America needs to take all its military, soldiers and aircraft carriers out of the middle east. Save American lives, and save the world from political chaos war games. America needs to fix its own backyard and sort out its home affairs which are more pressing than other countries issues.

  4. 10:40 The Zionist Project can only survive now if the Israel-US alliance can retain the belief amongst its paranoid adherents that the whole world wants the death of all Jews, have always wanted the death of all Jews, and will always want the death of all Jews.

    This could be called the foundational myth of Israel.

    It's imperative now for the US/Israel alliance to leave the UN, which is stained with the conviction that Zionists could be incorporated into the community of nations.

  5. America wants to rule the world, Russia wants to, China wants to .. But the ones who wants to do it the most is Islam .. God is not going to allow any of you, or anyone else .. God is in control .. Period

  6. This is one of the more civil debates on this channel, where both side exercise good patience while the opponent was talking.

  7. The Muslims actually believe about “conspiracies” of the “evil Jews” or the “white devil”. So Ilhan Omar said “follow the Benjamin’s”! And I followed her Benjamin’s and ended up in UAE 🇦🇪 AND BAHRAIN 🇧🇭 SAUDI ARABIA 🇸🇦…! It’s the oil rich Sheiks in Dubai that are buying western industries and creating division in the west! That’s what happens when you are delusional!

  8. Dennis already destroyed Cenk on Cenk's show. This was more tempered 😂. Cenk remembers what happened the last time.

  9. I'm not a conservative but Cenk's performance is below mediocre. Almost everything he says is so childish and innacurate.

  10. Cenk: Israel has lied about everything on this issue.
    next line
    Cenk: okay that was true about the United Nations…

  11. Muslims like to say about Jews and especially that everything is “propaganda”. Then the Jews and everyone can say that there is no war! It’s all Islamic propaganda!!!

  12. Cenk uygur hate jews and i hope god wont forgive him for his hate to his people, keep talking, god will never forgive you and the other antisemitism .

  13. The white old guy bashing the only international organ the world has in order to prevent war and work for peace, plus he stating that there has not been enough genocide for him because Palestinian population has grown is not only hilarious indeed, but also de-lu-sio-nal and sociopathic. This mentality has won’t survive the in the new world

  14. 01:50 "Outpost of Western civilisation". Thank-you, Denis, for the trip down memory lane to the time here in Apartheid South Africa when we called ourselves: "The last bastion of Western civilisation".

  15. Im genuinely shocked that people think Dennis Prager, a far right, Koch funded propagandist, is more trustworthy than Cenk, a windbag buffoon…

  16. The UN's leaders prefer to maintain the Palestinians' refugees status because they get tons of money and power in behalf of the "Palestinian cause".
    The UN have 2 refugees agencies – UNHCR for around 100mil refugees around the world, and UNRWA only for the Palestinians.
    It's just absurd that the Palestinians still see themselves as refugees for 75 years.
    They could already have their own country but their leaders have refused any attempt for peace during the history (including the Oslo and Camp David talks in the 90s and 00s) and have never offered an alternative.
    Their "refugees camps" are actually proper cities.
    Their leaders are corrupted, they prefer to get the money coming from donations, keep the people poor, and always blame Israel for all their problem.
    They teach their ppl about war and revenge (over events from the last century in which both sides weren't flawless) instead of peace and compromise.
    They never really try to SOLVE the problem but they rather USE the problem for their own good…

  17. Israel’s numbers are made up” Cenk but Hamas’ numbers are genuine. It’s laughable how you can say that and yet believe that your bias is not vivid.

  18. The West has created the greatest civilization in human history, says Dennis Prager !!!!!! Civilizations are built by civilized people. The West has the most barbaric political history of entire human history. Building civilization with the resources stolen from other countries? Stealing others for the purpose of building civilization?? Western Europe has had hundreds of wars within the continent and has created numerous wars outside the continent. Who created WW 1 &WW 2 that killed more than 80 million people, many more millions wounded and maimed? Not to mention the amount of destructions all over the world. It was this civilized West that used the deadliest weapon (Atom Bomb) of all time? The West is an insult to the very word "CIVILIZATION". Arrogant and the self centered West is the most blood thirsty of all human history.


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