
Has World War 3 Already Begun?


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35 pemikiran pada “Has World War 3 Already Begun?”

  1. That's not sound logic. People need to take responsibility for their actions, not blame demons for everything.

  2. We're being PRIMED for the NEXT war to be WITH China. We have been hand in glove with them since Nixon, and definitely since Clinton. We supported China as a foil against the USSR, and when they collapsed , we supported China whole-hog. We are the CREATORS of our enemies.

    Look at Japan; we supported them for decades to fight the Russians in 1905, ever since Commodore Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay in the 1850s.

    SAME game; NEW names.
    War is a BUSINESS!

  3. Tucker nailed it
    It’s satan and the demons of hell who are leading these globalist elite
    They want to break humanity
    To make humans desperate enough to accept the antichrist
    Which will guarantee hell for whoever bows down to antichrist
    Satan and his demons know humanity will never budge until they are broken enough and desperate enough
    A nuclear ww3 will get humanity to that level
    I assume ww3 will work in their favor
    But what comes next is a guarantee from Bible prophecy that all nations will worship the antichrist and false prophet
    Who by the way is the final pope and imposter fake Jesus
    And when this happens the true Christian’s will resist and be killed around the world
    When that happens GOd will unleash his seven last plagues
    And by the end of the 7th plague Christ Jesus the lord will return with his army of angels to throw the antichrist and false prophet in the lake of fire
    At that point Jesus will make his grand entrance
    He will level the cities of the world
    Move mountains
    Make the stars disappear
    Turn the moon blood red
    Make the sun turn black
    And his angels will sound of the trumpets in the dead who believed in Jesus Christ will be resurrected from all centuries
    In a twinkle of an eye they will be transformed and GOd will call them and they will be taken up with him in the clouds to enter the kinneon of heaven for all eternity

  4. That was a great interview I listened at work and at one point I just stopped working. Just sittin on the lift 5 stories in the air… just listening

  5. Humans have always been messed up from the beginning of time. All of that sounds exactly like the type of bs humans do just at a different scale. It would be “anti human” to put our weapons down and not fight and kill each other for once in history.

  6. If AI is utilized correctly, it can be used to remove emotion, beliefs, unconscious bias and use data to ascertain the correct path for the planet

  7. Psychopaths don't care about anyone other than themselves. These people are sociopaths, they don't even care about themselves. Bio engineering, nuclear war and many other things they can and do, affect them as well. Jesus Christ is King

  8. The election is coming up and I have a terrible feeling. I have a strong feeling Biden will do something to escalate these ongoing wars or worse.

  9. The left wants to depopulate the planet, it’s been their stated mission as far back as I can remember

  10. My sentiments exactly. Obama wants us to be humiliated and defeated in WW3. He is going to enjoy our destruction.

  11. How come whenever I say trans people aren't humen's?My comment gets reported and then I get blocked for twenty four hours. You've got to love a communist ran platform.

  12. Unfortunately our schools haven't taught the past few generations, what happens in a Nuclear War! Most Americans are completely disconnected to any war on the American mainland.
    So it's not that people are disconnected from this possibility or reality. It's because they have never been connected to this possibility or reality!
    That's my thought!
    I'm 69 years young, but old enough to remember all the bunkers, and the practice we needed to do in school, just in case! The fact is, all the practice in the world would never help protect you under your school desk!
    That is a fact!

  13. The time is near…. We must turn to Jesus in repentance and faith before it’s too late late
    Jesus is Lord, God bless you all 🗣️❤️✝️


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