
Gravitas: Are we headed for World War III? | Gravitas Shorts


North Korea has tested another nuclear weapon system, an underwater attack drone called the “Haeil-5-23”. It was tested in waters off the east coast to mark its protest against this week’s joint military drills by South Korea, the U.S., and Japan. The weapons test comes after Kim Jong Un declared South Korea is number one enemy and threatened to go to war if he feels threatened.

#northkorea #southkorea #nuclearweapons

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world , Gravitas: Are we headed for World War III? | Gravitas Shorts , #Gravitas #headed #World #War #III #Gravitas #Shorts
, north korea,south korea,north south korea war preparations,north korea south war,north korea vs south korea,north korea war preparations,war preparations north korea,north korea preparations war,north korea war acceleration,north korean war,kim jong un north korea,north korea tensions south korea,north korea south korea tensions,us north korea tensions,north korea news,north korea impending war,north korea tensions us,kim jong un tensions south korea

44 pemikiran pada “Gravitas: Are we headed for World War III? | Gravitas Shorts”

  1. North Korea is preparing nuclear weapons threatening South Korea but we don’t bat an eyelid. Iran does the same but we impose the harshest sanctions possible. Help me to understand this.

  2. I don't believe in wars, but it's time for people in the modern day era not to live as slaves to a North Korean dictator. So in a way, the only way the North Korean people will be free is at the expense of a pissed off America.

  3. actuall all started 2011-2012 with Kandafi somehow and us intervention in the middle east .December 2013 Iraq war escalated to big scale by the Us , in 2014 the revolution in syria escalated with the intervention of bahrain, qatar, saudi , UAE , against ISIL and etc. then Russia intervened as well as Turkey in 2018-19 .. in the meanwhile In 2015 russia went for Crimea and meanwhile saudi and UAE against Yemen in 2015 august if not mistaken , in the same year 223 motivated political arm conflicts wich resulted into 19 full scale wars , part of those was Yemen, Iraq, Syria , Somalia , Nigeria , Sudan , Pakistan , Egypt, lybia, sourh Sudan , Afghanistan , Dr. Confo , Cameron , Mali , some conflicts in india ,south america like mexico and Assia that if you research you will figure it out . And as we come to present Ukraine Russian war that got involved more than 30 countries that includes Nato and 4 or more bigest world powers Like Russia ,USA, Britain, France , Poland , Ukraine , and along side China Iran and many others with all of them where playing the hide and sick game by helping with military and money to escalate the war into a bigger death wave.. and last year Israel – Palestine war thst implicated again more than few big powers like USA , britain , israel , palestine , that branches of palestine is as well Yemen , Iran , lybanon , and goes on to the whole arab muslim population as well europe from Israel friend they woke up and turned against it , but politicians suport Israel so that is bringing us to 2024-25 maybe the biges revolt ever that will happen in Europe ( yet to come but it is inevitable 😞) ..this year Revolution is coming as well in Ecuador , Colombia, Peru , and maybe Brazil but who knows .Sweeden is trying to escalated by implicate in the war russian war , as well china with Taiwan , and not to forget North korea with south Korea , Japan and Usa ..can keep up for days.. i missed a lot but everyone need to make their own research and read along the years and pay attention not to probaganda and bs .. This all happened in the last 10 years and mostlt last 5-3 years .. now people are waking up a litle to late but better late than never.. and if you decades we will read about in our history about this events as we read now about cold war and all the wars before that.. it should be called the new Era revolution war , just saying , dont know but they will name it somehow .. and they will say WW3 started 2020-21 .. btw Covid played a big role as a biological warfare . But you wont hear about that for next decades or so.. in other words remember 2012 everyone was saying it will be the end of the world and many predicted in many religions etc. well thats a misinterpreted.. it meant to say The beginning of the end of the World. That's what i said back then and i still believe as it goes on and proven i was right.

  4. All signs indicate a weak US president with poor or no leadership skills within the world he operates in substantiated by the current affairs/ wars in the world today.

  5. Three maned subs greenfielddoctrine for Navy seals used in Korean opts together seal Navy and seal armyworm tiers

  6. If tgey fought its headache to USA onky, because South koreans are all about , plastic surgery and k pop both is usless in wars,, also consider how racist they are dont hope anyone will help them😂😂

  7. We are already in world war 3. How many armies are fighting today? How many countries sending their weapons in front? All countries are increasing their spendings for the army. World war lll started in Ukraine. US is not anymore the only superpower. The situation cannot be controlled by US. New powers want new world order . This made World War III inevitable. And we are right there. Humanity is facing the biggest tragedy ever in the history . We all facing death penalty.

  8. At night if you see north Korea from
    Space or I.S.S. it appears dark . This is good for the earth as there is no
    Light pollution . And all the other pollution that go wid artificial lighting

  9. delusional if he thinks anything but a smouldering cider is left of n korea if he ever lauches for real

  10. North Korea is preparing for a war for the last 100 years 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this is not a news anymore

  11. As long as the USA doesn't change its policy of interference in other countries'affairs and supporting illegal governments war will rage in many parts of the world as we are seeing today. The third world war will never happen without the US involvement.


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