Global stock markets plunge over fears of US slowdown | BBC News

Major Wall Street indexes have tumbled as fears of a US economic recession grow.

The drop comes amid a global market selloff, including in Europe and Asia.

Weaker-than-expected economic data from the US, including a jobs report on Friday, has fuelled speculation that the world’s largest economy is slowing.

Elsewhere, Japan’s market plummeted to its biggest fall by points in history and in London, the FTSE 100 index fell by 2.8%.

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20 pemikiran pada “Global stock markets plunge over fears of US slowdown | BBC News”

  1. We're facing a mini recession in Canada. IT job markets have been impacted. Our PM is bringing in LOTS of people into the country without a real plan. I think once the US is hit with the same scenario, Canada will be in total collapse.

  2. The issue is that the Middle Class of the USA are going to need liquid assets, thus the Sell on the Stock Market. Reason is they need to pay for the upcoming Loan/Mortgage Renewals. What the real rich will be doing is Selling Short on the expectation that they can buy back the Short Sell at a Profit.

  3. We can’t keep kicking the can down the road. The whole point of raising the rates was to slow the economy down due to excessive spending and low interest rates. We need to handle a recession or the dollar will be no more.

  4. Let’s talk about the ratio of open jobs available to people getting hired. Only reason why businesses have job openings is for tax credits. Give business credits when they actually hire someone and keep them for ‘X’ amount of time, such as 6 months.

  5. this is a GLOBAL story not just limited to the USA. the USA is so insular they don't seem to see that global factors/trends effect them too. the political farce of US elections certainly don't help, with the prospect of a madman being elected as president. the prospect of Trump activates the destabilisation activities of enemy states like Russia and China. the USA has a lot to answer for allowing someone like Trump to run for President.

  6. Life luxuries are getting too expensive, common necessities are inflating to accompdate luxurious lifestyles and collapsing the whole structure as a whole. Let countries go close to 0 and we go back to feudal times.wjere conquering land was the only way to prosper.


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