
Global National: Jan. 24, 2023 | Former junior hockey stars to surrender to police over sex assault


There is news tonight about allegations of sexual assault involving former junior hockey players. The Globe and Mail is reporting five former members of the 2018 Canadian World Junior hockey team have been told to surrender to police in London, Ont. The newspaper says it’s about allegations of a group sexual assault in a hotel room in London in 2018. The case was closed without charges in 2019 but was later reopened. Mackenzie Gray has more.

It is now confirmed that six people died in the plane crash near Fort Smith in the Northwest Territories. It went down shortly after takeoff near the Alberta border. The tragedy has hit the community hard, with Premier R.J. Simpson saying those killed were neighbours, friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Eric Sorensen looks at what we know about the crash.

Russia is accusing Ukraine of shooting down a military transport plane which it claims was carrying 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war. The plane went down in a snowy rural area near the Ukraine border. Ukraine’s military says it has no reliable information about who was on board and stopped short of acknowledging it had shot down the plane, though Ukraine’s intelligence did accuse Russia of deliberately jeopardizing the lives of prisoners of war. Crystal Goomansingh reports.

Republican Nikki Haley is pushing on with her presidential campaign despite losing to former president Donald Trump in the New Hampshire primary yesterday. The result was closer than expected and as Jackson Proskow reports, she’s trying to convince voters that she’s the only Republican that can beat Joe Biden.

Universities and colleges in Canada are increasingly reliant on international students who often pay up to five times more in tuition than domestic students. Now that the federal government is putting a cap on foreign students the financial implications are worrying. Universities and colleges say reducing those numbers will be a big hit to their bottom line and as Mike Drolet reports, the stress is being transferred to students.

An Ontario woman has invested a cool million into some real estate in Nova Scotia and plans to make it her retirement project. It is a big one — a castle in Cape Breton. And though it’s not old or historic, its new owner has big plans for its future.

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world , Global National: Jan. 24, 2023 | Former junior hockey stars to surrender to police over sex assault , #Global #National #Jan #junior #hockey #stars #surrender #police #sex #assault
, global news,Global National,Global National full show,Global National Jan. 24 full show,2018 Team Canada World Junior hockey roster,Carter Hart,Alex Formenton,Dillon Dube,Cal Foote,Matt McClod,Group sex assault allegations,2018 Canadian World Junior hockey team,London Ontario,London Ontario police,NWT plane crash,NT plane crash,Russia plane crash,Nikki Haley,Donald Trump,Joe Biden

20 pemikiran pada “Global National: Jan. 24, 2023 | Former junior hockey stars to surrender to police over sex assault”

  1. When are we going to get justice for Justin Trudeau and friends illegal, unconstitutional, and unintelligent enactment of the Emergency Act perpetrated on the innocent Canadian people?

  2. "Global News cannot independently verify"… We're hearing this more and more and is a byproduct of lazy journalism. Until the 5 alleged suspects appear in court on charges related to the alleged sexual assault, there is no story.

  3. I enjoy watching Global National everyday, but that NS castle at the end of this show really pissed me off! What is this, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?!?!
    I don't need to see more stories of rich people living their dreams, while the rest of us are miserable and make less money each year.🤬🤬🤬

  4. Ukraine needs to end this war if it doesn't want to be a completely failed state. Meanwhile, the UK is just full of bluster, trying to bolster its place in the world since Brexit's own goal. Becoming the US lackey &/or lap dog isn't gonna necessarily buy the Brits any respect.

  5. I believe Canada should impose conscription for the next 5 years. We need to increase our military capacity.

  6. Binecuvântări sănătate și o zi minunată tuturor Hristos să vă ocrotească. Amin. 🙏. Recunoștință respect stimă și felicitări pentru tot Domnul să vă răsplătească și pot spune ca jurnalul a fost extrem de important și informațiile tari de tot utile. Numai bine.
    Vă îmbrățișez cu multă dragoste 🧡 🙏🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰😍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍☺️😇💖💗💕🌹🌹🌹🌹💐🥳😊😅🍀🍀🍀💯👏

  7. Looks more like an Electric vehicle explosion too me in Mongolia. Ive seen tons of normal auto crashes with LPG No explosion. Guess an EV explosion doesnt fit the current W3F liberal narrative agenda. Just saying facts.

  8. Why do people support Trump and Biden? Trump is a criminal and Biden is too old and infirm to do his job. Is it because the electoral system is not democratic? Why don't young people want to be president of the United States and change the country for the better?
    Is it because of education and religion?

  9. Hallelujah!!!! The daily Jesus devotional has been a huge part of my transformation, God is good🙌🏻🙌🏻, after years of addiction to drugs and sins God chased me down as I earn $112,500 monthly. My life and family has changed, Thank you Jesus!!!…


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