
Global National: Feb. 3, 2024 | US launches wave of retaliatory airstrikes in Iraq and Syria


On this episode: There have been dangerous developments and fears of an escalating conflict in the Middle East on Saturday after the U.S. unleashed its firepower by launching a wave of strikes inside Syria and Iraq. Washington is calling it retaliation for last Sunday’s drone attack that killed three U.S. soldiers, while both Syria and Iraq are condemning the attacks and warning of dire consequences. Caryn Lieberman has the details.

Newly released documents are revealing more about Canada’s policies around letting Nazis into the country and letting them stay. There’s been renewed pressure on the federal government to release more information, in the wake of last year’s political scandal over a standing ovation in Parliament for a man who fought in a notorious Nazi unit. Abigail Bimman reports on the documents, and what those pushing for their release want to be done.

Canada has seen a steady influx of asylum seekers over the past few years, with an increasing number of claims coming from Mexican citizens since the Trudeau government scrapped a visa requirement for Mexican travelers in late 2016. The unofficial “Roxham Road” border crossing south of Montreal was closed last winter to manage the flow. But as Gloria Henriquez reports, Quebec processed more than 25,000 asylum claims at the airport in 2023 — more than double the amount in 2022

There was a major shake-up in Canadian pharmacare this week, with insurance company Manulife announcing a deal with grocery giant Loblaws. Shoppers Drug Mart and Loblaws will become the exclusive suppliers of so-called “specialty drugs” — a small, but pricey segment of the pharmacare industry. At least one competitor is now exploring its “legal options” over the deal. And as Mike Drolet reports, the industry minister and some experts are concerned about what it could mean for consumer choice.

And finally, the world’s most powerful telescope just captured the most detailed images of 19 spiral galaxies, and the millions of stars that call them home. About 60 per cent of all galaxies are believed to be spiral galaxies, and our solar system sits in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way. As Joe Scarpelli explains, astronomers are in absolute awe.

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world , Global National: Feb. 3, 2024 | US launches wave of retaliatory airstrikes in Iraq and Syria , #Global #National #Feb #launches #wave #retaliatory #airstrikes #Iraq #Syria
, global news,global national,Global National,us airstrikes,us iraq,us syria,us iraq syria,us airstrike,us strikes,us military,us army,us israel,us gaza,us hamas,us middle east,middle east,iraq,syria,us syria iraq,us strikes iraq syria,us middle east strikes,us air strikes,nazis,canada nazis,canada nazi documents,mexico,migrants,asylum seekers,canada refugees,refugees,manulife,groceries,loblaws,shoppers,james webb,milky way,space,politics,news

43 pemikiran pada “Global National: Feb. 3, 2024 | US launches wave of retaliatory airstrikes in Iraq and Syria”

  1. do you people see how Global is telling you that the elite are starting WWIII and then distracting you with the trans rights thing? are any of you catching on yet?

  2. These military campaigns are causing an ever increasing flood of refugees and other newcomers to Canada that are overwhelming virtually all of our health care, education, housing and socal support systems. We don't need protection from Russia and China. We need protection from the American war machine.

  3. Children under 18 do not get sex reassignment surgery in Canada. It takes 12-18 months of social transitioning (dressing and living as the intended gender) before a teenager can even get hormone-suppressing drugs. Surgery does not happen on average until ages 20-22. I believe it's like 1% of people who identify as transgender; based on this legislation, you would think that Alberta was seeing dozens of children at every school going through gender transition willy-nilly. One more reason why medical professionals need to run for office more often is so we don't get money-wasting bills.

  4. If you cant consent to anything legally as you are a CHILD then why let them choose Castrating themselves. Kids cant decide what they want to eat let alone those choices at a young age. Im ok if they want to change but age and time is a big deal. I know a family that almost had there son kill himself because he decided to be a her. He was bullied and became depressed. Is that what we need?

  5. They said Trump would cause WW3 under Biden there's Ukraine, Palestine now Iran. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  6. Stand 💯 with Danielle Smith
    Canada needs more leaders like her against Trudeau Liberal NDP WOKE AGENDA !!

    Danielle is standing for Parents Rights and being a VOICE for Innocent Children of Canada

  7. Children “retaliate.” Where’s the law against that. Where’s the law for constructive solution. Where’s the adults.

  8. I learned about the nazi influx about 10 years ago when I worked with a guy who was the son of an ss officer there were 3000 or so that were let in

  9. Why dont they try going to russia, china, north korea, ect!!! And try bullying those countries? Only praying on the middle east😔

  10. Most of Europe has done the same changes Smith has made. Do you think a 15 year old is mature enough to make serious irreversible decisions? Get real people.

  11. Tampering with the sexuality of a minor, is a federally chargeable offense in canada, and they give those people a special program, and a registration list. Just Sayin

  12. What kind of logic is that? The U.S. attacked the Iranian support militant groups inside Iraq and Syria. Since the U.S. and U.K. have identified Iran as the source of terrorism, why didn't they take on Iran. By attacking Iraq and Syria, they have infringed the territorial sovereignty of those countries. Are the U.S. afraid of Iran, and bullied the lesser states? Let me give you an analogy, if the missiles were fired by U.S. support Ukrainian groups inside the U.S. against the military targets in Russia, should Russia start attacking the U.S.?

  13. Why is Global News labeling it an “attack on trans rights”? Restricting irreversible gender surgery for children is sensible. They’re children!!

  14. GOOD FOR President Joe Biden That’s a great 😊 job of what a president is to do.. 🙇🏻‍♂️ 🇺🇸 RESPECT ✊🏻 the USA 🇺🇸

  15. The two-state solution is what will achieve peace for the two peoples, not expand the circle of war, open many fronts, and provide protection and security in the region instead of involving soldiers in battles and ending the lives of others

  16. Like father like son he is funneling and flooding canada with serial killers no wonder crime is so high here gee I wonder why real Canadians are sitting ducks its all criminal

  17. Your news outlet is a joke, the US warned Iran and everyone else they bomb its all optics we all know the Biden administration is compromised…a shame anybody takes your news seriously


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