
Getting Ready for a Post-American World || Peter Zeihan


The end of 2023 is approaching, and that means I owe you all a gift. Sorry to disappoint, but it’s not an all-expenses-paid vacation to BoraBora. Instead, I’ve thrown together a ‘Post-America’ series that breaks down what the world looks like as the US steps back as global protector.

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, peter zeihan,peter zehan,peter zian,zehan,zian,zihan,geopolitics

31 pemikiran pada “Getting Ready for a Post-American World || Peter Zeihan”

  1. Coming back down to NZ for Xmas to enjoy our summer? She's nice and hot now and we know how much you enjoyed your last trip!

  2. What does he mean by Post American World? Is he indicating that de-dollarization? What is the future of USD?

  3. Dear Peter you missed one present, Iranian people (not mullahs obviously) are celebration Yalda Night (an ancient winter solstice ceremony on 21st december) although we were gather with family to read old poems and eat pomegrants (no presents usually included) but its something and some scholars think it roots in Mithraism somehow shaped the Christmas story!

  4. The downfall ofthe US is caused entirely by the US . How do they think the endless war policies in countries that they keep invading , are a long term strategy .

  5. Only two things are happening in geopolitics? What about the Israeli genocide in Gaza? You think that is not going to affect geopolitics?

  6. Closing for 3 weeks at the holidays? Nice. It sounds like he's closing his whole company… so I hope it's a nice paid vacation for everyone… not something darker and less paid for. He does seem to be the type who would give everyone an extra 3 weeks off with pay though.

    My company on the other hand… is not taking 3 weeks off for the holidays. I'll bet yours isn't either.

  7. Sounds like the open sea will turn into open season for piracy. Last time America became isolationist everything went to hell.

  8. Why the U.S. is backing from maintaining a global order? Isn’t it in the best interests of the U.S. to dominate from the economical standpoint?

  9. Sorry Pete, your absurd take on inflation made it clear you sold out to ole poopy pants and the regime….should have never trusted a man bun at high altitude.

  10. Merry Christmas Peter! You changed my life in 2015 and I am now a disciple! All content is appreciated from you and your team!

  11. As an American who craves die us to be isolationist again I’m excited for my son to grow up in a post American world

  12. I know there is a lot of healthy and not so healthy criticism of Mr. Zeihan's work, but as a news nerd, I see it overlapping with issues and concerns I see from folks who have no connection to him. For example, Laowhy, Serpentza and Chris Chappel definitely keep me informed of what's happening in China. Another is Joel Kotkin. He is a demographer who is critical of the Western elites and their policies w/o being conservative (which is not a sin, it's just rare ).

  13. Hasn't the fiat ponzi scheme of over 100 year old fed reserve system got pretty much every nation tied in to this mess? If this ship goes down won't it be taking all the others with it???

    P. S. Just 10 more comments to one thousand!


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