
Geopolitics AD 2024: Why Is The World In Chaos?


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Production: Hubert Walas
Research & analysis: Hubert Walas
Video production: Łukasz Szypulski
Voiceover: Hubert Walas
Music: Moments – Stopped Time

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, Geopolitics 2024,World Chaos Analysis,Global Conflict 2024,International Relations,Geopolitical Analysis,Future Warfare,Global Power Shift,Europe Conflict,Russia Geopolitics,Middle East Tensions,Africa Political Change,South America Crisis,Taiwan US China Conflict,Global War Prospects,International Order Shift,Geopolitical Trends,World Politics Explained,Geopolitical Insights,Pax Americana,20s Report,GTBT

35 pemikiran pada “Geopolitics AD 2024: Why Is The World In Chaos?”

  1. No Matter how you look at this situation,Americans Europeans , Russians , Chinese etc.. we are all Human Beings, and it’s disgusting that after all these thousands of years and in 2024, none of these ass whole leaders and and all the exceptionally wealthy in the world that make money out of killing innocent people, women and children have no conciseness that they are killing innocent human beings. It’s primitive and disgusting that none of them have learned anything from the past . So Fuck all these disgusting leaders of the world that kill innocent human beings.They haven’t any conscience or humanity whatsoever!!

  2. Excellent video. Very uncertain and scary truths but my predictions are about the same with the exception of far more middle eastern policy at play.

  3. Never mind that it is America who has made China, by giving them commercial privilege. Take the privilege away, and you can kiss the Chinese good bye.

  4. The World is so chaotic, because of that Goddamn USSR/Russia. A totalitarian, communist and oppressive Entity that always created chaos and destruction all over the World.

  5. I think if China would have been less authoritarian, less zealous when it comes to their territorial claims and more free by for example following their own constitution which also contains liberal values. In other words, if China would have put itself in a position where most other countries including its direct neighbours would trust China more, then China would probably have been a lot further in its path to becoming a global leader because they would also have gained the trust of more European countries who got tired of the US regime change shenanegans in other countries mainly the middle east. I'm pretty sure many countries and also many people in the US itself like the revisionist countries would want the US to seize to be the worlds police force or Hedgemon. But things such as the special military operation and intimidation trough unsolved territorial claims, creates the neccesity for the US to stay a dominant power in the eyes of many of the countries that feel threatened by all this chaos.
    The sudden wish for Finland and Sweden to want to join NATO after the full scale invasion of Ukraine implies that they also think this is a neccesity. In this aspect the invasion of Ukraine played straight into NATO's hands. At the same time many EU politicians use this crisis as a call to further centralize the European union into a federation with a single or more centralized economic and foreign policy. And by having this common enemy these forces in the west and east can further consolidate their power domestically. You see this both in Russia and the EU. In this way these forces are behaving as each others controlled opposition.

    I personally think, China and Russia never needed to forcefully destroy the "current order" to bring about a new one. They could have just made it obsolete as they are trying to do with bricks, or take a larger role into the existing one and transform it naturally.

  6. i like the video as a whole but i feel as though you are DRASTICALLY underestimating the smaller players such as japan germany united kingdom France poland South korea and many more with weapons as advanced as the US and your overlooking the HUGE russian weakness which has been their weakness for a while they can't produce sufficient cpu because of brain drain also chinese weapons are mostly copy's or just designed from other countries

  7. truly sad as terrifying, but it is reality as we know it has become!the old good days are over for good and we where dreaming comfortly the last 5 0r 6 orso decades as blissfull,but now we are suddenly awaken in the harsh merciless reality of the world filled with unending nightmares!

  8. In the analogy Ukraine is much more like czecoslovaquia a EU or nato member would be poland.
    The only thing uniting russia and china is hating the americans but have their own confrontations and would probable be easier to flip than the chinese in the cold war, but would probable want to take o ver central Asia or something in the process

  9. You already lost by pushing Russia into the arms of China, so elect Trump and go into isolation and leave the world to us.)

  10. Pleaseee hailpp Saya membutuh Beberapa Bom atom..
    Untuk menenggelamkan edeiat.
    ERAT pula untuk menggiring Over,Hum..

  11. Great way to explain the world at this moment in time. The use of mapping and picture/flags to explain the different tension/war in the different areas of the world is great. It was easier for me to visualize and have a better understanding of todays reality.
    Great job, first video, I am impressed.

  12. US must not abandon Ukraine just like US abandon Afghanistan and South Vietnam before, US Should support Ukraine 300 billion dollars to build economy and infrastructure and another 400 billion dollar to fight proxies wars with Russia. US Should support Philippines 300 billion dollars to build army including 140 F16 fighters 10 Navy destroyers and 6 submarine, and US Should support Philippines 40 billion dollars to build economy and infrastructure. Thank you US to support Philippines.

  13. Sorry, but this video is laughably silly. What Bluewater European fleet? What is this obsession on Chinese apparent advantage? Are you aware that after India and China, the 3rd most populous country is the USA? How does China's geography favor anything? US sits astride two oceans, is friendly with both its neigbors, is energy, water & food self-sufficient and can manufacture almost all it needs and consume all it produces. Oh, and also their ICBMs aren't filled with water in the fuel tanks.

  14. It is funny that you consider the trillions 'lost' in the middle east as lost when infact they were just strategically transfered to the pockets of arms companies CEOs and the politicians 'wise' enough to invest in them. It is corruption all the way to the presidents office. Supprised the americans have not had an armed revoltion yet. Such brazen domestic corruption would sure inspire me if i had access to arms.

  15. No world war will occur until one side either; Figures out how to fully disable the other's communication network and cripple defensive systems or intercept/neutralise super sonic intercontinental balistic missils armed with nuclear war heads. Any war between nuclear powers before these eventualities would end in mutually assured destruction. Safe to say, if you are not a doomsday prepper yet you definitely should become one soon.

  16. Well keep talking about everything except the real problem – the toxic ideology which has been damaging and eating civilization from inside out for 1400 years!

  17. Пишу для наших, кто знает русский)) Наверное они удалят этот комент или скроют ,но не важно))
    Весело смотреть на то как людей зомбируют и выставляют беспредел США, как роль Полицейского. Только они забыли сказать ,что это Полицейский из США, который достает ствол и мочит тебя из-за любой херни…
    Вообщем дать в руки психа Мир и Мир станет сумасшедшим.
    США сами нарушили все правила и теперь с помощью этих роликов хотят убедить всех ,что их штаны чисты и они праведны))
    Ложь и лицимерие, фактов много, даже 5 минут в гугл который скрывает многие вещи достаточен ,что бы понять ,что все это дерьмо идет и США и эта та цена котрую придётся платить нам всем.
    На счет технологий по типу Ютуб ,сказал бы спасибо, если бы они не банили русскоязычных, у которых много подписчиков, говоря про якобы защиту слова ,а по факту затыкания ртов. Жаль мало кто об этом знает.

  18. The west should stop using China as the factory of the world and instead invest in India to take over that role. India will never be interested in global hegemony and will always want to do business with everyone and keep out of others affairs. India is no threat to the west but China is, importing from India instead of China will weaken China to a point it'll never pose a threat to anyone, not even Taiwan. Russia is already on the brink thanks to sanctions.

  19. can you share us your source of this information? specifically about the Chinese bases how many are actually existent


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