
GarysEconomics: Fix inequality or Britain becomes a third world country



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41 pemikiran pada “GarysEconomics: Fix inequality or Britain becomes a third world country”

  1. Change will only happen when we can all get behind an idea. Gary and all of these supposedly intelligent people do nothing except outline what the issue is. We need tangible step by step solutions to change society and how things work. Gary has not provided anything like that.

  2. Already there mate. It’s just reaching more people, who are puzzled as to why. Apathy and political lethargy have been creeping for decades and this is the result, inequality based on the importance of money over Human lives. The smoke is dissipating and the mirrors are nearly all broken and they are shitting themselves. Turning protest in Hate Marches is just the beginning.

  3. People are too busy blaming the other to understand … when my dad (who is 80) complains about the NHS i ask him why is it broken … his first answer is the immigrants swamping the system, when i explain to him why that is not the case his second answer is the doctors are lazy when i explain to him why that is not correct i ask him again why is the NHS broken and he looks at me with a blank expression as i tell him the politicians have broken it deliberately .. he shrugs his shoulders and says what can you do …. this is the problem …

  4. Has JOE explored the revelation of government fraud and abuse within the practises of Companies House exposed by YouTuber Gary Waterman ex police officer?

  5. Don't read Charles Dickens. Read Karl Marx and Fredriech Engels. Also, read about the October revolution.

    Understand that things won't magically start to get better on their own. Actual change has to happen.

  6. And because the working class are too easily manipulated to fight amongst ourselves to keep us divided! Brexit, immigration and state of public services proves that!

  7. 100 years ago most of us didn't own property so HAD NO VOTE, it will go back that way if we don't use our vote wisely

  8. The evils 😈 keep steeling. The people were never poor . They were just rorted big time. Of they're rights. You🫵🫵know that ..

  9. As you shift from the trading floor to politics Gary, leaving the throaty language of the city trading desks behind will serve you well.

  10. It's easily solved. Start with an annual Land Value Tax of something between 0.1% to 1%, at whatever percentage the land surveyors and bean counters say can roughly replace Council Tax and Business Rates entirely in year 1, and just scrap them. Now you have an economy just very slightly rebalanced against landlords vs occupiers, and a Wealth Tax nobody can avoid. Then you creep up the LVT percentage twoards something like 2% and for every extra penny collected as you ratchet up, you drop the rates of collecting all the bad taxes like Stamp Duty, VAT or Student Loan payments which slow down the economy. As the economy heats up from removing bad taxes, prime locations do better, and your LVT take increases, and you can cut the bad taxes some more. That rebalancing would quite quickly shift the economic opportunity towards business and work over property and ownership, leaving all the landlords and boomers on their arse, and businessmen and younger people who work for a living buying up their wealth for cheap. It wouldn't even take that long.

  11. Absolutely … "economic inequality" is evident everywhere, nothing is sacrosanct, the biggest most central case in point regards our collective community health and well-being. Which currently involves the dismantling and selling off of our NHS, not sold to us, the citizen's.

    Definitely "read Charles Dickens" Victorian England is only a stones throw away.
    Or have a look at the 21C film "NOMADLAND" America, depicting a level of ruthlessness we only see in Britain in relatively small pockets during our daily lives, in passing.
    Many people subsist on the pavement of 21C England. That's not a free or equal choice.
    Presently as most of our finances stand, it could happen to any of us despite our best efforts, as any disenfranchised, or excluded, human being, forced to sleep on a concrete pavement will tell you -and it's all down to the *built-in unequal economic model we all function under. It's high time to educate ourselves so that we can make informed decisions. Thank you Gary for the accessible, "Plain English" opportunity.

  12. It is easier for the top 10% to get the bottom 60% to blame immigrants who are working, paying taxes and supporting the economy unlike the leeches at the top, than to do anything about rectifying inequality.

  13. Everyone is too busy blaming those claiming benefits or "foreigners" to see the ones at the top ate really taking everything. Cause enough infighting then you can sneak past unnoticed.

  14. Dont swear Gazza – you don't on your channel, but you won't get most british people on your side (if you talk like a lazy pleb). Your not on the trading floor with 'the boys', anymore

  15. They dont give a crap about you.
    275k uk families are homeless.
    The younger generation have to work twice as hard for half of what it was worth.

  16. Education is the most important thing. It's how we fix the system. It's how we regain control of our country

  17. Gibberish. Zero evidence or reasoning provided. Just inequality is making everything bad. What an obnoxious pr1ck. Luxury beliefs in action.

  18. great. and now how are you going to get this message out to Daily Mail and Sun readers ? (the great propaganda swallowers) of the nation

  19. Dark energy with this guy. So full of himself. Lol calls it right every year – if that was true he could easily solve inequality. Never heard him say anything other than the blatantly obvious. Worrying the media fall over themselves for this guy. Why?

  20. How about the millions each year of 'migrants' competing for housing, school places and medical care?

  21. If you opened your eyes it's already happening but government and you southerners think that the country is opulent, no it isn't, it's f*©ked, it's broken and lost.

  22. The uk government finds money for wars but not for country, but the politicians are not to blame but the illegal immigrants who make our government policies

  23. Unfortunately I think what he doesn’t grasp is: people don’t care
    And that is a truly devastating realisation

  24. There isn't a house shortage for the real people of Britain. There are just too many people being let in and have been let in.

  25. Mate. The issue is people don’t understand money. Nobody (we obviously some do) saves… everyone lives for the weekends and going on holidays and buying materialistic items. That’s what it is. There’s money.


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