
FV4005 Stage II: 10 hits, 10 tanks destroyed – World of Tanks


FV4005 Stage II: 10 hits, 10 tanks destroyed – World of Tanks
WoT replays – best World of Tanks games
The FV4005 Stage II is a British tier 10 tank destroyer.
The FV4005 Stage II marks the end of its British tank destroyer line.
#WorldofTanks #Gaming #WOT
This tank destroyer project was developed on the basis of the Centurion Mk3 tank in the early 1950s. The vehicle was initially tested with a mechanized ammo rack. However, the ammo rack did not fit the turret, and it was canceled. One prototype was manufactured and underwent trials, but the vehicle never entered mass production.

Battle Stats
Player: SLV_Nrg [BMW10]
Tank: FV4005 Stage II
Map: Outpost
Damage: 10202
Frags: 10
Blocked damage: –
Assist damage: 177

Medals: 9
Ace Tanker, Bruiser, Duelist, Fire for Effect, Pascucci’s Medal, Pool’s Medal, Tanker-Sniper, High Caliber, Top Gun,

Mods used for the replay recordings: aslains modpack from wgmods(dot)net
World of Tanks

If You want to send me your replay please use this email (hlpwotreplays-at-gmail-com)
I consider only replays with secret (exclusive) link .
Thank you

world , FV4005 Stage II: 10 hits, 10 tanks destroyed – World of Tanks , #FV4005 #Stage #hits #tanks #destroyed #World #Tanks
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22 pemikiran pada “FV4005 Stage II: 10 hits, 10 tanks destroyed – World of Tanks”

  1. Guys pls help 😢my first time joining world of tanks on ps4 i got attention says the service is not available and the error code is E:OOG22 PLs answer

  2. Doesnt let a teammate roll back into cover and pushes him instead a bit forward. What a bad teamplayer, shouldnt get a feature here..

  3. 1. There is something off with the gun handling here. 2. He did a physics violation and pushed a teammate into enemy fire and you’re rewarding him by featuring his game play? This is one of the things your players hate the most about WG. Complete lack of doing anything to curb the A-holes in the game.

  4. Господи, ну зачем эта бесконечная дроч ролика, как же глаза устают от такого

  5. SLV_Nrg — читер и полный нуб, в игре видно, как он блокирует шанс товарища по команде отступить на 2:35. к тому же его уже давно забанили – наверное за какие-то аимботы или тундры – потому что на серверах больше нет информации об этом аккаунте.

  6. 261 с ходу не повлиял на 900 урона в конце. Хорошо, что у фв было больше хп, и хорошо,что у 261 был заряжен фугас оглушающий, а не усиленный

  7. ok, he got 10 kills BUT, he`s still an ignorant cunt for barging other team players out of the way AND blocking them from reversing out of the line of fire when theyve fired their shot. IMHO, he`s a TURD.


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