
Experimental Evidence of RNA World Hypothesis and Origins of Life on Earth


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Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about an experiment that shows evidence of the RNA World hypothesis

#originsoflife #rnaworld #biology

0:00 Origins of life and RNA World hypothesis
0:53 How we usually find evidence
1:15 Transition on Earth billions of years ago
1:55 Nickel based protein that mimics metabolism
3:12 South African rocks and evidence of ancient bacteria 4:15 Already photosynthesis? 5:25 What about before that though? 6:05 New study on RNA 6:40 RNA World Hypothesis basics 8:10 First experimental evidenc ever

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Dr. Manuel Reinhardt
Salk Institute

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world , Experimental Evidence of RNA World Hypothesis and Origins of Life on Earth , #Experimental #Evidence #RNA #World #Hypothesis #Origins #Life #Earth
, rna world,rna world hypothesis,origins of life,slime,biofilm,bacteria,bacterial community,city of bacteria,anton petrov,science,physics,astrophysics,astronomy,universe,whatdamath,what da math,slime mold,mold,slimey mold,le blob,the blob,iss the blob,blob on the iss,what is intelligence,definition of intelligence,intelligence,slime mold experiment,intelligence without a brain,strange species,strangest creature,strange discovery,strangest animals

45 pemikiran pada “Experimental Evidence of RNA World Hypothesis and Origins of Life on Earth”

  1. So, in other words, we don't know if the RNA Chicken came first or the RNA Egg, but it was likely the egg because it's more simple.
    But we still have no clue how the RNA Chicken or the RNA Egg came about on it's own.

  2. lucky those molecules got together at the first evolution conference and worked out how to magically divide, mutate and become everything that changes all the time, except sharks, alligators and that weird crab whose blood we use for important medical uses.

  3. yeah, so that is just one of many parts of DNA and RNA nucleotides eta.. they all have to come together. Some of these could not live at the time of this so call soup

  4. I’ll continue to read the Bible, as I encourage and support those who search for ways life created itself. Even if by accident. *Good Luck.

  5. I love you Anton, but you should work on making fewer cuts. Some sentences are 3 or 4 cuts. Just some constructive criticism.

  6. There's a critical piece of evidence that suggests that life is older than the earth. How do we know? When we take the DNA of organisms that evolved at specific points in time, and then compare the lengths of their DNA, we see a trend in the length of time it takes for evolution to produce more complex, and therefore longer DNA. And the lengths that the current organisms on earth enjoy are far too long to have been developed in 3.5B years.

    In fact, it would need perhaps billions of years beyond the lifespan of the earth to get to where we are now.

    Our galaxy started as an extremely hot singularity. As it expanded, it cooled. And at some point, it would have been in the temperature range where water is liquid. And it would have stayed at that temperature for hundreds of millions of years, perhaps a billion. During that time, the first stars were shining, burning hydrogen and helium into oxygen and creating vast amounts of water. Would would have been ubiquitous throughout the early universe. In that environment, life was likely created, and it thrived everywhere. As the universe continued to expand and cool, life was forced to retreat to the gravitational wells of stars where planets existed in the Goldylocks zone. The life that first pollinated earth had been around from the early days of the universe,

    And the lengths of our DNA basically prove that.

  7. Origin of life experts say life seems to be an emergent property of systems chemistry, however it happened. These experiments don't prove how it happened, just many ways it *could since we know it *did

  8. life has always just been a (high)way for entropy. that, I think we will find, is not in origin of this planet.

  9. Unlike other scientific theories backed with experimental evidence or theoretical equations, NO chemical reaction sequences or experiments exist that demonstrate non-organic chemicals can coalesce into life-sustaining, information-bearing organic molecules. The “evidence” for abiogenesis is a lingering, subjective and nostalgic interpretation and extrapolation of an outdated concept from 1952
    Abiogenesis is UNscientific. Without elucidating and documenting step-by-step the intricate biochemical mechanisms that are imagined to proceed spontaneously and unguided—it defies common sense and lacks intellectual rigor.

  10. I really hope earth life turns out to originate on earth. Implying abiogenisis is "easy" hopefully making our universe a crowded one 🤞🤞🦠🌏

  11. Thank you Anton for bringing all these topics to the masses. So much of this is never reported on and I am so glad I can come to you to find info on these things. You are amazing!

  12. Try to read "Every Life is on Fire" by Jeremy England.
    His Theory: Evolution is driven by Entropy and effects not only Lifeforms but all matter. DNA has the characteristic to transform light from the sun into heat in a very efficient way, while staying stable for a longer amount of time. Very intersting theory that neglects that there had to be a starting "seed" or something.

    Another intersting one is the time period of the universe where the Cosmic Microwave Background was between 100⁰ C and 0⁰ C. This results in liquid water all over the place, which may or may not be the origin of a very early origin of life. But that would mean, traces should be found everywhere out there, so probably not…

  13. The biggest problem I have with this hypothesis, as someone who worked with RNA in the lab… RNA is a PAIN IN THE BUTT to keep around for more than a few days unless you freeze it at extremely low temperatures.

    In the real world, it breaks down RAPIDLY, even in the absence of RNases. A ton of stuff reacts with it and causes it to hydrolyze. Without finding a form of RNA which can persist stably in the environment for a prolonged period of time, this RNA World hypothesis is a dead end.

    One of the few substances RNA is MORE stable than DNA in is formic acid, and I took advantage of that fact to create a modified decalcification protocol for RNAscope-based in-situ hybridization of bone and cartilage sections. But there is no evidence that there were seas full of formic acid for the RNA life to live in!

  14. Is it possible an extraterrestrial civilization lived on Mars but knew it was doomed so they left for a new Star system but not before seeding Earth?

    The answer is aliens, the answer is always aliens 👽…

  15. It was one chemical reaction that changed non biological to biological. Possibly likely it caused an electrochemical reaction.

  16. So much happiness and joy❤️,$100k every 2weeks! I now have a house and can now afford anything for my family, all thanks to God.

  17. Its like a problem gambler with a magic bag of endless loonies. It just keeps keeps hitting the spin button and never stopping until some RNA appears then dies off but keeps hitting the spin button anyways.

  18. This is brilliant, everything makes sense now. Some hindu scriptures were revealed 860,000 years ago and someone like me cannot even remember what i ate yesterday. Thanks for all the numbers and what we did and didn’t know and that’s the One✨👍💫

  19. A 6 point cycle
    With out it life can not get to 7
    Suck squeeze bang blow
    In and out
    As above so below
    Convection heat cooling condensing water to vapour
    Why is it so complicated
    Try and make life with out it
    Don’t mate how much carbon you have
    No water get you a sun
    To be renewed of reborn
    If. Star dies did it live
    The only way
    Need 6

  20. Short RNA primers are required for DNA replication. The enzymes involved in replication may therefore have evolved first for an RNA substrate and template. Chemical modifications to both ribose and uracil are plausible reasons for RNA to be the first molecule of heredity. RNA also has catalytic activity and serves as the sole genomic material for many viruses.

  21. This universe is a sim and the proof that it is already exists. A lot of it. A whole lot of a lot. Lots and lots and lots. And 100% vettable.

    "Science" that fails to take into account that this universe is a sim is now very, very, very extremely outdated. VERY extremely outdated. No ifs, no buts. Outdated.

    The question that REALLY needs to be answered is "How to stop victimization by the sim?"

  22. After an RNA chain gets to a certain length it "coiled" to create double bonded chains and eventually also sex chromosomes. Different combinations caused variations in when RNA coiled allowing a diversity of mutations in organisms. Life is logic after all. Once anything that likes to stick to itself gets long enough it usually does, and in different ways at that. Lol


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