
Episode 100 World Tour! ▫ Minecraft 1.21 Survival Guide S3


The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 3 continues in Minecraft 1.21 – the Tricky Trials Update!

In today’s video we take a tour of the world after 100 episodes and just over 1 year of real time!

From spawn and starter houses, to huge projects like guardian farms and mountain quarries, and recent additions like Trial Chambers, we’ve made a bunch of progress since the world began in Minecraft 1.20. And there’s still so much left to do!

Along the way we reflect on how the Crafter can now improve many of these farms, how changes to the size of the world’s Spawn Chunks have affected the iron farm, and how many decorative projects I’ve left incomplete – for now!

Survival Guide Season 3 world seed: 787419271612053211

Minecraft soundtrack by C418, Lena Raine, Kumi Tanioka, Aaron Cherof

Season 3 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.20 and beyond!

Follow the Season 3 playlist here:


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time!
Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff!

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #worldtour

world , Episode 100 World Tour! ▫ Minecraft 1.21 Survival Guide S3 , #Episode #World #Tour #Minecraft #Survival #Guide
, pixelriffs,Pixlriffs,Minecraft,Survival,gameplay,PC,Tutorial,Minecraft Survival Guide,Minecraft Survival Let’s Play,Survival Single Player,Minecraft survival series,Minecraft survival tips,How to Survive in Minecraft,Java Edition,Minecraft tutorial beginners,Minecraft Tricky Trials,Minecraft 1.21,Episode 100,World Tour,Minecraft world tour,1 year Minecraft world

37 pemikiran pada “Episode 100 World Tour! ▫ Minecraft 1.21 Survival Guide S3”

  1. You've inspired me to create a new 1.21 world (after your recent vids). Spent hours on it today just exploring and figuring out where to start out in my snowy spawn and how I can expand like in SG. It's my first time settling in one of these biomes, so I'm excited. Great work, Pix – your world is looking fab! 💕

  2. You have Choppin' Tuesday. I think you need an Interior Thursday or a Decorate-It Sunday, lol.

    May I congratulate the finest Minecraft YouTuber on another 100 episodes of Survival Guide.

  3. 5:50 This is one thing that really saddens me when I think about it when playing; and has happened on every single vanilla world I've played, and I've seen it happen to practically everyone else who plays beyond that "2 weeks in summer" meme.

    It's often just not worth it to try and do a spread out a storage build, where different buildings house different items; from either a technical perspective, or the compromise to aesthetics ( trying to get any form of sorting into a small build).

    And since everything is in the warehouse… why build outside of it?

  4. For the square in your storage room you should put a map of your area under a glass floor. A map is something I think every base should have, simply because it helps put stuff into perspective in a really cool way.

  5. Thanks for pointing out the issue with animals tied up near a chunk border breaking away when the chunk is re-loaded. I think that may have happened to a pair of my allays at one point; one of them has never been seen again.

  6. I know its silly but i would make an ice cream cone in the middle of the storage room lol. The woods on the tunnel remind me of the Napolitan ice cream combo. Choco vanilla and strawberry 🍦🍦🍦🍨🍨🍨

  7. The center of the storage room should be the design from the top of the crafting table. Looks like just the right size and shape

  8. Expecting 101 questions next episode. If so. I know why 0 ticking was removed, but I want to know how it was removed.

  9. I found this series looking for some kelp farm designs and I've been watching through the whole thing over the last two months. I'm finally caught up. Everything shown on the tour looked familiar as I've seen it all built from scratch. I used some of the design for the kelp farm, and I used his flooded geode for an amethyst farm too. There's a few other ideas I'm thinking of adapting, but I play on Bedrock, so redstone and some of the other technical gameplay details need to be adapted.

    I put the seed for this world in my seed collection. It looks a bit different on Bedrock because those mountains don't have the waterfalls, but it's mostly similar. The ancient city under those mountains is under the spot where Pixlriffs has his base instead, and the lake where he has his fishing house has a plains village at the far end for some trading opportunities. Most structures are going to be in different spots because of version differences, except for the trail ruins and trial chambers.

    I think Pixlriffs should build a proper stable under the blacksmith. There's enough room there and he won't have to worry about his mounts getting loose. I don't like keeping stuff on leads long term because the leads tend to break at some point and I prefer securing them. Honestly though, mounts aren't really that useful. Boats and elytra are better than horses, donkeys, mules and llamas are inferior to ender chests and shulker boxes, and I play single player so I don't really need camels.

  10. NGL, you talking about living out of your storage room just reminds me of Fwhip saying that one of the reasons he doesn't do massive multi-purpose storage rooms is to force him to move around.

  11. it would be cool to see a tutorial video for a kingdom that you create, but it would be cool to make it at spawn.

  12. Paths to make the place feel alive.
    Meanwhile all the villagers are enslaved in a matrix-like nightmare where they're each confined to their own vertical coffin and forced to produce goods for their maniacal overlord.

  13. I swear it was just yesterday that I started watching the guide. How is it possible that you’re on episode 100 already!? Great content Mr. Pix and cant wait for more!

  14. For a question for 101 questions, what are your thoughts on unobtainable/removed items, like petrified slabs, in survival worlds?

  15. Like when are u going to start S4 are u going to start if u complete like 115 episodes like u did for S2

  16. 8:08 in the last season you did a segment on red stone …. How about a glass floor that looks down at some basic red stone mechanics ?

  17. Nice tour, but 100 Episodes and you did'ntt build a stable for your Horse and Pig?
    It's a real shame that they are still out in the open and in the rain😉

  18. If you'd like an excuse to finish some interiors you could complete several of them off-camera and use that as the theme of an episode where you describe your thought process for decorating. I'm sure most viewers would be interested in that.

  19. Yoooooooooo Pixlriffs I absolutely love your content bro! I can not wait to see what you bring us in the future not sure what that may be but I know im hopeful for something like what you were doing on sos! I would love sos2.0 to start where it ended maybe with different rules(something like being able to use 1 or 2 fate coins to buy a totem) but regardless I want to see more of that spectacular built of yours or maybe if you wanted to stream and have friends join you on this world and rebuild it I want to see what could've been done to that! You and the group of friends you play with(fWhip especially I first subbed to him so long ago and rediscovered him through you later on in life which was like finding a time capsule of my life so cool) are so cool and fun to watch build and play makes me really sad that I'm always just playing single player now that I'm a father and feel like I'm not able to play with my friends and whatnot because I feel like I'm losing time with the kids so watching yall as I'm relaxing or falling asleep really makes me happy seeing what you guys can do and what you're all able to accomplish within your own worlds and in the collaborative worlds! Stay safe and keep up the great work(sorry if that was a little long winded)


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