
Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World


Coming up are some amazing emerging technologies that will change our world!
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21 pemikiran pada “Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World”

  1. I think our fear of AI art is totally the opposite. We shouldn't be thinking "they took our jorbs!" We SHOULD be thinking "We won't need jobs!" Think about it, if AI could do everything, then the cost of production won't cost anything, imagine if your new designer shirt only cost 4 cents because there aren't any humans to pay to design, make, ship, or sell it. AI taking over all the jobs is actually the CORPORATION'S greatest fear because it'll cause the value of their products and services drop like a stone.

    For a utopian future example think of Star Trek, you can make a perfect bottle of wine in a replicator in seconds, but Picard's family runs a vinyard, they make wine purely for the passion of it.

  2. Have people never seen the Terminator movies!!
    AI might seem like a good idea but lack of jobs due to AI taking positions, being able to learn (which can easily get out of our control) and access to our houses and such is a very disturbing idea but people are looking in the now and not in the future.

  3. The Australian bush fires are so sad my fam and i were just watching a show about the Aussie zoo and there was a koala that had his poor little ears singed off from the bush fires 😢

  4. Important note for fusion power: using H2, also called helium 2 or deuterium gives off ASTOUNDING amounts of ionizing radiation. The kind that kills everything dead.
    However… using H3, helium 3, triterium, there's absolutely zero ionizing radiation. You can work next to it in shirtsleeves. Where as fusing deuterium would require scrapping the entire plant as radiation rises.

  5. I‘m sure the firesound drones can‘t put out fire, when the propulsion system blows air into the fire. Because of the winds that large fires produce (hot air rises) soundwaves may be too weak anyway

  6. I would love to see a floating city, where they cultivate algae for food. Not that i want to live in a city like that. I have already lived in a city, and i'm currently living happily in a bigger village in my native Sweden. And they should try everything when it comes to the energy need. A fusion reactor won't fix our needs, hell not even a trillion fusion reactors can fix the need. Only what i call operation sun can do that, which obviously means that we design and manage to make reactors that even survives black holes. Then we send such a reactor to harvest the energy the black holes creates. I'm way ahead. I'm at least a billion years ahead in the future

  7. Safety is overrated and just a way to control people. Some of us choose to accept certain risks, and we don't need anyone making rules for our "safety".

  8. Finding a balance between human and technology is going to be a big problem 1 solution i can think of is using the fire-fighters themselves to train maintaining and repair the drone systems


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